10-11-37 781. COUNCIL CHAMBlIh -l;} October 11, 1937 The Council !t;et !.it 7:30 P.M. with the Mayor, City Attorney and all ll'.ember~ of the Council present. The minute" of the regular meetir.g of Sept- ember 27th and the 2pecial meetings of October 4th were approved as read. i-'- The Chairman :,'tated that a motion to reduce the salaries of the Councilmen to $1.00 per year had been made and seconded at the last meeting and tllut tbe matter' remained unfi~ished business inasmuch as a vote had not been taken OIl Eaid moti0n. He thercuron asked the Clerk to call the roll, and the voting wa, as follows: 1fD:. Darton no, Mr. Hill yes, VIr. Genton no, Mr. Gwynn yes, Mr. Vlodj.schek res. The moti.on carried. i I i The City Atto:r:'ney requested the Council's instru ction hi y'ogard to drawing an ordinance coveri.ng this salary change, Slsking when it was to take effect and for what period it was to cover. It was moved, therefore, by Mr. Viodischek that the City Attorney draw an ordinance covering compens3tion at one dollar per year, comrnencing November l~'t. No second was offe:red to MI'. Wodi~;chek' s mati on, whereupon Mr. Gwynn was asked to take the Chair and ~>. ilill seconded same. The vote was as follo',,!s: MI'. Barton n'ot voting, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Genton no, Mr. Gwynn no, Mr.'vodischek yes. The motion was 10 st. i',' t;. A ,letter was then read from Mrs. Lauren C. Hand, Pres,ident o~ the 'lioman's Club, stating that a Delray Beach citizen had offeI",;d his private collection of books, t9gether with a sum of money, approximately one thousand dollars, tOVcards the establishment of a local library and the Club therefore asked that the City Council appoint a library board of representative citizens to investigate the possibility of creating a publi.c library for the City. Mrs. Eand addres,sed the Council, further explaining what wa~desired and stated that the donor in offering his aid to this movement, did so onlj' on condition that he v,ould be assured of t.be pr'):;er housing and core of the books donoted and that ample provision would be made for the permanent maint.sn- ance of such a libr'lry after its establishment. This would necessarily entail an 8nnucl outlay by the Ci tj' in sUFPort of same. These were the things, she said, 783 COUNCIL CP~BER - October 11, 1937 ,. v' A letter from Mrs. Nancy G. Moseley asking the Council to reconsider her offer to settle taxes on 49 acres of vacant property in Section 4, was read by the Clerk. The Council was of the opinion that no better settlement could be offered than $200.00 as decided upon at the previous meeting of the Council. No further action was taken. Mr. Grover B ker presented bill for equipment rental on the F.W.P.A. project and asked that same be approved and allowed as credit on taxes owed by him on Lots 5,13 and 14 Elock 61. Tlese rental charges, to date, amounted to $532.61. As Legion member of the committee furthering the Playground Project, he r8co~~ended also,that the City continue with the work and use of his equipment until the nroject is COffiyleted as originally planned. He explained that he had rented this equipment to the City at a low rental cost and that the submitted bill was based on the figures of Howard Cromer who was keeping an itemized record of all such service. On motion of Mr. Barton, the bills were referred to the City Clerk, who was directed to check same, and i.f found in order, to iscue tax receipts; to Mr. Baker, allowing said $532.61 as credit on seme. A letter from the Florida League of Munici- palities asking Delray to c0ntribute a page of Cldvertis- ing, at a cost of ~200.00, for publication in the Muni- cipal Record, was read. It was moved by Mr. 'Nodischek, seconded by Mr. Barton and unanimously carried, that the letter be filed and the Clerk notify the League that as the City's advertising fund vias entirely exhausted the Council was unable to consider its present proposition. The City Attorney stated ttat at an informal meeting of the Council, October 6, he reported that Calm- grove Securities Corporation had agreed to a further cut in millage, reducing its levy demand for 1937-1938 to 11 ml."l'" "n~ +ha'+ +ha memh~r" had o~reeQ' to a. c0ept 2' .......u --l i.'..... '-'.L-.l. V "'..........' _u~ ",...."" u ;...I.e'" ,-' j this compromise rather than delay matters by taking the case to court in an effort to obtain a spread levy as authorized at last meeting. Satisfactory agreements had been reached with other bond creditors, he said, whose attorneys were preparing mandamus suits, to which he would make n:turn and then on that basis, draw the 1937-1938 levy resolution. (,,- The following ordinance was presented and read in full: 784 COUNCIL CHA..\lIBER - October 11th, 1937 ORDIRANCE 196 BOOK 4 .~:> AN ORDINANCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TI{E CIT! OF DELEAY Bl.icCH AUTEOHIZING THE SALE OF TAX S,ALE CERTIFIC)..TJ~2 ~'~ND SPECIAL ASSESSlffiNT LIE..l\JS FOR THE l~ lQ~2 JUTI) ?RIOR YlliUiS; PROVIDING THE MANNEIl IN ',',EICH SAID TA,':. S.:U.E CEF,TIFICATES SHALL BE SOLD; TO V;nOM TEE SAME SHALL !:iE SOLD ~ND THE MiJ'lNER IN "';HICH I'HE FhOCEEDCO FF.m~ TIlE SALE OF SAID CEHTIFIC.\.TES ;3H.ALI. BE DISBTJH~ED. It was moved by Mr. Eart~n, seconded by Mr. Genton and unanimously carri.ed that the ordinance be passed on its first readihg. The following ordinance was also prec'ented and read in full: ORDINANCE 197 BOOK 4 .AN ORDIN.!"J-TCE ]r~i.KIN'G IT i..;1\YLA'\';:F1JL TO 11.,TAl'TIJF": CTTIRE, Ow'" sm10RE TTI;'EF "DOC' co"'''' " CELT D"'''''T T 1;"CE ,U.'l , ,L'\..i..;..I, ~ ....... ......'-'.....,....... ......,..cu...u.~ , ....,~~'-' , LE'r, LErm, GIVE AWAY, USE OE .OPERATE SLOT 1~lCHINES OR SIMILU, DEVISES OPERATED BY COIN OR OTHERWISE: DEFINING SUOH DEVICES: PROvr:JING FOE THEIE SEIZme Al'ID llESTRUDTION A..1W PEOVIDING FOR THE FORFITrUm: OF ~I;JNZY AND CTET..R TI:INGS OF VALUE 'rHLH~IN; .AND PHE,SCEIEING TEE PENAIJTIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF I'H~ PRJVI5ION[ OF THIS JRDINl..1IJCE. It was moved by Mr. Wodischek, seconded by Mr. Barton and up~nimously carried that the ordinance be passed on its first reading. L,~ Mr. W.K. Walter,', apTOeared before the Council and asked permissiop to dig 4:"inch dr~: wells ,;:''&n Fo ach side of ll'o-Jo Avenue and to mQke a series of indentures in the street for the 9urpose of. drainine off water which now stands 3t the West end of said street in wet weather. He agreed t.o be responsible for an:Adamage to said street, and it was therefore moved by Mr. Genton, seconded by Mr. Barton and unanimously carried t.hat Mr. '''!alter~; be permitted to put in wells ~nd make the indentures as requested, and that the Nassau Park developers be held responsible for any damage to the str~et or public property that may result. No bond was required of Mr. ",":altcrs however. The Clerk presented a bill of Clint Moore's for $292.50 coverine logs supr.lied for Playground project., It "'as stated that a number of these 'i,'ere too cro~ked for use on the project ~nd the City had no use for same 785 COUNCIL Ca~ffiER - October 11th, 1937 unless they could be used for bulkheadIimg. After dis- cussion it was agreed to accept them for this purpose and a~~rove said bill, which was to be allowed as credit on t1r. Moore's taxes, together with ")ther bills totalling $554.40 as outlined in previous minutes of the council. The following resolution wne; then presented and read, and Qn '110ti on regularly made, sec0nded and c~,rried, adopted. ;. RE3 JlTJTION 'JF TEE CIT~~ COTJl~CIL OFE-1E CTI'Y OF DKLH.\Y BEACH, FLOEI;)..'l., IN REGTTLl\.R 2E::.::?ION 2ITTING, FIZING TE= C:.AT-JAILIE,S OF CIET..'\.IN CITY "E;lTLO~tEES , 'iim:;:(lI.'.J, The City Council of the City of Delroy Peach, Florida, has auth0rized a wage increase for City employees, to become effective as of OctQber 1, 1937, the beginning Qf the fiscal year 1937-1938. NOVi, rrE:SEEFORE, DE IT nEe OL VED by the authority aforssaid_, that the salaries of the following employees or said City be fixed as follows: Paul Nicolls Howard Cromer Deputy Clerk :!1 84.70 per mo. 'W " 11 65.00 " " ;::',crvice :Man 100.00 " " Plumb. &; Sani- 90.00 '1'1 .. tary Inspector Asst. Supt. 100.00 " " F.1h'.P.A. 32.00 " wk Supervisor Lee Bc:_le Prie~~t Jane Hagerman John GreGory Frederick BrQwn .illOPTSD bJ' the Ci t~. Council, in regu191' session sitting, October 11, 1937. 1f~. Gsnton moved that 1f~. Bro~~ts sclary be raised to $100.00 per month, in view of ths fact that he takes cars of all the City's plgmbing work around the City Hall alld Parl{. Mr. Wodischek seconded the motion" and on roll call, the vote was as follows: 1!r. Barton no, ~~. Hill no, Mr. Genton yes, Mr. Gwynn no, !Lr. Wod- ischek yes. The ~otion was lost. A resolution approving the substitution of a new pumping contract for the City from the Florida Power and Light Company was presented and read. The City Attorney stated he had ap~rcved same as to its legal correctness and l1r. Hill and :Mr. Barton advised they ha.d looked into same and that it merely provided a rate 786 COUNCIL C"L",l:BER - October 11th, 1937 \.' reduction unc was a better contract than the present one under 1Nhich the Ci ty is opera tinE':. Mr. Barton moved the adoption of said Resolution as follows: R=~OLTJTION 198-A BOOK 4 AP~T.OVIN(1.\ rFOTOSED I~ETTEE JiGE:::71',:EtYr ~:,:JTE FLOPI-r;t T'C",r:?:E &, T-,IGET C01IT'~0J\"Y T'B8'7I:JIN0 ~0?~ TH~ 0~.TB~TI'I'TTr;ION OF ::>'~ID CO~\'~.;\.IT:{t2 F~\.T:-2 =CEED~~.E NO. X-1'7 FOR AND IN I.,I~U J.ii' rEi ...r_ID co:r?.t1.:~Y' ~~; l~~\.'I= ,-"Cl.::LD'JLE NO. 211-B IX Tiii..'r CERTAIX =T-,-\.I1DMlD Ll:J.RGE r'JI:.EH ..:~GlI.LE2ELl'LC CJVZf(- ING li.LL r<>,',"ER n.I:JD ~jNEE.GY hEQ)JIREl) .FOR .hND Ii'T . COHNECI'IJN '.'/~IT.H THE CITY'S :M1.TNI:I:?_U ',}ATEH pm'TING ._'Y~--;T=t,~ LOC_~T=D n.~ .JEI..i'~:\..Y ELACi-I, FLOI~IDA, D\TED '.2:::= 3th [;.rl.Y OE J:JLY, 1934; A'Uj:::~~':hIZIl'~Q AND DIHECTIN8 TEE IL.~YOI~ iUm THE crry ''::LEHK OF AND:JN EE.E,~F OJ? ~HE CITY rre LLSCUTE A.ND I.}J':-~It INTO rEEE 0i-..1D l.ET':2:LE .-\.GHi::.21v=~J'r :,-IT.E FLOhILA ?'J,11rEH &. L1GH1r C01\T .clTY. Mr. Cwynn :,eeonded, th~ motion and on ;::?ll call, the vote 'i,vas as f:Jll:)~N~~,: Mr. .::)arton yes, 1~r. .ti~ll ;Ie::" Mr. Genton yes, Mr.:J'i.\'inn .Ie::::, 1~. 'Nodischek no. Th<:; ;-not.:ton carried. 11r. 1';odisGhek brcHlght up the matter of testing welght2 and :nea ur'2:::;, in tOV.,rn) c:tnting t:l:lt tt VIas within the province of the police denartmcnt to make such tests, ~ut that the City did not have the test weights and pare.:pher!1o.1i:l necd~;2,2ry to do 2':>. The Marc)!' 'v',~~';_:3 therefore authorized to have the '.'Vest Pe.1m Beach inspector come down and make a te::,t of "J'Jei€ht;:; D.nc sC8.1e~ used. by Delray Beach ffisrchants. Couneil:nan Genton reported having inv,,'stigated the Lula ElagleI' C~~L3e, \\'here fr8evvater ::"ervi~e had been requtsted ,3.nd r2Ccll'l.1Tlinded that it be not &llJwed, there- fore no actlon was t0ken in the matter. Mr. '.;'i.O. '~'linn asked the Council's in:.truction reg~rding percentage of deDreciation to be allowed on City property o.nd equi:pment in t~i8 yearts Dud5t-- also what should be done in t'le ac~rual of band intere,;t. He was instructed to depreciate said properties on the same basis as ~e did last year an~ to accrue interest only on unmatured b~nd2 as has always bcen done in the past. Councilman Gwynn advised that he had been asked to extend to t'le Council an invi tstion from the rl.llleric'w Legion to i t~ r:leetillg the following evenin8. 787 COUNCIL C?_\J''[BER - October 11th. 1937 >,' D "'IOI'I,4.. 100' J.' ce C" I' e f Q C lr~" y,," "ml' .. "I' on to .~J.. ..I.w ....0,.\. _J_ ......" (....;J;~e..... .:.:-_..1...,. .~".:' -. have th8 white jail partitioned off into three cells, and ,on ,mQtion of Mr. ,{odischek. ceccmded by I':r. Gwynn aTl6UVlaTl'''''''OV~",_ tdrrle.-, nwas au~narlzed to have the necessary work done. On nntion e>f Mr. Gentoll, Eecnnded by 1IT.';;od.- ischek and unantmo1lccly c!.irried, bills numbered 2372 to 2409, havL;1g been 0: K' d bY' the Financ~~ COrrL',1J t tee, 1Here returned to the Council, and ordered paid. Meeting ad,iollrned. m~ty~;~(~' ,~~ :~ .' .~ ~ ! , J; , :j -',I ~