11-01-37 Adjourned Special
November 1.., 1937
The Council convened fl. t 7: 30 P.M., in adj ourned
special session, to receive complaints and to approve
ghe Engineer's reoort and assessment roll for improving
and paving of Andrews and Lowry Streets and Seabreeze
Avenue; also for the purpose of examining and approving
the tax rolls for the year 1937, as submitted by the City
Tax Assessor, Mae W. Cramp, and totake up certain other
current matters of business.
The Mayor, and following members of the Council
were present: Mr. Barton, Mr. Genton, Mr. Gwynn and Mr.
Wodischek. In the absence of Mr. Hill, it was moved
by Mr. Barton, seconded by 1lr. Genton and unanimously
carried, that 1~. Gwynn be elected Chairman, pro Tem,
of the meeting.
A Petition was received and read from The Delray
Beach Tennis Association asking the Council to grant to
said Association, active management of the ne111 tennis
courts located at the Athletic Field, the upkeep of same
to be assumed by said Tennis Club, who propose to charge
a membership fee of $5.00 per year, per member, for the
first fifty charter members, and all additional member-
ships at the rate of $10.00 per vear.
Considerable discussion ensued as a result of
the petition in which Mr. Kraus, President of the Tennis
Association was asked if provision had been made for
the free use of any of the new courts by the sphool
children. He said this qad not been done, inasmuch as
it was hoped that through the mutual cooperation of the
Tennis Association and City and County authorities the
courts at the school grounds could be resurfaced and
put into pl9.ying condition for the school children.
Councilman Barton was in favor of granting the
Association's request, as he said it would be impossible
for the City to assume full charge and cost of maintain-
ing the courts. He thought the present re~uest should be ,
given immediate consideration and the matter of rebuilding
the school courts be taken up later, and accordingly
moved that the request of the Delray Beach Tennis Assoc-
iatioR be granted and the City Attorney authorized to
draw/suitable agreement to be entered into by the City
and the Tennis Aesociation. Mr. ':iddischek seconded the
motion, and on roll call, the vote was as follows:
COl~CIL CBJffi~BER - November ~, 1937
l~. Barton- yes, 1'.r. Genton yes, Mr. Gwynn yes, Mr. -dod-
ischek ves. The motion carried. It was further re-
quested" by Miss Galvin, Temporary Secretary of the Tennie
Ascociation, that the City have two courts finished in oil.
1~. Grover Baker, representing the Milton-Myers
Post, asked that free license be granted his organization
for the privilege of presenting one night's vaudeville
performance by the Haefner-Vinson Players, on Friday
night, December 3rd. It was moved by Mr.,iodischek,
seconded bv 1'.r. Genton and unanimouslv carried that said
privilege be gr9.nted the American Legion and that the
fifty dollar license fee be returned to said organization
in consideration of service rendered in the past.
Mr. Geo. Carr presented for the Council's inspect-
ion, a tentative plat of Ocean Breeze Estates, being a
subdivision of Muck lots 139, 147, 155, 163 and the si
of Lots 146, 154 and 162. It was moved by Mr. Barton
that said plat be tentatively approved by the Council, but
recommended that S8me be referred to the Zoning Committee
for its inspection and approval before final acceptance.
Mr. Genton seconded the motion and on roll call, it
carried unanimously.
Mr. Clint Moore asked that Thomas Street right-
of-way be cleared and grubbed from Andrews Street to the
Boulevard a distance of 9.bout 400 feet, which he
stated could be done for about $100.00. It was decided
to defer action in this matter until the arrival of Mr.
Fox, one of the property owners abutting on said Thomas
1fur. Gracey stated he was arranging to plan\palms
along the street in front of his property on Lowry street
and Seabreeze ~venue and en~uired if the City would agree
to water these trees with its portable tank and City labor.
Mr. Barton assured him the City would cooperate to that
extent if he would plant the trees.
The 'Tax .\ssessor, Mae W. Cramp, then presented
the completed tax rolls for the year 1937 to the Council
for its approval. The members proceeded to check said
tax assessment rolls, and upon motion of Mr. Wodischek,
seconded by 1rr. Barton, and unanimously carried, the tax
rolls, as submitted by the Tax Aseessor, for the year
1937 were approved and certified to by the- Council, and
attested by the Clerk of said Council, and copies of the
following certifidatiom" affidavits and warrants for
collection were ordered attached and made Dart of said
1937 rolls. -
COUNCIL CHAMBER - November !b, Hl37
TO: MAE 'i!. CIiJ\J)T. Tax Assessor
The undersigned president and clerk of
the City Council of the City of Delray Beach,
Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoing ass-
essment roll for 1937 of the tB-xable real estate
within the City of Delrsy Beach, Florida, has -
been revised and equalized by the City Council,
sitting as a Board of E0,ualization of Taxes,
and that the valuations fixed upon this assess-
ment roll shall be deemed final and said valuations
shall not be chaneed.
D~TED this 83rd day 0f ~ugust, A.D. 1937.
C.::. !:ill
Fresident of the City Council
~. E)..L
TO: 1~ V!. CFUJ'iTp, Tax Assessor.
The undersigned president and clerk of
the City Council of the City of Delray Beach,
Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoing ass-
essment roll for 1937 of the taxable personal
property within the City of Delray Beach, Florid?,
has been revised and equalized by the City Council,
sitting as a Board of Equalization of Taxes, and
that the valuations fixed upon this aesessment roll
shall be deemed final and said valuations shall
not be changed.
DA'rED this 23rd day of ;cugust, A.D. 1937.
C.V.. Hill
President of the City Council
Mae W. Cramp
Clerk of the City Council
COUNCIL CliMKBER - November 1, 1937
Personally appeared before me, Uhe W. ~ramp
Assessor of Taxes for the City of Delray Beach,
Palm Beach County, State of Florida, who being duly
sworn, B"l'S the above assessment Roll contains a
true statement and description of all persons and
property in the ahove City of Delray Beach subject
to taxation or liable to be assessed therein, and
that the valuations thereof, so far as they were
made by her, are just and correct 80 far as she
has been able to ascertain.
Mae 'V. Cramp
City Tax ~ssessor,
City of Delraj' Be,_.ch, Fla.
SWorn to and suhscribed before me this the
1st day of SeDtember A.D., 1937.
'iiilmina Harvel
Notary Fublic, State of
Florida at Large. My
Commission Expires January
19, 1940.
We the undersiGned City Councilmen in and
for the City of Delray Beach, Palm Beach county,
State of Florida do hereby certify that we have
carefully examined the foregoing Assessment Roll
of said city for the year A.D. Nineteen Hundred
and Thirty-seven, and have compared the original
and two copies thereof, as required by the Charter
Act of the City of Delray Beach and General Laws
of the State of Florida, Dertaining to the collection
of the municipal taxes, and find the same to be
C. 'II. Eill
Arthur Barton
J .K. Gwynn
V.1\.. Genton
F.Vl. TNodischek
City Councilmen, City
of Delray Beach, Fla.
COUNCIL CH;~tBER - November 1, 1937
TO: Mae W. Cramp, Tax Collector in and for the
City of Delrey Beach, Florida:
You are hereby commanded to collect out of
the real estate and personal ~roperty, from each
of its persons and corporations named in the annexed
assessment roll the amount of tax set down opposite
the name of each person or corporation, or lot,
parcel or tract of land described therein, and in
case the taxes imposed are not paid at the time
Drescribed by law, you are to collect the same by
ievy and sale of the goods and chattels, lands and
tenenments, and all moniee collected on behalf of
the City of Delray Beach you are to pay over to the
Ci ty Treasurer, and you are further required. to
make all collections on or before the 1st day of
April 1938 or else hold all unpaid taxes as delinquent.
Mae W. Cramp
Tax Assessor
Given under my hand and seal this the
in the year A.D. 1937.
Mae 'In Cramp
Assessor of Taxes
Delray Beach, Fla.
I hereby certify that the warrant given under
the hand of Mae Cramp, City Assessor of Taxes, to
Mae VI. Cramp, 'fax Colle ctor, and at ta ched to the
Assessment Roll for the City of Delray Beach,
Palm Beach County, Florida for the year A.D.
Nineteen Hundred and Thirty-seven, has been duly
recorded on page~DD of the minutes of the
City Council in and for said city aforesaid as
required by the Charter Act of the City of Delroy
Beach, and General Laws of the State of Florida,
pertaining to the collection of municipal taxes.
Given under my hand and seal of office this
day of A.D., 1937.
Mae W. Cramp
City Clerk
City of Delray Beach.
COl~CIL CEj~r,BER - November 1, 1937
The m~tter of ~pproving the street assessments
for Andrews and Lowry streets and Seabreeze ",venue paving
was then taken up. Mr. R.C. McNeil, who was present,
protested said assessment, on the grounds that same was
excessi ve. He also claimed his property had been d aInaged
by reason of the raise in the grade of Andrews street,
cuasing water to drain onto his Vist' ~el Mar property.
He also felt that the property should be assess0d for
the paving only, and that the cost of the fill should
be assumed by the whole town. The City Attorney ex-
Dlained that all such improvements were assessable to
abutting property and could not be assessed to other
property not actually benefitted thereby.
Willard Waters' main comDl~int was in regard
to the cost of the imorovement, which he felt was ex-
1~. Clint Moore and Geo. Carr were present
and explained that the paving of streets over muck land
required an extr'lordinary amount of fill and that
Andrews Street had been an exoensive proposition, due to
this fact. The price charged was as low as could possibly
be figured on such work, they said. The City Attorney
informed Mr. McNeil that the entire paving program had
been done in ~ccord with legal requirements and charter
provisions -- that same had been petitioned for by the
abutting property owners, 5nd that it was too late, at
this time, to protest because of the cost. He said if
property owners considered they were over-assessed their
recourse would be in court. He also suggested that
1~. Mclieil get a copy of the State Road Department's'
costs for paving of such muck streets, which he was
sure they would find to be upDroximately twenty per-
oent higher than that charged for the Andrews Street
Mr. McNeil finally requested that the meeting
be postponed until Monday night, November 8th, allowing
him additional time to look further into the matter,
and make necessary enc:uiries, which he had been unable
to do because of his absence from the City until tlJat
day. In compliance with his request mt was ~oved by
1mr. Barton, seconded by Mr. Wodischek, and unanimously
carried that the meeting for the purpose of confirming
the assessment roll on Andrews & Lowry streets and Sea-
breelile Avenue be postponed until next regular meeting
of the Council, Monday night November Sth, at which
time the City Council will proceed t.o pas~a resolution
ratifying, ec:ualizing and confirming said assessment roll.
made, seconded ,;nd carried
@~ Qv:LWk ~r
. res~