11-08-37 Regular 802 -,:~l COUNCIL CH.AMBER November a, 1987 ~e Council met in regular session at 7130 P.M. wi'l>h too ~or, City At'l>orney and all mem- bers of the COUllCil present. . minutes of tile last regular meet- ing ard tile spe cial ee t1ng held November 1st were read and approved. A letter addressed to tile City Att- or ney by R. S. ~e cllBn s was read to tile Counc il. in which Ile protested a bill of $146.00 for moving of ~lms from Gleason Street right-of-way by JoU.kB Blank, It was stated that this work had I10t been charged to Zook Palm Nurserie s, and tha t said bill was being assumed by the City. Kr. Byrd was inst1'llcted to advise Mr. l'eollBlls tha t it was the CUI f S intent ion to pay same. A communication was reoeiwed inviting GUy officials to the Florida Leagu.e of .Municipalties Convention to be bald in st. Petersburg on Deoember 2nd and 3rd al so an application form and a reqU8 at that the ca!y of Delral Beach beooe an active member of said organization. It was moved by Counp.ilman Gwynn that tba City Clerk communicate with .IIir. Owen. Secretary of the Leagwa, eniu:ti'j,ng as to I'1>.lea and regnlations governing its members and what t~e annual member ship fee would be for a City 0 f Delr BY s s1 ze. Kr. Genton secorded the motion, whioh ca rr1.ed unan- imously. ,be City Attorney reported he had prepared returns of compliance to the five peremptory writs of mandallDls agains t the City, sa1d suits deaand- ing a tax levy :fb r CltI.rrent interest on bonds held by the following bo!lil.holders: Vermont Investment Co. - Common Law Case .~ Jas. R. Easton. Albert C. Mittendorf, &. A.S. Huyok- Common Law Case B3a3 Bessemer Propertie s, Ino. Common Law Case B3a& Calmgrove Securities Corp. 2328-M-Civil George Kiess - 2462-Jl-Civll ~03 COUNCIL CHllMBER - Nove mer 8. 1937 , By motion of lIr. Barton, seconded by Kr. Genton and unanimously carried. the at tl Attorney was authorized to file said retu.ms of compliance in answer to tba dellBnds of the above wr1 ts a! mandamus. ~he President of the Recreation Club, W.A. Jacobs. reported tIE t the reConditioning work on the shuffleboard courts had been completed am. the cost of same bad amounted to a little less than $160.00 . He thanked the Oouncil for the financial assistanoe rendered. ~he following ordinance was then introduoed and placed on it s first reading. ORDINANCE 198 ~QIt ~ AN ORDINANCE COl'lFIRMmG AN~UA.LIZING ASSESS- MENTS FOR TEE FILLmG. GRADING AND PAVmG OF ANDREWS STREET. LOWRY STREET AND SEABREEZE AVE:mll!l AND LEVYmG SPl!Xl IAL IMPBO VElIENT ASSESS- MEBTS AS SHOWN BY THE ASSESSlIENT ROLL FOR SAID SPECIAL IMPROVE1'EBTS; PROVIDING THE METHOD SAID SPl!XlIAL ASSESSMENTS SHALL BE MADE, THE TIME WHEN THE SAME SllALL BECOME PAYABLE; THA.~ SAID ASSESSMEftS TO BE LEVII!:D SHALL BE A LIEN FROM THE DATE OF THE ASSESSMENT. UPON THE RESPECTIVE LOTS DESCRIBED ON SAID ASSESSMENT ROLL AND SET FORTH EEREIN; THE MANNER IN WHICH SAID ASSESSMENTS ARE TO BE COLIECTED AND PROVIDING FOR TEE ISSUANCE OF SPECIAL CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS FOR THE AMOUNTS SO ASSESSED AGAmST TEE ASSESSABLE PIDPERTY AND PROVIDING THAT TEE CITY MAY TRANSFER AND DELJ:IlER SAID SPECIAL CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTED- NESS TO THE CONTRACTOR, CITY ENGINEER AND CITY ATTORNEr IN PAYMENT OF SAID SPECIAL IMPROVEMENTS. It was moved by Mr. Gwynn that the ordinallOe be passed on its first reading. Mr. Wod- ischek seco!lil.ed the motion, and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Barton yes. Mr. Hill yes, Kr. Genton yes, lIr. Gwynn yes, ~. Wodischek yes. The motion carried. Geo. Carr Engineer. presented for the inspection and Council's acceptance, completed plat of OCEAN BREEZE ESTATES. Th~embers objected to some of the easements as shown on the submitted plat, whereupon Mr. Carr agreed to change these to conform with tiE recommendation of the Council. 8011 COUNCIL CEAMBIR - November 8. 1937 ~.~'- it was then moved by Mr. Barton that the plat of OCEAN BREEZE ESTATES, with tile recomll8nded correction as to easements be approved and accepted. lIr. Genton seconded the motion, and on roll call. the vote was as follOws: llr. Barton 'Ie s.!,. lIr. Hill yes, lIr. Genton yes, llr. Gwynn yes and llr. wodischek yes. ~b.e motion was declared carried. .~ ,. Tb.e Building Inspe ctor then presented for the Councilfs ~onsideration. the application of W.E. Barto for special pennit to add a porte-cochere on the side of his present bungalow. It was explained t~~ llr. Barto.s lot was only 33 feet in width and t~~dded co~tru.ction would extend to with- in a foot of JaokLee s property line, on the North. It was further explained that Mr. Lee had no object- ion to sameFd that llr. Barto had agreed to remove same in the event that some future purChaser of the Lee property reque sted him to do so. It was mo.-ed by Mr. Barton, that under the se conditions, the requirements as to distance from lot lines be waived. and permit No. &88 be granted Kr. Barto for afore- said constru.ction. lIr. Genton seconded the motion, and, on roll call. the vote was unanimous. and the motion was declared carried. . Bignt-of-way deed as follows was sub- mitted by the Clelk, and on motion of Mr. Gw,ynn, seconded. by Kr. Wodiscbek, and unanimously carried, ( the deed was accepted and ordered placed on record. }'> Leland &. Kathleen J. Sterry to Ci~~ of DeJray Beach for the E33' of the 5t of the Ii Lot 11, Sec. 8 ~be Chairman of the Light Committee reported that approximately 14 or 15 additional street lights would be turned on about December 1st, and that this included about five whitewsy lights on Atlantic Avenue. It was recommended that the Power Company be inst1'llcted to turn on said lights as soon as possible. As a mode of advertising Delml Beach, the members were asked if they would be favor- able to having a "DELRAY BEACH - THE OCEAN CITY" sign painted on the s:lAe of a large produce t1'llck belonging to Gene .Burd, which makes regnlar trips to and from Delrey to the\large Northem Oi ties, through- out the Season. No action was taken in this matter, as the members were of the opinion that the advertis- ing benefit was insufficient to warrant an outlay of $25.00. by the City, for the painting of such a slogan. 805 COUNCIL CHAMBER - November 8. 1937 . It was moved by lIr. Genton, seconded by Kr. Wodischek. and unanimously oarried, that bills numbered 2439 to 2471, having been O.KI~ by the Finance Gommittee. be re1;urned to the Council am oro.ered paid. By motion regularly made, seconded and carried, Council adjourned. ~ f12.MJ. a (YWJ? ",'+- APPROVED: A- /0 Ji'reSi& O{Zunoil Chamber ;, . f