12-13-37 Regular 81-6 COUNCIL CHAMBER r .~ ~f Deoember 13, 1937 ~ , v' The Counoil met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. with the Mayor, City Attorney and all members ot the Counoil present. The minutes ot the regular meeting ot Nov- ember 22nd and the speoial meetings ot Deoember 6th and 8th were approved as read. A letter was read trom Zook Palm Nurseries, Ino. in whioh objeotion was raised to the removal, by the City, of muok and marl from Watson street right:"ot-way and,adjaoent property belonging to Mr. Zook. Mr. John Adams, representing the oomplainant, said his olient asked that there be no further removal of dirt and stated he expeoted reimbursement for damage done thereby. The City fngineer reported apprOXimately 100 or 125 ou yds. of-soil had been removed b~t in so doing he oonsidered it had benefited the property inasmuch as it had tended to drain the mosquitO-breeding potholes in thativicinity. It was finally moved py'~Mr. Gwynn that Mr. Adams notity his olient that~~urtner spoil would be stopped and that he enquire as to the amount of damage remuneration he considered due him. Mr. Wodischek seoonded the motion, whioh carried unanimously. A letter from Lake Worth Federal Savings and Loan Association with reterenoe to investing City monies in share accounts ot said oompany was read by the Clerk. The City Attorney said he was unable te reconcile the new law provided by Chapter 17905 page 400, ot the 1937 Special Acts with Seotion 10 Artiole 9 ot the Constitution and tor that reason was ot the opinion that the new Statute was unoonst- itutional. ~ ~ i..." Mr. Dee and R.S. Erskine, representatives ot the association turther explained the workings ot the organization and said that the Federal Gover~ent was authorized to subsoribe three shares to eao~one ot the Association, and that tor every dollar tiaken out ot Delray Beaoh, two dollars would be loaned in this City tOr construotion ot new homes and buildings. This, they considered, would benetit the City by stim- ulating building and giving employment to the trades, beside. paying 4~ on such investments, whereas City accounts draw no interest in the banks. 81-8 COUNCIL CHAMBER - December l3, 1937 ORDINAECE 312 BOOK 4 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH IN PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, PROVIDING POLICE REGULATIONS RELATIVE TO WEIGHTS AND MEASURES; PROVIDING THAT IT SHALL BE UNLAWFUL FOR ANY PERSON, FIRM OR CORPORATION TO MISREPRESENT THE WEIGHT OR MEASUREMENT OF ANY Q.UANTITY OF ANY ARTICLES, GOODS, WARES, COMMODITIES OR MERCHANDISE SOLD OR DELIVERED OR OFFERED FOR DELlv.J:<;j{Y OR OFFERED FOR SALE OR DISPLAYED WITHIN SAID CITY; REQ.UIRING EVERY PERSON, FIRM OR CORPORATION ENGAGED IN THE SALE OF THE SAME WHEN SOLD OR OF.l!'J!a{I!;D FOR SALE IN PACKAGES TO CAUSE EACH SUCH PACKAGE TO BE DISTINCTLY LABELLED SHOWING THE CONTENTS OF SAID PACKAGE AND THE EXACT mIGHT OR MEASURl!MENT THEREOF; MAKING IT UNLAWFUL TO SELL OR OFFER FOR SALE ANY FlREWClOD, MUCK, SAND, OR ROCK IN ANY OTHER MANNER THAN BY CUBICAL MEASURES AND PROVIDING REG~ ULATIONS FOR SALE THEREOF; AUTHORIZING, EMPOWERING AND DIRECTING THE SEALER OF WEIGHTS (CHIEF OF POLICE) TO SEIZE FOR USE AS EVIDENCE WITHOUT WARRANT ANY PACKAGED ARTICLE, GOODS, WARES, COMMODITIES OR MERCHANDISE OFFERED FOR SALE OR DISPLAYED IN VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE; DEFINING THE TERMS USED IN THIS ORDINANCE; FIXING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF SAID ORD- INANCE; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. The ordinance having been read in tull the second time, it was moved by Mr. Genton, seconded by Mr. Gwynn and unanimously carried that same be adopted on its second reading and tinal passage. Mr. Cromer reported that property owners on the East side ot the Federal Highway had all deposited money tor the raising ot the side-walk as previously requested by Mr. Giardano and that these two owners had detinitely agreed to pay their share ot the cost upon oompletion. It was there tore mo~ed by Mr. Wodischek that the Street Committee be empowered to act, and have the work done im- mediately. Mr. Gwynn seoonded the motion, whioh carried unanimously. Mr. Hill reported that Matt Gracey was going to start planting palms on streets ot his subdivision, East ot the Canal, and wished to know detinitely it the City would water these two or t~"n 81-9 COUNCIL CHAMBER - December 13th, 1937 '\;1- times until the dirt was firmly set around the roots ot the trees. It. was moved by Mr. Barton, seconded by Mr. Genton and unanimously carried that the City water same as otten as necessary to accomplish this purpose. 4- A letter was read trom the City Attor~ in which he advised that T.B. Walker was anxious to compromise Common Law Suit No. 7939 with the City, and would surrender aocrued.interest ooupons amount- ing to approximately $3,025.00, attached to bonds involved in said suit tor the sum ot $1,512.50, being on a titty percent settlement basis. Atter conferring wi th Mr. Kearley and Mr. L 'Engle, Mr. Byrd stated he recommended that this compromise be aocepted. After discussion, Mr. Wodisch~k moved that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign a warrant tor the payment ot $1,512.500 in exchange tor $3,025.00 worth ot coupons, and the City Attorney enter into a stipulation tor the dismissal mY the said T.B. WIker case, Mr. Barton seoonded the motion and en roll call the vote was unanimous and the motion was declared carried. ,...-., .u , , It was turther moved by Mr. Wodischek, seoonded by Mr. Barton, and on roll call unanimously carried, that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to invest the remaining .930.25~he Sinking Fund, in a street oiler and oonorete mixer, equipment badly needed by the Street department. Counoilman Genton brought to the City Attorney's attention the application of M.S. Burd tor tax deed to Ooean Beach Lots 17,18 and Ni ot 19 lying East ot the Boulevard. Inasmuoh as this is dedicated City property.Mr. Byrd agreed tolQo~ into the matter and tor~tall the issuance ot tax deed to a private individual. It was moved by Mr. Genton, seconded by Mr. Wodisohek and unanimously carried that hills numbered 2512 to 2557, having been O.K'd by the Finance Cmmmittee, be returned to the Counoil and ordered paid. J} It was regularly moved, seoonded and oarried that Counoil adjourn. h{l r<g tH;e~rJ ~f APPRO Chamber \