12-20-37 821. COUNCIL CHAl4BER - December 20. 1937 proposition oould be given more consideration. Mr. Wodischdk aocordingly withdrew his motion and Mr. Barton, his second. Mr. Barton moved that the following resolution, su~tted by the City Clerk. be adopted. . ,.' RESOLUTION RATIFYING LOAN TO DEL-MOR FARMS AND/OR CLDl'r MOORE OF $3.000.00. WHEREAS. the Finanoe Committee of the City Council of the City of Delray Beaoh. Florida, did authorize a loan to Del-Mor Farms and/or Clint Moore to help defray filling operations on Andrews, Lowry and Gleason Streets until certifioates could be handled, said loan to be repaid the City of Delray Beach "by September 1, 1937 or when City needs funds"; and WHEREAS, City funds were loaned to the said Del~Mor Farms and/or Clint Moore. as re- presented by City Check No. 2124; NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED. By the City Council of the City of Delray Beaoh. Florida that the aotion of the Finanoe Committee. C.W. Hill, Arthur Barton and J.K. Gwynn. and also the aotion of Mayor D.M. Bradshaw and the City Clerk and City Treasurer Mae W. Cramp in making this loan in the sum of $3,000. to Del-Mor Farms and/or Clint Moore be and the same is hereby ratified. approved and confirmed. BE IT ,FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk and City Treasurer is hereby relieved from any and all liability for the issuance of said Check No. 2124. in view of the faot that said oheok was issued and delivered upon the unanimous approval of the Finanoe Committee of the City Counotl. Mr. Gwynn seconded the motion for adoption. and on roll call, the vote waS as follows: Mr. Barton yes, Mr. Genton no. Mr. Gwynn yes, Mr. Hill yes, and Mr. Wodischek yes. There being no further business, Council adjourned. fz,~t~ 6ie~~f- :::~~ \