01-13-36 Regular
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January 13, 1956
('~ The Counc il met in regular session a~ '1 :~O
''''' with the City Attorney and all mEmbers of the Counc 11 present.,',
The minutes of the regular meeting of Dec"-!
ember 23rd and the special meeting held December 30th were rea~"
and by motion regularly made, seconded and carried, approved. .
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A 1e tter, accompanie d by a written demand
regularly sworn to, ,was read to the COUl;lcil, in which Mr. EUg~:
" ~tz requested that levy be made for bond interest \1In $15,000'\;'
worth of De1ray bonds owned by him, on the same ratio and basiL
as that levied for bonds held by the Bondholder's Committee. '
~e matter was discussed and the Clerk directed to advise Mr.,:::
Betz; that sinoe he had complied with the requirements as. to' ,I.
proqf of ownership, interest would be considered and levied f~
in theCi ty' s 1936-1937 levy, on the same basis as other such'"''
,demands. '
.' A letter was read from the American-La-:;~l
France Fire Engine Company stating that they were unable to dff
count the City's note totalling $~,a34.28 whioh they hold. Ii:liii
view of past courtesies extended by this CompanY, it was move~~
by :Mr. Barton that the Clerk pay S!lid note for above amount, ,:ii,
due as of Deceml:ler 31st last. The moUonwas seoonded byMr.II~
Gwynn, and on roll call unanimously oanied. '\il~'
. .' 'jI~~
A letter rrQm Mrso,'H.J. Sterling with ret,f
erenoeto extermination of sandflies was referred to the San-i,"
1taryCommittee. Y,"
Mr. B;rr4 sta ted the Government intended ;W"
,to dredge and clean out the canal and"suggested that the City,,~
arrange to have the spoil deposited on Gleason and other City a
Streets lying between there and the F.E.C. Canal. It was "":,
moved by Mr. Gwynn that the Clerk write Mr. L.A. Ryniker with. ;,"
a view to ascertaining how the City may cooperate with him
in having these streets filled in in this manner.
Mr. Byrd also reported' that Mr. Zook had ',,';j
.' agreed to give a 20",foot strip off the East side of his properll:
for the widening of Gleason street, and that right-of-way deetl,H:
had been forwarded to Mr. Yeomans tor signeture. J ~~,q:
: )t~.
Mr. Grover Baker appeared before the Coull-~
asking appro~l of plans for the dredging of a boat slip on the
E.C. Mayproperty\ in Block 137.. .It was moved by Mr. Gwynn t~l.
theqQuncll give tentative Clonsent to said construction, with.,!'
the understanding t.hat some instrument in writing showing the.'.
consent.and bearing the signatures of property owners abutting
on Park.lvenue be given; also that a contract similar to that
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COUNCIL MEETING- January 13, 1936
made between the City and Mr. Voorheis be entered into. Mr.
Barton seconded the motion, whioh on roll call carrie d unanimously.
The Fire Chief addressed the Counc.il request...
ing permission to lease the Firemen's Hall for $8.00 a night on
~hursday night of each week for the holding of regular daoe..
It was moved by Mr. Gwynn that the Council grant the fireman
privilege of entering into a contraot as outlined by Mr. Cook,
such contract being SUbject to cancellation in case of disorderly
conduct or other such sufficient reason. The motion was seoonded
by Mr. Barton, and on roll call unanimously carried.
The application of Mr. Davis for permission
to operate his show in De1ray Beach for a week under the auspices
of the Fire and Police DepartllElnt was considered and discussed,
it being finally moved by Mr. Hill, seconded by Mr. Genton that
permission be granted said amusements to operate for a week >
under auspices of Fire and Police department as outlined.
The matter was discussed further, Mr. Foote
voioing his objection tosame because of the gambling concessions
and the indiscriminate mingling of the oolored and white race"
at such shows. Other members stated the granting of such It..oense
would only make trouble for the CounCil, as oertain citizens ba.d .
shown very decided opposition tO,same in the past. Mr. Hill
then withdrew his motion, and no further aotion was taken in the
Mr. Geo. Carr was present and discussed
further the City'. applt.cation for esta~l1Bhment of a bu,tlkhead
'Hne through the City limits. The Government would not grant
such permit for the entire length of the City limits, he stated,
but separate permit must be obtained for each section by the
individual owner, as it is required and immediate~ work con-
templa ted. SUoh permits by the War Dept. would be granted
on~y after approval by the City Council, he s14.
It was moved by Mr. Barton that the Mayor
and Clerk be authorized to sign the City's application for permit
covering thebulkheading already completed, together with the
City Park property in Block 132, which the City contemplates
Bompleting in the near future. Mr. Hill seconded tm motion,
which on roll call, carried unanimously.
Mr. Foote asked for an expression from the
Council as to what the Water Departmant>should'do'ittregard' to ....
a oertain delinquent water bill, Said consullElr had not been
cut ofr, as is usual in such caSeS, because or the siokness of
his Wife. After due consideratiQn, .itwas moved by Mr. Gwynl'l
that the Clerk inrorm Mr. Moore that said de1:1nquent bill must
ei tmr be paid in oash or by labor, and in the event that this
is not done after due and reasonable time, tha,t said water be
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discontinued. Mr. Barton seconded the motion, which on roll
oa11, o~ried unanimously.
:Mr. Byrd reported he was preparing an an-
swer to the mandamus suit filed by T.B. Walker against the
City for bond interest payment. Be also reported that Mr.
McNeal had given easement for the running of water main to hi's
property in the West end of Nassau Park Subdivision and that
necessary de4d had been drawn up for same.
Mr. Hill reported Geo. Frey expected to be
free to start work on rebul1ding the shuffle board courts this
we ell.
Mr. Genton; in behalf of the Seacrest Hotel.
requested, permission to build wooden steps from the BOUlevard
down to the beaoh directly East of the Seaorest's sidewalk, for
the benefit of the hotel guests. The Oouncil expressed no ob-
jection to this, but suggested that plans of this work be sub-
mi tted for tm 01 ty's approV1!tl.
Mr. Barton reported oertaincomplaints bad
been made to him regarding the regulation of traffic at the inter-
seotion of Atlantic Avenue and the Boule~ just in front of
the beach pavilion, but he said he believed the Mayor had some
plan in view wi th regard to remedYing s_. It was suggested
that the City have the street re-marked as it was last season
~d a'atop or other sign plaoedat the intersection to caution
drivers at t~t particular spot.
~~ u~ .
- ~ _'. Barton reported that instructions hali'
':':& been duly given the Floride Power and Light Company with regard
~~ to extensions an~ redistribution of lights as previously author""
t,: ized, and too t ~n more whi teway lights would be tu'rned on in
8i'the businesS section of the City within the next few days.
Mr. Gwynn recommended the. patching of some
of the badly broken sidewalk in liifferent parts of town. Mr.
Baker stated it was hard to do this work during the tourist
season, but it was finally deoided to try patohing some of the
bad plapes as an experiment to find out if it was a. feasible
plan to try to do this work now.
It was regularly moved by Mr. Barton, sell-
onde4 by Mr. Hill, and unanimously carried, that bills numbered
.,lO~EL$q.lOf?;j, . ha:ying:p~en . 0 .~.'Ii 'by. tl1~.:r ~n~Ilce Commit1iEl~'
be returned to the Couno 11 and ordered"pafd;' ,.'
.There being no further busines~, it waS
regularlY' moved, seconded and carr:ie d tlm. 11 Couno11iadjourn.
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PreSident of.Qe..oUnoi
h1 6.9. (4)' (lA ~
City Clerli!