02-24-36 Regular <,,,,_,"'O,"""''''':'''_."",,,,,,,,,",,,,,,,,,,_,,,_,,,y,,,~,,,,,''''''>'''''''_~.,,,,,,,.,"",'~,_._'___._~' '_~'."",~" 4 The Counoil met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. withcit1 Attorney Byrd and the following members of the Counoil present: Mr. Barton, Mr. Foote, Mr. Genton and Mr. Gwynn. Mr. Hill was absent. The minutes of the meeting held February 20th were read and with two minor oorreotions, by motion regularly made, seoonded and oarried, approved. The wri tten request of R.C. MoNeil for permission to grad~'it a seotion of Gleason Street was read by the Clerk. Mr. Foote eXpla1ned'~: this rooking was to be done at the oorner of Jo Jo Avenue and Gleason;J' St. running approximately 100 feet North of Said interseotion to Ai provide a turn_around and entranoe to garages which Mr. McNeil in~endai;b, to bUild on property at that location. It was moved by Mr. Barto~L2;!, that the request be granted, said work to be subjeot to the approval;,., ~~lih:~i~e~:r;i=;i::::lmO~iy~ynn seoonded the motion which, on 0,~ The Clerk submitted verbal request from the Womants91u~cll' for free lioense to sponsor a weekts operation, in this city, of 6ert~fa; amusement devices and ooncessions, whereby said Club would derive, a,,;,'i/,' guaranteed return of $75,00 from the Company operating these amuse_:': ments., The matte. was discussed at length, Mr~ Gwynn smatingHl1e.{'; >~~~ bel1 eved the Club should be given the same considers ti on as the';,vwr, AIllerican Legion and other organizations who have been allOWedl1()'Elnse. in the pas t and therefore moved tha t the Woman's Club be gran;t~~/.',thi.~;I :r,-equest, provided the concessions and J:'ides be 1000 ted on thel.itElrl1~gi~,.;~ P~:r,-k property and the t the Woman's Club assume responsiblli tyforthe;:\!~) eonduct and safe operation of said conc.essions. Mr. Barton seconded,'I] the motion, whioh on roll call carried unanimously. .,;;;~ . '.' ',' .:.. .".-', ."'.;' .:'.,,:,,* , A letter from C.L. Philbrick, asking that some adjustment,,, be made in his 1933 and 1934 taxes was read by the Clerk and discussedti~ the Clerk stating she believed Mr. Philbriok's property was over-,. ., assessed for said yearm. Upon the advice of the City Attorney, how- ever, the Clerk was instructed, by motion regularly made, seconded and carried, to advise Mr. Philbrick, that there is no way by whioh the present Council oan rrel1eve property of taxes assessed by former Councils., but that future assessmen 1B would be made so as to adjust the over-assessment in 1933 and 1934. '~ " .'l,\ , , .... t .~ ~ .. _., _ < _ '~no..",,',,~~~. _" '.f"..' ~ '~':',r{);vj 551 COUNCIL CHAMBER February 24th, 1936 A letter from the Firestone Servioe Stores quoting prices on four tires for the Brockway Fire truck and two front tires for the La France truok, was submitted by Mr. Walker. After oon- siderable disoussion, it was finally moved by Mr. Gwynn that the Council call for bids as follows: ~p~ H?nokway Truok 4 33x5 H.D. Tires & Tubes (less allowanoe for the 4 old tiree) ~,k,,',~ ,,& b ~, , ~ -.. * !>; !If ~; ,* .,J.."JW'f~_~~"'I""j"'!'~~'''''''''''';'",'''''''''''''.':'''f''''''-r~;''~~~'''''"~''''''"!7~",_., ,._,..'^ 'w. '~"""-'-~""_'_""""""""'.~~~ ""''''1'' 556 ~,~".-, ".,' ~ , COUNCIL CHAMBER - rebruary 24th, 1936 For LaFranoe Truok 2 38x7 H.D. Tires & Tubes (less allowance for the 2 old tires) Mr. Barton seoonded the motion, whioh on roll oall oarriedunanimously.' Mr. Lot 8mi th appeared before the Council with further ' referenoe to building of dyke on the North side of Atlantio Avenue. The intended type of construction was discussed, Mr. Foote stating that Mr. Baker planned to do this work at his first opportunity. The matter was left with the Street Committee. The City Attorney reported that the County had set aside a $500.00 appropriation for the purpose of raising the level of At- lantic Avenue between the Oanal and Ocean, thereby eliminating the flood oondition existing during rainy weather. The County Commission_ ers recommended that this work be done when the tourist season is over, and are ready to supply a erew of Jilen for the purpose a,t s,)lch time as the City Council shall designatei. Mr. Barton advised that a Mrs.. Longstreet was desirous of purchasing the City's thirty foot lot in Ocean Park for the pur- pose of building a small home. No action was taken in the matter, h01rever. The neoessity for more parking spece on the Beach ~~' levard was discussed, and it was suggested the. t the City arrange to pave an additional sixteen feet on the West side of the Boulevard" running from the Seacrest l10tel North. Mr. Foote reported it was costing the City too muoh for garbage collection on Southridge property on which no taxes were being paid. After discusston, it was ordered that this service be discontinued immediately on property outside the City limits arid that the Clerk write Southridge property owners still within the City stating the City's. position in this matter, and advising them that the service could not be continued under the circumstanoes. Mr. Foote reported that at an informal meeting of the Council the Mayor had recommended the employment of a motor oycle policeman and the Council had agreed to employ Emry Piokren for a periOd not to exoeed two months at a salary of i125.00 per month, the City to furnish gas & oil for his motor cycle. Mr. Gwynn moved that the Mayor;s appointment be approved. Mr. Barton seoonded the motion, which was oarried unanimously on roll oall. The purchasing Of uniforms for the polioemen was dis- cussed; it being finalll moved by Mr. Genton that the Council author- ize the expenditure of '90.00 for the purohase of two full pOlice uniforms oonsisting ,of two pairs of trousers, coat, Sam Brown bel1; and oap. Mr. Gwynn seoonded the motion, which on roll oall carried uIl8.nimously. i'hefollowing ordinance was then presented and read in full by the Clerk. ;,~1' "',~.'lf~""'~~~_~"""""'''''':'''!'''?''~'~''''''''''..,""",,,,\_'.',.-'''_ ~-"..~,' "~'.' I 1..... :1'< <>' ~, ~ ~ oIr- f, ;f' ~' f ~ w '~ . ""~r.'.~o",",,:, ........-.:- ~,... . ,- ,. ...",.,.,~'l"l,'!'I' 5& COUNCIL CHAMBER - February 24th, 1935 AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE CONSTRUCTIO~ LOCATION ERECTION AND PLACING OF SIGNS, SIGNBOARDS, BILLBOARDS OR POSTERS WITHIN THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, AND PROVIDING THE MANNER IN WHICH SIGNS, SIGNBOI4RDS, BILLBOARDS OR POSTERS MAY BE ERECTED OR PLACED ON BUILDINGS OR LANDS WITHIN THE ~CITY LIMITS, AND PRESCRIBING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THE CONDITIONS OF THIS ORDINANCE. It was moved by Mr. Gwynn, seoonded by Mr. Barton and unanimously oarried on roll call that the ordinance be passed on its first reading. The ~hief of Polioe reported he had had oomplaints Signs placed on edge of ourb at the Firestone Service Stores. It suggested that this curb be paved off level with the surrounding paving at the service station and Mr. Genton was authorized to in~ vestigate and take whatever action necessary in the matter. The Clerk reported canoellation of Bonds Numbers 101 to 105 purchased from Dunne-Israel Oompany and used by taxpayers for .. payment of del1nquent taxes.. (1926 90(1( Dollar Issue, due April 1, 1938r~ Also payment to L'Engle and Sta nds of curren t interest ooupons amount- f!l ing to $1,850.00 as fOllOWS:;fJi ISSUE 1/1/20 .. .. 7/1/23 .. BOND NOS. 47-48 65-95 96-125 15 21-50 COUP. NOS. MATURITY 1/1/36 " .. .. .. AM'!'. - 32 " $ 30..00 450,~0(j 450"OQ 30.00 900.00 1,860.60 It was moved by Mr. Barton, seconded by Mr. Gwynn and unanimously carried that the aotion of the City Ole rk be approved. It 25 .. It was moved by Mr. Gwynn, seconded by Mr. Barton and unanimously carried that Bills numbered 1119 to 1152. haVing been V.K'd by the Finance Committee be returned to the Council and ordered paid. adjourn. It was regularly moved, seconded and oarried that Council fJtcu uJ . Ct~. Ci ty CiJlerk AP, PROVED: . .". ., ~ 1'0. JR. ., _ President ot 01tY,C~tlncll. :>'rr';-;'>' ,\;,',