03-09-36 Regular
March 9, 1936
The Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. with the
following members present: Mr. Barton, Mr. J!'oote, Mr. uenton and
Mr. Gwynn. Mr. Hill was absent.
The minutes of the regular meeting of ~ebruary 24th
were read and approved by motion regularly made, seconded and car-
A letter was read from Mr. L'Engle stating he wwld be
glad to meet wi th the Council at any time for the purpose of dis-
cussing details of a tentative proposal relating to the refunding
of the City's debt. 1he Clerk was instructed to reply to Mr.
L'Engle asking him to set a date convenient to him for this pur-
pose. giving the Council at v.leas1: a week's noti ce to allow theULt-
izen's Committee and other interested tax payers to be notified of'. .
said meeting.
A letter was read from Congressman WilcOX pledging
support of canal widening project outlined in the City Council's
Resolution No. 154, oopy of whioh was forwarded Mr. Wiloox,.by the'
City Clerk. ~he letter WaS ordered plaoed on file.
A letter of oomplaint from Mr. Jess C. Johnson with. . ..'
referenoe to payment of oertain delinquent taxes wi th bonds was react"
in full by the Clerk and discussed. It was explained that owing to
an advance in the prioe Of bonds during the :l.'ive months required
to close Mr. Johnson's .Home Loan, the cost of .delinquent tax .
settlement on his property had amounted to lP167.63 m03re tbati .
original calculation furnished the Comptroller, whioh was the cause
of Mr. Johnson's oomplaint. ~he Counoil was of the opinion tbat
this was a personal metter between Mr. Johnson and the party from
whom the bonds were purohased, and therefore declined .to take any
aotion in the matter. ~he Clerk was instruoted to reply to Mr.
Johnson's letter.
The Woman's Club renewed its applioation for license
1io permi t the Meti'opoli tan Shows to operate in the City for a
week, beginning Maroh 16th. The Club agreed to require a signed
agreement from the omers of the show assuring the City th.at no
games .of ohanoe would be pemi tted and that the Show Company
would assume all responsibility for injury and for the gOOd con~
duot"of'the ShOw. ltwas moved by Mr. Barton; seoonded'<bylh'O""
Genton that pemission be granted the Woman's Club ..on these con..
ditions and prOVidiD$ the Show located on the Sterling Park
Property, adjaoent to Colored Town.
It was moved by Mr. Gwynn that the practice of the
City in relll1tting license fees for such shows be discontinued and
that the Clerkfol"thwi th notify organizations of the City, that
in futurelideIise fees j'or s,1:\ows or entertainment sponsored by
\ ,,-'"
COUNCIL CHAMBER - March 9, 1936
charitable organizations other than for local talent, will not
be remitted. Mr. Barton seconded the motion, which on roll call
oarried unanimously.
A letter was read from M.C. Callahan enquiring as to
levy and colleotion of funds to meet payment on oertain bonds held
by him, and the Clerk was direoted to reply, advising the writer
what monies were on hand for this purpose.
A letter from Mr. MoL. Van Orden in regard to allowing
women and girls on the streets in shorts and bathing suits was
referred to the Mayor for reply.
A letter addressed to the Mayor from the Florida League
of Municipalities recommending and outlining a plan for the City's
observanoe of Tourist Appreoiation Week, ~roh 9th to 14th, was ,
read by the Clerk. The Council considered the time too short to
plan,much of a program, but by motion regularly made, seoonded'"
and carried. instruoted the Clerk to reply to the League, stating
the matter had been referred to the Mayor to work with the Kiwanis
Club, in obserVing the event. It was further suggested that the
Mayor issue a sui table proolamation expressing the eommunity.'s
appreciation for her.winter visitors~
It was suggested that the City buy a registration bOok
to be placed at the Club House in the City Park for the registration
of visitors and tourists to our City, and in accord w1.th the sug..
gestion; it was moved by Mr. Barton; that a oommittee oomposed'
of Messrs. Foote, Gwynn, and Genton be authorized to purchase such
a book and to have a sui table desk or cupbpard built to accommoda te
same at the City Park. Mr. Genton seconded the motion, which, on
roll call carried unanimously.
The Clerk was instructed to reply to a letter from the
SupremeJ!'orest Woodmen Cirole wi th referenoe to $4,125.00 interest
due April I, 1936, on bonds held by them.
A long disoussion ensued re~rding drainage at the
municipal swiinIning pool~ Mr. a'.li. Parker, who was present, ex..
plained that the absorption system was wholly inadequate; that
the septio tank filled up and the drain tile would not take care
o~ the overflow. As the condition needed immediate remedy, it
was moved by Mr. Genton that Mr.' Parker be employed to sink tllO
dry wells p feet in diameter and 5ifeet deep. finishing the job
J.~M,a VV()rk~~];;1.~ElmllUD.er at apr1 ce . o~ .?'l+OO ,:t!l,El.g~:tY",1;o. f~,p.ii:l~.,..,. 1;"
, . necessary briok.' Mr. Barton seconded the motion, whioh on roll'
call carried unanimously.
The ma tter o~ repairing the pavilion roof was dis..
oUSs8Q. I,t was stated this was needed at onoe to presenve-the
b~.,tTlg and thE! Ohairman of the Park Committee, was. direotedto
haveJ'ack G1bson repair the leak around the solar heater immediately.
guaranteeing to stO? a1l,leakage for a price of ~h2.00 as previously
quoted and shown in the minutes of Ootober 14th last~
COUNCIL CHAMBER - March 9, 1936
The Uhairman of the Sani tary Committee was authorized
to look into a complaint of the Womanfs Club regarding unsanitary
conditions whioh existed around their Club BUilding.
The Building Inspeotor presented plans of'O.A. See_
stedt for the proposed construction of two residences. Said
plans, however, did not comply with the requirements of the Build-
ing Code in several instanoes, therefore the Council deolined to
grant a building permit and it was moved, seoonded and oarried
that the Building Inspeotor be instruoted to notify applicant that
the provisions of the Code must be complied wi th or the application
be t~en before the Arbitration Committee as provided in said
building code ordinanoe.
Two bids on the City's Fire truck tire requirements
were opened and oonsidered. It was moved by Mr. Gwynn, seconded
by Mr. Genton and unanimously carried, that the City aocept the
net bid of the Firestone Servioe Stores of $144.28 as compared
to $177.33 quoted by Palms Servioe Station.
The folli,ing Right-of-Way deeds were presented by
the Clerk, and by motion regularly made, seconded and oarried
aocepted for the purposes therein stated and ordered placed on
From Zook Palm Nurseries to the City, deeding the
ll.20. of Bl 15', S~ ~ 158, Bl 159, Bl 160.
From Federal Security Company to the City, deeding
the E 20' of the at Bl 159.
The following bills, numbered 1153 to 1180, having
been O.~'d by the Finance Committee were returned to the Counil
and ordered paid.
There being no further business, it was regularly
moved, seoonded and carried that Counoil adjourn.
'bra.? uJ.Gt~
Oi ty Clerk
, .&,0,~~
;;~reSident ofC1tyouncil