03-23-36 Regular
. ." ,,..,.,,,,., ."-":,,,,,,,,,':'~"'~'-"''''.''-' ." '"."'~
March 23, 193 5
~he Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. with
the Elt ty Attorney and all members of the Council present.
The minutes of the meeting held March 9th were read
and by motion regularly made, seconded and carried, approved.
A letter was read from the Miami Daily News, solicit-
ing a page advertisement in the Anniversary edi tion of their pape.r
to be published April 15th. As the City had no money ava:ila.ble
for such purpose, no action was taken. The letter was ordered
Mr. V.fl. Rousseau submittedfCllZ' the Council's approval
a p:iat of a subdivision of the sEt 01' Lot 8, 'in Section 8, owned
by Mr. M.M. DeWitt. After examination, it was moved by Mr. Gwynn
that the City approve and accept the plat and that the City Clerk
be authorized to affix her Signature thereto. It was further
recommended that Mr. Rousseau request tlE owner of said property
to give.easement to a five foot strip running East and West
through the center of the subdivision for publ.ic iltil:l.typurposes
The motion to approve the plat was seconded by Mr. Barton; and
on roll oall, unanimously carried.
Mr. Gentonagain brought up the matter of garba.ge-
strewn alleys and ~1Wards in the rear of business houses; stating
h19 was having continued oompJlaints about loose papers and trash
evidently spil;tEld out of garbage containers. A long discussion
ensued as to means of remedying this oonditiona4. it was reoommended
tha t the Sanitary, Fire and Polioe De:tar1ments prooeed to enfore
regulations regarding same and notify owners that tlEy are
responSible for the condition of their oremises anI: liable to
a fine for violation of the ordinances governing trash disposal.
It WJisi::uggested also, that the Clark write :T .H. Jackson that
trash "hauled from the Town of Gulfstream to the City dump must be
seourely confined am not allowed to blow around the City streets
from off the truck whila in tra m it.
.T4e ~ita:r;'y,:conditiQn of . the. beachWasa.J,s,9.~.g,~sc),J.13..~d,
Mr. Genton explaining that he had had rome complaint regarding
saIll!l, but the Council Was of the opinion that tlE beachwas being
kept as olean as possible with the City's present force of men.
Mr. Barton reported that :Tack Gibsonwl!ps. prepared to
fix the beaoh paVilion root', and had removed the covering over
the heating pipes anQ. l'epaire d tl:1e leak ready to recover, which
.he expeoted couldbe(lomple~ted:fCll.' a price not to exceed.$25.00
.or $30.00. .
COUNCIL CI~MBER - March 23, 1935
Mr. Foote reported that a desk had been built and a
temporary regi stra tion book installed a t the City Park. Members
of the Recreation Club had suggested that the City have a number
of large card$ printed to be pJaced in the various business plaoes
around town urging tourists to register, am in line with this
suggestion, it was moved by Mr. Gwynn that the City order fifty
9x14 inch cards for this purpose. Mr. Barton seconded the motio~,
which on roll call, carried unanimously;,
Councilman Hill reported he had conferred with Clint
Moore regarding digging di toh for tl::e lowering of the City's
Pi~.-"line across the Canal but VIOuldn't know definitely until.. the
nex ~ay, when thi s could be done. The pJan was to have Mr. Moore
dig the ditch and pull the pil,le through after the same had been
assembled by Mr. Baker and his crew, Mr. Hill said.
Certain tax caloulations on Block 59 and 101 were. pre-
sented by the Clerk, and Mr. Foote explained that the C~ty desire
to get said properties for municipal purposes and contemplated
applying for County tax deeds to same. In connection with this,
it was moved by Mr. Barton tlR t the Clerk be authorized.. to write
the owne~ of the N48' of Lot 15 Block 101; asking that'they
execute special deed covering this property to the Oity for mun~
icipal purposes, sub jeot to Sta te, county and City taxes for a
consideration of $5.00. Mr. Hill seOonded the motion; which on
roll call carried unanimously.
The Clerk reported paynJ3nt am oanoella tion of the ..
fOllowing current interest coupon; to The Palm Beach Company.
5/1/25 Gan
Coupon No.
Nov. 1, 1935
Bond No.
42t046 incl. 21
($30.00 ea)
9 to 24 incl 23
Et:ro.oO ea)
Jan. 1, 1936
Mr. Gwynn Inovedthat the Clark's action in paying and oancelling
coupons be approved. Mr. Hill seconded the motion m.ich carried
unanimously on roll call.
Mr. Hill agreed to see Mr. Williamaon, the F.E.C'.
Section agent wi thregard to :plI7Dtecting the bl ind railroad.,:;
crOSSing a,'\l FirstSt;t'eap, wheI\3 ,it was .siatedcarshavEl..13Elverf).l.... ,<
times a ttelnpted to cross and been dil.lmged as a "result~'.,,, ;"""'''''''''''''~''M;",i;,
The City Attorney reported he had sent out wires
requesting the State to make an appropriation ini ts .budgetno?,
being set, for the opening of' the Ocean Bouleva~betweenBQq~.,
Raton 'and Palm Beach. Mr. Barton moved thattheactiono;t','t:]);\'M'
City Attorney in wi+'ingthe State Road Department be apP1'9"ed~.;M~~ .
Hill seoonded the mo1<ion whioh. on roll call ca.rr~edunanim()usIn;'"
t~:.. .. ",;':, ""
"j~k;~;-~;, ~
COUNCIL CHAMBER - Mardh 23, 1936
']he ChairIlBn of the Ordinance Committee requested
further time for the preparation 01: a sign ordinance suitable for
passage and enforoement, as he sa:ld he desired to get a copy of
Ft. Lauderdale's ordiname to aid him in drawing up one for this
The Clerk was instructed to issue warrants for collection
of all occupational licenses remaining unpaid. ']he water depart-
ment was complimented on its colleotion of water accounts this
It was moved by Mr. Gwynn, seconded by Mr. Genton and
unanimously earrie d that bills numbered 1181 to 1199 hav&ing
been O.K'd by the Finance Committee, be returned to the Council
and ordered paid.
By motion regularly made, seconded and carried, Council
fnD-R- W.t~
City Clerk .
&. 13.tft}~
President of :Counoil