04-13-36 Regular ""''''~C'"~''""''''''''"'''''1''.:..~,...~,.,-.".",.:.. .,~ ~ ,(~ -i ~"~___~c,_>~'~ '3 COUNCIL CHAMBER April 13, 1935 The Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. wi th the Mayor and the folloitlng manbers of the Council present; Mr. Foote, Mr. Barton, Mr. Genton and Mr. Gwynn. The minutes of the meeting held '.larch 23rd were read, and by motion reguJairly made, seconded and carried, approved. A letter from Miss Lelia E. Horne agreeing to execute deed to the City for the N 48' of Lot 15 Block 101 for a con- sideration of $10.00 was read, and it was moved by Mr. Barton that the Clerk be authorized to send oheck for the stipulated ~ho.oo together wi th special warranty dee,] to be exeouted by the vendors, oonveying said property to the Oi ty of Delray Beaoh, for municipal purposes. A letter was also read from the Executrix of the V.W. Weaver Estate with reference to conveying the 850' 01' Lot 8 and All Lot 9 in Block lot, to the Oity for certain tax allowanoe oonsiderations on other property belonging to the same owners. After disoussion, it was moved by Mr. Barton that the Oi ty Clerk be au thorized to offer the Weaver heirs for special warranty deed to the above described property ~ either a oaSh consideration of $15.00 or improvement lien anet tax allowanoes for the years prior to 1932 on Lot 1 Block 102 and Lots 15 &: 17 Blook 1, Dell Park. Mr. Gwynn seoonded th.,. motion, and on rollcall.! the vote was as follows: Mr. Barton yes, Mr. Foote yes, Mr. li'enton yes, and Mr. Gwynn yes. .The motion carrie d. The Clerk agreed to communioate wi th the owners of Lots 2 to 5 Block 69 in an effort to acquire title to these lots also, for a similar consideration. A letter of appreciation for Delray Beach and its attractions was read from J.p. Pulliam, a reoentWinter visitor in which he recommended that particular attention be paid to the Beaoh in an effort to keep it cleared of trash and waste material. The letter was ordered filed~ A letter was read from Whitoomb and Callahan, owners "of, certain Delray bonds, in which they. requested. that. NlymeIl";l1,,^,,,;,w of monies colleoted for than from ourrent tax oollectrons<be made. on delinquen t interest coupons in lieu of currentooupons, inasmuch as the bonds they hold all matured in Novanber 1929 and therefor e carry no coupons subsequent to that dat.e. It was moved by Mr. Gwynn, that the Olerk be au thorized to pay such monies J.,evied for the above mentioned bondholders upon present.. ation. of past-due coupons which. they ~old, instead of current cQuppns as stipulated in the' ordinance. Mr. Barton seconded the moi:l.onwhich on roll ca 11 oarried llTl"Il:l.mous J.,y. . "v".:.' :;~I1'-J'~ ~', '\> 565 COUNCIL CHAMBER-April 13, 1935 't A letter from Dr. W.C. Williams requesting the City to move their drainage ditch from off his property in Block 140 to City property was read by the Olerk, who was instructed by motion regularly made, seconded and carried, m reply to Dr. Williams, stating his request woold be complied with and that the Ci ty would move same at its earliest convenience. -;;- Another retter was read from Dr. Williams asking adjustment on 1933 taxes on his property in Block 140 because of the condemnation of part of said property for canal purposes. Inasmuch as the Government did not acquire such canal proper~y until 1935, the members stated they had no power to adjust taxes prior to that date, and instructed the Clerk to so advise Dr. Williams. "'- The Clerk was instructed to reply to a letter from the Supreme Forest Woodmen Oircle, 01' Omaha, Nebraska, regard.. ing the status of the City's debt situation and our tentative proposal with regard to a re~nding plan. A letter was read from the Hollywood Chamber of Commeroe requesting the City Council to join in a petition to the State Road Department for the widening of Federal Highway No. 1 between the Dade~Broward County Line and West Palm BeaCh, ~ thus creating a bo~d, two-lane boulevard similar to the new seotion recently constructed in Dade County. Mr. Gwynn moved the adoption of the following resolution with referenoe to this matter, and instructed the Clerlc to forward copies of the sam., to The State Road Departmen t and to the Hollywood Chamber ot Commerce. A RESOLUTION BY THE crn COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, IN RIDULAR SESSION SITTING; REQ,UESTING AND ENDORSING THE CON- STRUCTION OF A TWO-LANE BOULEVARD HIGHWAY BETWEEN PALM BEACH .AND MIAMI ,,~ WHEREAS, the volume of traffic on Feder al High~ way No.1 between Palm Beach and Miami is increasing, and ~ WHEREAS, it is an acknowledged fact that there has been a greater loss of life due to automobile acciden ts on the stretch of highway lying between the Dade~Broward County Line and We~t Palm BeaCh, and WHEREAS, we believe this loss of life could have been prevented to a grea t extent had the Federe1 Highway be a:l a wider road, now therefore BE IT RESOLVED, that we, the City Counoil of the City of Delray Beach, in regular meeting assem.bled, do petition and urge the Florida State Road Depart- ment to consi der. seriously tlle widening of sai d " Jj' -y . ""'~'"""''1'..,.."",,",~.'.~.'W-''''~.~,,-.:''l'' 566 . COUNCIL CHAMBER - April 13, 1936 Federal Highway No. 1 between the Dade-Broward County line and West Palm Beach; and that a broad two-lane Boulevard be constructed similar to that recen tly completed in Dade County. BE IT FUR~IER RESOLVED, that a copy of thts res~ olution be forwarded to the State Road Department. Mr. Barton seconded the motion which on roll call, carried unan- imously. Councilman Hill appeared and sat with the Council during the remainder of the session.f~t A letter from the Fire Chief recommending the purchase of a one and a half ton chassis to be mounted with tank, pump 'and fire~fighting equipment was read and disoussed. It was moved by Mr. Barton that the Fire Chief' make a trip to Fort Pierce and Vero Beach for the purpose of inspecting the fire~fighting outfits of thos places, and then prepare necessary speoifica tions and call for sealed ./ bids on the desired equipment from truck dealers, both locallyando.ut_.>/iif side the City. Mr. Hill seconded the motion, which on roll call4a.rried~t unanimously. (not" "."r""-+'~" ,'" Apl :vt 'th }.. Fleet insuranoe on the City's trucks. for liability and property damage was taken up and the relative mertts of pOlicies wri tten by the American Fire and Casualty Company and Standard.!oc", ident Insurance Company were discussed. It Was finally suggested by the President that the matter be rererred to the Chairman of the Finance Committee for investigation and recommend ation at the next meeting. 't ;.---., It was moved by Mr. Barton seconded by Mr. Hill and un~' animously carried, that the following Right-ot__Way deeds be aocepted' and plaoed on record: Rmggt-of-Way ddeds giving the City the East 20' of Blook 129 for a street and 16' through oenter of same block f'or a publio . alley were presented as follows by the Olerk. . From G.A. Pringle on the N 208' 01' Blook 129 From L.W. Cook on the S 150' of the N 358' of Block 129 From Samuel Ogren on the S 89.5' of the N 447.5' of Block 129 also a R.g8~of-WaYdeed deed the West 20' 01' Block 137 for a street From Naeco Real ty Company on the S250' of the N 358' of Block 137 '>';;~'~",.";.. "';';"~4i>'-;~;i~,i.j.~~r; By motion regularly made, seconded and carried these deeds . were aceepted for the purposes therein stated and ordered plaoed on record by the City Clerk. :y:) J,:- .:<; "<"""":~""':".'-''"''''''''''''''''''~ 56'( COUNCIL CHAMBER - April 13, 1936 The gasoline consumption rep ort for the month of February was read by the Clerk and ordered filed. A blue-print replat of the South 3l6.3~ of Seger's Add~ ition, otherwise described as Lots 11, +21 and 13 Block E, Palm Beaoh Shore Acres was presented for the Counoil s approval and after examination dl.m waswmoved by Mr. Gwynn that the Clerk be authoriz~d to affix her signature to the tracing when presented provided same is in the same form as the blue print submitted to the Council. Mr. Hill seconded the motion and on roll call, it carried unanimously. Councilman Barton reported tha t owing to the wet and slip- pery condition of the casino hallways several people had sustained bad falls and he reoommended that some sort of corrugated matting be purohased to cover these floors. The matter was referred to the Chairma~ of the Parks Committee with power to aot. The Clerk was instructed to again write the owners of suoh obstructing signs as still remain on the Federal Highway,ad.... vising that the City intends to move these signs unless the owners themselves do so. Mr. Barton recommemled that the Life Guard be retained ~ for an indefinite time, as long as there seems to be a need for him, providilmg he agrees to keep the Beach cleaned of trash and waste material. This recommendation was approved of by the other members of the Council and Mr. Hollenbeck agreed to keep the Beach clean as requested. A discussion arose as to the need of cleaning up many, vacant lots in town, so grown up with weeds &: brush that they con- stituted fire hazards and mosqui to-breeding spots. It was suggested that the City have suoh lots cleaned where the owners failed to do and assess the cost of same to the property. TheCitY'Allilowey"'''''' , "'''-'''', agreed to look into the City's ordinances governing such procedure and see if it would be possible and advisable for the City todq this. The Mayor reoommended further retention of the motor-. oycle pOliceman, stating he was mOre than paying his way and was still needed by the Polioe Department. The Council agreed to the continued employment of Emry Piokren on the Police Department as long as the . '~? COUNCIL CHAMBER - April 13, 1936 " '"" need existed. They also approved of a small expenditure for ammunit- ion to be used for target practice by the Police Department provided the Mayor considered such practice desireable. / J;-- A bill from Mike L. Blank for moving twelve palm trees was presented by the Clerk, and in disposal and payment of same, Mr. Barton moved the adoption of the following resolution: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL, that the bill amount- ing to '150.40 for services rendered by Mike L. Blank in moving cer- tain ~alm trees to the City yacht basin park be approved, and that said '150.40 be allowed as a credit in payment of delin~uent taxes for the years prior to 1932 at a ratio equal to the bond settlement ~ basis now allowed taxpayers in paying delinquent taxes for those years. AND, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that before such oredit.is allowed, said Mike L. Blank shall pay to the City, taxes due for the years 1932, 1933, 1934 and 1935 in cash, as is required by the bond tax settlement ordinance. ' Mr. Hill seco~ded the motion for adoption, and on roll call it carried unanimously. It was moved by Mr. Hill seconded by l\jr. Barton, and unanimously carried that the Fire Chief be empowered to purchase fifty feet of It inch fire hose at approximateJ.,y fifty or sixty' cents per foot. It was moved by Mr. GWYnn that bills numbered 1200 to 1240, having been O.K'd by the Finance Oommittee be returned to the Council and ordered paid. ~he motion was seconded by Mr. Genton and on roll ca11 unanimouSly carried. It was regularly moved, seconded and carried that Council adjourn. l4ap IAJarvv..p Ci ty Clerk it' APPROVED: {J 6..(1~ President of Council 56~