04-27-36 Regular
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April 27, 1936
The Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M.
with the following members present: Mr. Barton, Mr. Foote,
Mr. Genton and Mr. Gwynn. Ah'. Hill was absent.
The minutes of the meeting of April 13th were read
and after being aITBnded to show that bids on fire truck chassis
were to be opene d a t the meet ing of Apr il 27th, the minutes were
regularly approved as corrected.
A lettalt' was read from the State Road Departme"nt
acknowledging receipt of a copy of the recent resolution passed
by the City Council regarding widening of the Federal Highway.
The communication was ordered filed.
A letter from W.M. Whitmire in regard to dispos~
ing of the City's old water tank was read and ordered filed.
A communication from A.E. Atkinson in which he
stated he would entertain a reasonable of "fer for his property
in Block 69 was read and it was moved by Ah'. Barton, seconded ,:1
by Ah'. Gwynn and unanimously carried that ths Clerk be autho~ize~)
to o"ffer the owner $50.00 for special warranty deed to said .....{..
property to be conveyed sub ject to taxes and assessITBnts. '
A copy of a resolution adopted by the Kiwanis . .',',
Club prote;sting the excessive blowing of whistles on th19Flori(:la"~?,
East Coast Railway trains was rece ived, and ordered placed on {'.:,+
1'..18....'"' .
..... ~i~:;',.
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Bids for furnishing new fire truck chassis accord","t:,.
following specifications were orened and read by' . .
ing to ths
the Clerk.
For It ton chassis designed to carry full load
at all times. To be built into a fire truck by the Delray
Beach Fire Department.
(c omple te. )
A~pt9xi~tely 130 to 135 inch wheel ba
Good Front bumper
Seat, but no cab or body
Running boards and rear fenders complete
Power take off' from transmission comple~'
Dual wheels on.rear with 32X6, a-ply tires'
Fron.t tire s 690-20
Pa;l.nted Fire Departrrent Red.
~"~1":":"""""""":""""~""~''''':'.~'~''''''''~. ." .,;~ ~ ..... !''''''''''''~"'''.'''''';;7'~''''.'''''''''''';'"',~_e''' .-,...',.,.,...,,,.,_....,~'.,,y
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COU1TCIL CHA~ffiER - April 27, 1936
Same as above wi th all 650-20 tires
Same as above without tires
Bids Received as rollows:
De1ray Beach Motors (Ford) 764.47
Gruber-Wright Truck Co.,W.P.B.
(International) 1,045.00
Jahn Chevrolet, Ft. Lauderdale
(Chevrolet) 700.00
Service Garage (~dge) 798.00
(All metal express body can be
furnished in the Dodge for $80.00 extra.)
The bids were discussed by the Council and representatives of"
two of the bidding ccmpanies, it being finally moved by Ah'.
Barton, on sUggestion or the Fire Chief, that the matter be re-
ferred to the Fire Committee and that this committee go into the
matter thoroughly for the purpose of making purchase recommend-
ations to the Council at its ne:tt meeting. Mr.. Genton seconded
the motion,. which on roll ca 11 carried unanimously.
1 No 2 No ;;
749 . 59 639.85
1,025.45 940.95
no bid no bid
783.00 no bid
The application of J.J. Arnau for plumbing license .
was presented by the Clerk. and it was decided that, in future,'
such applicamtsnbe required to pass an examination by a local
board of examiners as provided in the Plumbing Ordinance. In
oonneotion with this requirement it was moved by }AX. Gwynn that
the Chairman of the Sanitary Committee be appointed to act on
said board, in the caraci ty of Ci ty Manager, together with:tlie
two other offioials designated in the plumbing ordinance. Mr.
Barton secon,ded ths motion which carried unanimously on roll
call. Mr. Arnau's application was referred to the Clerk for
submission to the board thus crreated.
The desirability of cleaning off vacant proper~
ties in the City was again stressed, and Mr. Barton moved that
the ~hairman of the 0rdinance pommittee and the City Attorney
draw an ordinanoe in conformity with the provisions of the City
Charter, whereby the City may do this wo rlc and assess the cost
to the property. Mr. Genton seconded Ah'. Barton's motion,which
oarried unanimously on roll call. .
It was reported that a few objectionably located " "."....
s~gns stil,J" r,emained, on the F.ederal Highway and Mr,' G"'lltOll...."..,., ,::
movedthat ~ullh sigristllit are lOCated on any part of .tfie""street"'f"~
right-of-way be moved by Ah'. Baker. Upon the suggestion
that said action be postponed Until such time as the City has
Ii regUlarly adopted Sign ordinance to regulate the placing of
signs, Mr. Genton withdrew his motion.
" Flee'tinsuranee on the City's trucks was again
mentioned, MrLFooteste.tinghe Was in favor of ..the City oarry-
ing its own insuran9i. the amount of such a !,ol1ciy be ing
: .',1I'l1).).L..I. _11':1!'\.....
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COUNCIL CE&liffiER - April 27, 1936
deposited in the insurance fund of the City~ The Chairman o"f
the Finance Committee, to whom this matter was referred, was
absent, therefore action was dererred until next meeting~
The Clerk reported a payment of current bond in-
terest to L'Engle & Shands amounting to $5,117.50, as follows:
Coupon #.
Coupon il
Coupon (}
43 on Bonds 13, 19, 30
32 on Bonds 43,-46, 49-62,
20 on Bonds 111-120, 181-183
221-235, 25l-3l0, 402-410,
451-480, 501-535
1914 issue
1920 "
And to Whitcomb & Callahan, as follows:
Coupon (} 10 off BOnds 12, 13, 15 1924
Each coupon having a balance of ,'$17.00 due
By motion of Mr. Gwynn, seconded by Ah'.yBartonL
and unanimously carrie d, the Clerk's ac t ion in payingalld can-
celling coupons was approved.
City Attorney C.Y. Byrd presented to the Council
a letter which he had received from Mr. C.D. Blackwell, stat~
ing that jess C. Johnson had delivered to him his claim 'against
the City for architest's fees for the construction of, the, swim-
ming pool and bath house. Each of the members or the Council
present" read Mr. Blackwell's letter, and also a copy of letter
which the City lttorney had written Mr. Blackwell in reply to
his letter" It wes ths unanimous opinion of all the members pre-
sent that the City Attorney should write Mr. Blackwellj stating
that the City at this time deniecl liability as to Mr~ Johnsonts
claim, and that there are no facts or circumstances which they
could give the City Attorney to cOll1lllunieate to Mr. Blackwell.
By motion of Mr. Gwynn, seconded by Ah'. Barton,
and unanimously carried, the Clerk was authorized to cancel .the
following personal property assessments aprlearing on the 1935
tax roll, because no personal property belonging to the follow-
ing concerns now existed on which to levy or make collection.
Jas. G. Kerr
Boynton Produoe Exc.
Jacob Davis
Florida Motor Lines
.Tas. Freeman
2.29 ,
It was moved by Ah'. Barton, seconded by Mr.
Gwynn and unanimously carried that Dr. .T.R. Cason be paid $10.00,
"for Services rendered the City during ths past year, to be re-
turned to the City in payment o"f his occupa tional license.
It was mOVed by Ah'. Gwynn that the City donate a
Cemetery lot to Mrs. C.A. Lyons a!).d that ths Clerk be instructed
, (
C0U17CIL GILU,ffiER - April 27, 1936
to issue deed to Plot 1, Lot 8 Block 7 covering said lot. Mr.
Barton seconded the motion, which on roll call, carried unan-
It was moved by Mr. Gwynn tha t the Mayor be appoi-
nted to serve as Judge during temporary absence of the regular
Judge, w.A. Jacobs. Mr. Genton seconded ths motion, which on
roll call, carried unanimously.
The necessity of hiring a regular plumbing inspec-
tor was emp~asized by the Mayor and it was discussed briefly by
the Council, the President reco~~ending that the matter be re-
ferred to the Chairman of the Sanitary Committee, t9 invest
and make reoommendation to the Counoil at its next meeting.
.The Chairman of the Parks Committee reported.
ly on the repairs to be made at t;he Beach Casino, the need of
a new roo"f, and glassed in poroh etc.
It was moved by Mr. Barton that the Lite Guard
be dispensed with on May 1st. Mr. Genton$econded the motion,
which carried unanimously on roll call.
The Council, by unanimous consent, decided to
retain the seven extra whiteway lights on Atlantic Avenue, dUr';"
ing the summer months.
It was moved by Mr. Barton; seoonded bYMr~.Gen1;oAdl~,
and unanimously carried tJ:1.at bills numbered 1241 to 127'/rhaving~)1
been O.K'd by the Finance Committee, be returned to the Counoil ~I
and ordered paid. ~
The Council, by regular motion made, seconded and '~~
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carne , a Journe .';~!:,;~"
-4tw uJ. C~f
ty Clerk
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6.(3. fr~
~esident o"f Counoi1.