05-04-36 Special <? OOUNCIL CHAMBER *y 4. 1936 ;), The Oouncil met in special session at '1:30 P.M. upon call. ot the*yor tor the purpose ot receiving report and recommendation ot the Fire Commit"tee in regard to purchasing a truck chassis to be converted into a Booster truck for the Fire Department- It was moved by Mr.Hlll that "the Fire Coumitt"'s report be accepted and order placed tor DOdge Truck as re.. commended by th e Fire Chief. this being conSidered the bes't bid submitted tor the type ot truck desi red. 141", Barton seconded the motion. and on roll call. the vote was as fOllOWS: Mr. Barton yes.llr. Foote yes. IIr. Genton yes. Mr. Gwynn yes, IIr. Hill yes, 'fhe motion was deolared carried. ThEll"e being no turth er business 11:> come befor e the meeting, the council by motion regularly made. secanded and carried; adjourned. . ---Yh t1 0 CA). (l~ City Clerk. ."" APPROVED: ,() :tlres<&en{8o~cit Bids tinally submitted and co_idered at above meeting were as tollows; and on the following speci:f'1caticns: CHA.SSISa :1.1- ton des1gned to carry tun load at a 11 tmes, Good front bpjltp<<L' W1:ttdshiel.d 134>.. tolS6inc1l.whee].. .se . . <u". LQne: ronDingboflrdsendllear tflIlders ccmplete DI1a1. wheel'i!fonl'ear. with 650-00 t1 Ies Painted Fite Dept. red. J"ahn Chevrol.et - oh.no1~t.' Dell.'8.1serv1ce Garage -~~e Dal ray Beach Motor s F()iiod $664 .=0 '115.01) 'loa. 50 " "'\' ',~1 I I tIOa /.i' 01013'. I dct.... P-....ji 1..0 ct l:f ':II Il( 'lf~g I n.... IDOt; 1'd~1-+ 'dl=lO . ",of>> O....rl I j1"":; 1l=l1Dl=l ,(JQ.~llr .:. rla~ >,~-n'~"t:i'Jt. f~l::sr~~ . ....,"iJ . llI'ct"''' .~.PO I. "". ~Otf-::,: , ...-;,:':...... l=lecl=l l~""llr ct . Irol1llti mlDrl I .,' c.q' <D' po I ci' .<<t