05-11-36 Regular
lIay 11, 1936
The Counoil met in regular ses.ion at 7:30 P,M. with
the tollowing members present:. Mr. Barton, Mr. Foote, and Mr.
Genton. Mr. Gwynn andllbOllllItM arrived soon atter the meeting
oonvened and sat throughout the session. I
The minutes ot 'the regular meeting ot April 27th were,
by motion regularly made, seconded and oarried".,approved as read.
The application ot Frederiok Brown for the position ot
plumbing inspeotor was read, and it was moved by the Chairman
ot the Sanitary Committee that the City hire Mr. Brown as plUJl,bo-
ing inspector and assiStant to. Mr.' Baker, beginning May 15th,
at a salary at $'15.00 per month, his teD ot employment to be
at the will ot the Council. Mr. Hill seoonded Mr. Genton's
motion, and on roll oall, the vote. was as follows.: Mr. Barton
yes, IIr. Foote yes, Mr. Genton yflS, 14r. Hill yes. The motion
Mrs. Graoe Slane Weir who wa's present, enqU~ire*'" _.the'
Counoil if there were ordinanoes in effeot re~lating th erecti()n'
Of, signs, Partioular oomplaint 18 s made regarding a Sen es"
Hote,l sign whioh she ,said ,18 s a di stinet detrimeh t; tothEf.ren,~l'
possibilities ot her adjaeent property. As no City ordiIJaIlce)1:1!" '
had yet been passe~ in regard to si@Jls, Mrs. Weir was adyis~
to see .r. E.H. Soott in an ettort to have the si@Jl mOTe~traa
its present location.
GoTermnent permi t t4" ?b arves and bulkheads, a(Jcanpan";1'T,~1:
ied by a letter tromllr. Geo.':,". Carr was submitt,ed bytb:e;",,;'c"i
Clerk, and it was moved by Mr. Barton, Iseoonaed by IIr. Gentonand'
unanimously carried that sdd pem.it lle reoeived and filed in '
the City Clerk's otfiotf'i',anl1'1heClerk be authorized to pay
IIr. Carr's bill ot $150.00 00 vering his work in obtaining said
permit tran the Govermnen t.
The application ot Geo. II, Boughton, tor pem.issioD
to make e"r1ain exoavations in the sidewalk in ttont ot the
colony Hotel tor the purpose ot planting palm trees was pres-
ented. The matter was disoussed briefly all members stating they
were:Lni.tavor 0 t this beautification s oheme pr9:viding,tq.~i~~'iq.,~.:;"I""""'*";
walk was replaced in good oondition and suitable bond dep9sited., '
tor the satistaotory oompletion of the work. It wa s mevedby
IIr, Gwynn that permit be granted.' Mr. Barton seconded the
motion, and on roll oall. the vote was unanimous, and the, motiOn
was declared carried.
The Li@l:1t &. St,~eet cOJlIIII1ttees agreed to investigate
and detennine the approt,1Illate, cost of moving the fire plug and
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COUNCIL CHAMBER - May 11, 1935
light standard on the Northwest oorner of Atlan tio and Federal
Highway and rounding the curb on the Northwest and Southwest
oorners ot this street intersection.
The following deeds were reoeived and ordered placed
on reoord, by motion regularly made, seoonded, and carried.
From Lucetta E. & Lelia E. Horne oovering the N. 48'
of Lot 15 Blook 101, deeded tor municipal purposes.
R/W deed from E.C. May covering the W 20' of the N 107'
ot Block 137, deeded for street purposes.
It was moved by Mr. Barton that 'the Clerk be authorized
to pay the taxes at onoe on the N 48' of Lot 15, Blook 101. Mr
Gwynn seconded the motion, whioh oarried unanimously on roll call.
A letter and proposi tion trom A.E. Atkinson was read
wi th regard to leasing the City his property in Block 59'7;
The letter was ordered filed and 1Ir. Barton moved that IIr. Atkin"
son be notifi ed that the City is prooeeding to apply tor tax
deed to said property. IIr. Hill seoonded the motion, which on
roll oall, oarried unanimously.
The application of Herman T. Thomas tor license to
sell bottled beer in Edmonds store building on N.W. 5th Avenue
was read, but it was moved by Mr. :Barton, seoonded by Mr. Hill.
and unanimously oarried, tbat action be deterred on same until,
next meeting to enable 1hem to learn whe'ther the loeationwas'
suttioiently distant from the Colored Sohool.
It was moved by Mr. Hill that we award fleet insu mme
on the City's truoks to the Amerioan Fire and Casualty Compll1Y,
represented by Mr. lIobt. Bostwick. IIr. Barton seoonded the
motion, which oarri ad unanimously, on roll call.
The neces.,;JJity of replaoing the solar heater at the
oasino, Which had been removed to make root repairs was emphas_
ized, and atter di scussion it wa s au ggested by Mr. Hill that Mr.
Brown inspeot same and proceed to reconstruc t the sola r system
if th e root is in oondi tion to do so.
IIr. Hill stated oi ti ZeD-S were oomplaining about the
stray doSS in town but no action was tQken in regard to same.
Mr. Bllrton agreed to investi,8'lte as to prices,,01l.,.,... '"
several types ot floor matting sui table tor covering the sl1pper;r
spots in the casino hall-ways which have bee,n complained fIf.
Mr. J'oo1ie stated Mr. Scott of the Seacrest H()tel had
advised him he was willing to have the Seaores t wall torn. down
for the purpose of widening the' boulevard and th~t if the Ci V
would do this work, 'they oould have whatever materl al they were
able to salvage from same, whereupon it was moved by Mr. Bill
{~ <,
COUNCIL CHAMBER - May 11, 1936
that ~r. Baker be instructed to tear down the wall lying East
of the sidewalk: ad'jaoent to the Seaorest Hotel; tha t the Tele-
phone Company be requested to move pole line out of way 0 f the
new paVing, and that a letter be written Mr. Ralph Osborne,
Superintendent of Maintenance, State Road Departmen t, Lake Worth.
requesting the rocking and Oiling ot Ooean Boulevard frum At-
lantio Avenue North a di stance of 25'1 teet to a width of approx_
ima tely twenty teet West of the present PJ,ved road; also that
Br. Foote interview Miss Galvin and Mr. Lot ~:J,.th requesting
the moving of certain palms and a hedge looate~n the path of
the oontemplated paving. Mr. Barton seconded the motion and on
roll oall, the vote was unanimous in favor of the motioll.
~r. Hill reported the water pipe had been inst alled
in the Canal ditch and the Government had O.K'd the job. It
leaked only 3 gallons per minute, he said, and they hoped to
stop this leakage entirely. It was the unanimous opinion ot
the COuncil that Paul Nioolls should reoeive additional pompen_
satlon tor his work as di ver on the job and some of the members
agreed to discuss this with him, to detennine what remuneration
should be paid.
Mr. Hill stated that owing to a misunderstanding of
JIr. Jess C'. Johnson, IIr.Johnson bad __ paid considerably
more than he had anticipated, in the settlement ot oertainback
taxes a oouple ot years ago, and in oonsideration ot servioes
rendered in the oonstruotion of the Swilllllling POOl, Mr. Hill
moved that :Mr. Johnson be given credit on his taxes for said
amount. Hr. Barton seconded the motion. Mr. Foote enquired
whether this payment 1IO,uld release the City fran any indebted_
ness Mr. Johnson considered was me him by 'the Ci ty and Mr. Hil:t
stated he was wiUing to include this prOVision in his motion.
Mr. Johnson, who was present, deolined to aooept payment on
these terms, whereupon Mr. Hill withdrew his motion and Mr..
Barton his seoond.
it was moved by Mr. Gwynn, seoonded by Mr. Genton,
and unanimously oarried tha t biills 1276 to 1290, having bee
O.K'd by the Finanoe Committee; be re1urned to the Counoil and
ordered paid.
It was regularly moved, seoonded and oarried, that
Council adjourn.
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,,' City l'erln' ' ,
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Presld ..", /0 ,,'.., ,y Oouncil