05-25-36 Regular ~"".,.",~,;""=,;,~,,,,,,,,,;,,:<~,,.:..,,,,~,::,,.~,....,,'"_.;',.-c:."'"..,:''''';.'....'7'"'''.'~':.:..,...,'"''.,".".,--''' n._,""'.,..",'.....".~""!!'~ 57~ CQUNCmL CHAMBER May 25, 1936 The Council met in reglilar session at 7:30 P.M. with all members of the Council present. The minutes of the special meeting of 1my 4th and the reg- ular meeting of 1~y 11th were read; and it was moved that the for- mer be amended to include the bids submitted and cC)nsidered by the Council in their purchase of fire truck chassis, and with a minor correction also in the report of the regular meeting, the minutes of both meetings were regularly approved as corrected. A communication fram U.S. No. One Highway Association, Inc., soliciting Delray Beach publicity advertising for "Historical Review" publication was read by too Clerk but no action was taken The communication was ordered filed. , A communica ti on rrom the Palm Beach Exterminating Com- pany was read Offering to guarantee eradication or termites in the City Hall building for a price of $125.00. Mr. C.T. Dickenson" a representative of the Company was present and explained how thiS, work would be done.. Mr. Oen ton moved that we accept the Com- ,'. pany's bid and order the work done immediately. Mr, Gwynn seconded the motion. After further discussion and the suggestion that this matter be referred to a Committee for recommendation Mr. Genton" wi thdrew his motion and Mr, Gwynn his second. Mr. Centon thEm " moved that the matter be referred to a committee for investigation,' and recommendation at tPB next meeting of the Council.. Mr. Gwynn ,w seconded the motion and on rollcall the vote was unanimous in favor or the motion. A reque st of the State Ro ad Department for four copies or blue prints of the latest City map was referred to the Clerk and City Attorney for attention. ."" A letter was read ~rom the State Board of Health advising that they were sending prescribed regulations and IJlans for the construction of septic tanks. Mr. Foote explained that the Plumbing InsiJector was making an inspection of the septic tanks in town with alliew to remedying some of the existing sanitary conditions in both colored and white town. It was move d by Mr. Barton th?- t a pt":l:r:;ni t feE3P1::",,*;l,"ri99 be charged for the construction of septic tanks. Mr. Centon seconded the motion, which carrie d unan imously on roll call. f,,":.... The Plumbing Inspector made a verbal report of the con~ ditions found on sorne fllt the premises already inspected, after which a long discussion ensued as to how the sanitary regUlations of the City could best be enforced. It was finally movedby'Mr. Hill that the Coune 11 appOint Mr. ,Frederiok BroW)18,s Sanitary ~ - '....c',""'~..".,'~.....,....~".,..,."'..,"..,..,~... '~":""':'~"'",""''''"'''<'P7'''''''','''.",_.....,...,....,.._",-..'''''''''''.'~.''' .~, "o. ~, <'I 578 COUNCIL CHAIviBER - May 25, 1936 Ins"ector and that he be denu ized with police authcrity for the pUl~ose of enforcing the requirements of the Sanitary ordinances. Mr. Gwynn seconded the motion, and on roll call, t e vote was unanimous in favor of the motion. ,,-) The amount of fee to be charged applicants for plumbing examinations was discussed, and it was moved by Mr. Gwynn that the examination fee Tor a rrsster plumber be set at ~5.00 and fC)r a journeymEU, $3.00. Mr. Barton seconded the motion, which on "roll call, carried unanimously. The advisability of requiring electricians also to take an examination was discussed, but this matter was deferred until another n~eting. In the meantime, the City Attorney and Chairr~n of the Ordinance Committee agreed to peruse City ordinances regul- ating contractors and craftsmen wi th a view to drawing a new or- dinance correcting any inconsistencies that nmy now exist and in- corporating the changes and amendments Which have been suggested from time to time. The Mayor reported that he had been served with a subpoena in the case of E.J, Deidler versus Fl)rida East Coast Railway Co., et al., being Common Law Case No. 8057, Oircuit Court, Palm Beach, County, Florida; also, he had been served with a subpoena in the case ot Estate of Clayton E. Rutledge, deceased, versus Clarissa B. Johnson, administratrix, being Chanoery Case No. 4674, Circuit Court, Dade County, Florida. The Council instructed City Attorney C.Y. Byrd to rile appearances in said cases, arid to proceed to protect the City's interest to the best of his ability, as attor- ney for the City. The Chairman of the Parks Committee reported he had pUr~ chased a suitable rug for the casino at a very reasonabltiprice. He also recommended the immediate reconstruction of the solar system, which he stated would have to becntirely rebuilt. It was suggested that John Gregory do what carpenter work wasre- quired, and that this work be proceeded with at once. Mr. Hill reported he had checked up on the location of the store in Colored Town where Herman T. Thomas proposed to sell bottled beer, and that it was less than 100 yardS distant from the Colored School grounds. License was therefore refused and the Clerk was instructed to so advise applicant. /(<< The Fire Chief came before the Council recomn~nding that the new Booster truck be equipped with a good grad.e of garden hose purchaseable for l7i cents a foot instead of the 60 c~nt,.. .".,. chemical hose formerly used. Mr,~ Hill moved thatthe>F1rel\',CMe:l",,,,,,,,,," be authorized to purcbaae 200 fe,et of the recorninended:garde~hose as truck equipment. 1~. Gwynn seconded the motion, which on roll call, carried unanimously. The Fire Chief reported the Underwriters Association had asked for a copy of the City's new building code and he was in- structed to furnish sad copy as requested. ~","'.k_.'"",'""",~.'~""""," """~,.',-,~.'~.'-~-~.-,.'"~,,,,:,,.':,,.'.t,. '''W.'''~".,..,.~~_"""""",,_, 57! r ' COLn'CIL CIBlvIDER - Fay 25, 1936 It Was regularlc moved, seconded and carried, that the Woman's Club be given free use of ths Beach Casino for a picnic., -~;< In the matter of cleaning up vacant lots, 1fr. Gwynn, reported he had talked with Mr. J.C. Keen and others who had ad- vised him that the Kiwanis Club was outlining a plan for beautify- ing and cleaning up vacant pro:certy in town, and Mr. Gwynn tecomm- ended that the City work with the Kiwanis along this line, rather than by assessing, the property for such work as had been suggested. Mr. Keen had requested that a committee of three of the Council- men be appointed to vvork wi th the Kiwanis in the contemplated clean up campaign. '-'" The Clerk reported pa~nent of current interest and can- cellation of coupons as follows: To Palm Beach Company $450.00 (Hi coupons #21 off Bonds 47 to 51 1925 (80M) Gene ral Issue) To L 'Engle &. Sh ands (26 Coupons #20 of~ Bonds 551-675 &. 715-1926 (900M) Genral Issue) 715.00 It was regularly moved, seconded and carried, that the Clerk's action in paying and cancelling aforesaid ~ouppns be ap)roved. It was moved by :Mr. Genton, seconded by :Mr. Gwynn and unanimously carried that bills numbered 1278 to 1319, having been O.K'd by the Finance Committee, be returned to the Council; and ordered paid. ' It was regUlarly moved, seconded and carried, that Council adjourn. m <u CA.)' (1;1 (~ Ci ty Clerk . , APPROVED: r:1 . G. 13. fr~ President o~ Counci1 ''i. Q:~::>:'