06-08-36 Regular ~, .7.,....,...'..'~.'..\~~<y~..'""'"".,",."',<,. .-..-,..".~-...->,~."",.,.,,, < "'"".'-'-"",""","".' ,_~",",,,,ry"""".:,,,._,,,.,,,,~..,,,~.,.~:,,,.,,......,~.w.'.,",,,",,1:_"~__ '"""i' .~ 58<. ~ COUNCIL OI-1m.mER June 8, 1936 ..U The Council met in rG[~ular session at 7:30 P.M. with all members of the Council present. fhe Mayor and City Attorney were absent. The minute" of' the meeting of' May 25th were read, and by motion regularly mEde, seoonded and carried, approved. Application of Ralph Cohn, Inc. for licenses to operate seven au tome tic vending :1Jachine' at var ious locations in the city was read by the Clerk. lIIT. K.J. Milton, representing the applio- oant, addressed the Council, pleadir>..g for the prompt iscmance of sad lioenses. 'rhe Pres idem t of the Counoil e:j!lpressed decided opposi tion to the ins talla tion of' slot maohine s in this City, asserting that Public sentiment was against them. Councilman Gwynn s'Gated that because the Mftyor had so consistently opposed these maohines in Dclray he believed the Council should take no action in the matter until Mr. Bradshaw's return, at which time the lvlayor might call a special session of the Council for con- sideration of the application if he considered it desirable. A communication was read f'rom th'e Florida State Fire College asking that the City permit Mr. L.W. Cook to act as in- structor in giving an eleotrical demonstration for the Fire 0011ege at its annual meeting in D3.ytona Beach this year.;' >It was moved by Mr. Barton that the Fire Chie f be granted necessary leave of absenoe f'or this purpose. Tl1e motion was seoondedby Mr.Gwynn, and on roll call, unanimously carried. "-, -! A letter was read from S.D. Macready, of the S!!Iite Boarct of Health suggesting the passage of certain ordinances togoverli sanitation 6f' the city and offering assistance along this line if' required. The President recommended that the letter and list of suggested ordinanoes be referred to the Ordinance Committee for investigation and recommenda~ion at its next meeting~ t, The Clerk presented a deed to the City executed by Mrs. Jennie M. Weaver covering the S 50" of' Lot 8 and all of Ldt9 Block 101, Ylhich property she agreed to deed to the City in 'return for tax receipts on other property which she owned in Delray as . follows: Covering taxes for the :rears 19.30 and 1931 on Lot 1 Block 102, and also for years 1929, 1930 and,193l on Lgts 16 and 1'7, Blook 1 Dell Park. It was moved by Mr. Barton.thai't."dee(l."be".""".,c accepted in return for said tax considerations, and theClel.'k'be directed to secure abstract to said property from Mrs. Weaver. Mr. Hill sedonded the motion, which on roll call, oarried. u!lan- imously. It was further moved by Mr. Barton that the deed be recordeu and the Clerk be authorized to pay County taxes at once on this property. Mr. Hill seoonded the motion, which carried unanimously, on roll ca 11. /? . " '<'"",~,-,-."",,-~,",",'-V"',"-:,",-:<,,~_~~,,,,,S,...,,,,,,",,.',_---.n'"'....,.~0".'h'''.""''''.-.=_"".,...~:''m.-.''''".'.''"'',._,_,',., -'''''^,""...- -C.., ,-~.,." , '.. 0~'_".... .,....<:"".~-7...'..~,'?.',..'-.--.--"...-,_'w"~.,"..,,... '.-~'-",',.- ,~,'"."C ""--"" '<:~.""'.:>"',.~r'",","""""""""'''''-:~"''''i'''~'''o/'''''"'''''' COUYCIL CH.AMBER- J'une 8, 1936 581 A request from C.E. Britton vias presented to the Counoil by Mr. Foote, asking for the cancellation of~certain street lien against his property in Block 122 having a frontage on N.E. 8th Avenue of' 110 feet. The members had investigated Mr. BTitton's claim and were sa tis fie d tba t no d cd had ever been given to the City by Jll"U'. Britton for necessary street right-of'-way; neither had the West half of Eighth Avenue been paved across his property, therefore: the lien asainst his propert~.. for the paving of Eighth , Avenue was illegally assessed, and it was moved by ~tt. Barton that the Clerk be authorized to ad jus t this error by cancelling said lien, and allowing Mr. Bri tton credi t for two installments, paid under protest, on the disputed assessment, together with interest at six per oent per annum since pajment of said install- ments. This credit is to be used by Mr. Britton in the, settle- ment of delinquent taxes and ~tt. Britton is to give in return R/w deed to the 1Il!tIIt,~"'onllillhmllh,"..lil,.~,...."../;.!o... East twenty five feet of his property in Block 122 for street purposes. Mr. Hill seoonded the motion, which on roll call carried unanimously. Mr. Gwynn stated that because of an erlllor somewhere; he recommended that the Counc il take some action to satisfy the griev- ance of Mr. Jess J'ohnson rogarding the settlement of certain de~ , linguent tax~s on his property in Block 107 a year or so ago, and.; made a motion that we allolli' Mr. Johnson a oredit of $81.00 to,',;, apply on future payment of taxes, as a refund on the amount' paid. \.-.1:. "\'.' by him at that time. Mr. Barton seconded the motion and on rOll,'" call the vote was as follows: Mr. Barton yes; Mr. Foote no ; .,' ....< Mr. Genton yes; Mr. Gwynn yes; Mr. Hill no. The motion carried.,': The matter of paying Paul Nicolls extra compen&lifOILfqr,tl his services as diver in the laying of the water main was.il.i?;aJ:tl,\i 'i; taken up andMI'. Hill moved that we pay Mr. Nicolls $25.00,fo:r.-'" ,~1i;, this work. Mr. Genton seconded the motion, which on roll call carried unanimously. i).. The Sanitary Inspector reported on his Cheek-up of san- itary conditions ~ the City. It was recommenddd that the Fire Chief and Sanitary Inspector work together in eliminating the nuisance resulting from careless disposal of garbage by the grocery stores in town. " The Chairman of the Parks Committee reported that the Manager of the Cas ino had bee n annoyed by groups of night ba the rs littering the pool with trash and making nuisances of themselves at night and ~uring the early morning hours. As a remedy, it was moved by Mr. Barton tlat Mr. HOlloway be authorized topur"- chase IDa terial and ha'Q'e gates construoted to the entra.ncel!W;'tOl~"""","'''' the pool and that these gates be locked at 10:00 P.M. Mr; . , Gwynn offered the fOlloWing amendment: "That a notioe be insertedZ' in the Delray Beach News not Hying the Publio that partie swishing .' to ufjethe-pool after too closing hour must obtain a permitfl'0m the Eonl Manager and that anyone entering the pool, wi thout a, permit after the locking of the ga te s will be guilty of trespass. Tl1e' amended motion Was seconded by Mr. Hill, a'nd on roll call u~nilno1.is1y 01'1 rri e d.. ..,^.>:^,."".'^;.".",....":""'l=.~,'''"-'. "~>"<' '~..""",.~'"...,~..,"- ",'"""""-_,~,"":"^",w,,,,",,,,,,,,,.~,,,,,:,,,,~_"",,:,,,,,.-..~.,, ~o",',.,."._..,."'''"...,.''O~,':.''' -".", ~ ' ",. "'-'-~ .-.:~>,"..:.-...,~~.-'.~."..'7',..""'"(......,.-=;-,''',=-'.'".,.---~-.-.''-""--._,"~_ --,,," .. ."';..--".."....,."">:"-.~~:o.""="...",._":\""" 58~ '" COU}JCIL CI~li:ffiER - June 8, 1935 'J-~ It was regularly moved, seconded and carried that bills numbered I~?-I to 1355 , having been O.K'd by the :i!'inance Commi ttee, be returned to the Council, and ordered paid. Tfiere being no further business, it was regularly moved, seconded and carried that Council adjourn. ~y W.C-~ Ci ty Clerk . APPROVED: ..~.S.~ President of Oouncil , ',5; ,>' . ",",,,,'