07-07-36 >"',_<o,c,,~"''"''-,W-'-'',''.?'"'"'''''.'r'''''''",'''''"'"'''~.',~"'~'~''' .- '-'..,~".-".~-'-',.~~.;-"'''<''''''-'''~" ". _.. '."'!I"'i"'" 586 ',ft COUNCIL ClillffiER July 7th, 1936 ,,(~ c The Counoil met pursuant to a notioe duly pub- lished, and in aocordanoe with the ordinances and charter of the City, a s a Board of E9.ualiza tion, at 9: 30 A..M. The Mayor and Councilmen Barton, Hill and Genton were present. Counoil- men Foote and Gwynn were absent. D~ijilman Barton was ap~ointed Chairman Pro Tem of the Board's meetings, in the absenoe of the President of the Council, Mr. Foote. Mr. Gracey aHpeared to ascertain the assessments plaoed against his own and oertain client.s properties but entered no complaint. Mr. A.E. P+astridge, representing the Equitable Life Insuranoe Company, asked a reduotion on their property, "lb, Lot 1 Blook 92. The Board after investigating the assess". ment maie against this property was of the opinion that same was fairly and equitably assessed and that no reduotion was due on said pro perty. The Clerk wa s instruoted to advise Mr. Plastridge to that effect. It was regularly moved, seconded and oarried that the Board recess until 9:30 Wednesd ay Morning, July 8th. mo D ({J. ~ QA-Vlr ~ APPROVED: pr~tfi~~ Pro Tem. Ie :~