07-08-36 Adjourned Special "'''''."""""",.",,! Y'._'"?,.."""",.,..""~~~~",.~,..<>,,.,.,,. """,""""""~:",:,:",._,,,,,~"..,..~~.,"~,,,,.,.,,..,_... "'''".;~::,~~~~ l:t 5a cmmc IL CRil.MBER ;, July 8th, 1936 , " The Couacil met in adjourned apecial session as a Board of E~ualization at 9:30 A.M. with the Mayor and Couacil- men Barton, Hill and Genton present. Oouncilmen Foote and Gwynn were absent..,.;,; The Olerk pre sented a complaint made by Mr. R.O. ..... Alley as to the assessment plaoed on the Delray Motorfl buildi.ag" located on Lots 8 &. 9 Block 84, ow.aed by the Palm Beach CO.t:lI'~.)i'(~i~!,.;i pany. Mr. LeRoy Diggaas bad made a re-appraisal of thebuildi~~"~~ it was stated, and found that the cube rate placed o.a the ua- .. finished garage and repair shop portion of the building was too high, and due to this error it was recolIllIlended that the valuation be reduced from $4,050.00 to $3,640.00. A writtem complaint from Mr. John Adams asking for a reduction in the valuation of his building on Lot 25, Block 92 VIas presented by tile Clerk, and Mr. Hill agreed to make iii re-appraisal of this property to ascertain if same had been equitably assessed. Ma.JL fA). (l~. The re be ing no fur the r c om)la ints, the meeting reoessed to meet at 9:30 Thursday morning, July 9th. " APPROVED: 2res~u Pro Tem. <>