07-12-36 Regular
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July 12, 1936
The Council met in re@lllar session at 7:30 P.M. The
Mayor, City Attorney and Councilmen Barton, Genton, Gwynn and Hill
were present. CO\.u1cilman Foote was absent.
l '
It was regllarly moved, seconded and carried that Mr. Hill
act as President Pro Tern in the absence of Mr. Foote.
The minutes of the last regular meeting of June 22nd and the,
meetings of the Council, held as a Boai'd of Equalization, on July ,I
7th, JUly 8th and July 9th were read, and tu motion re@lllarly made:;:
seconded and oarried, approved as read.,)
The 01 erk read a communi 00. tion from R.S. Yeomansenquiring;~~;
of the Couno 11 as to whether Shulson Ijltreet was a regula.rlYdedl~..'~<
cated street ron ning east from the F.E.C. Canal to the Ocean Blvd.
and whether property owners had a ri @t to demand that samebe:!t.
kept open to the Public. It was re€lllarly moved, se.conded and ..,:;.
carried that the Clerlc be instructed to .wri te 1D Mr. Wh~tle4fa,c,l...;46
vising him that Shulson Street was a public thoroughfare. and "tl1a.;t:\:
any 0bstruc tion placed in said st reetbya property OI'Iner did not:
constitute an aba.ndonmen t of s eme,an ddthat the Oi ty did not ..,/t.',
reoognize it as such. The Clerk wa s instructed to forwar d a 'copy.,:
of this :Ie tter in her reply to Mr. Yeomans.:,'(i,\'
It was moved by Mr. Barton, seconded by Mr.. Genton
unanimously carried that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized
sign the supplemenial Street Lighting Letter agreement, as
by th e Flori d a Pow er & Ugh t Comp my.
md'- '14J-
to ",
submi tt,e
A Ie tter from th e Fairbanks Morse Companywa s read... in'whi6k
they proposed to del iver a new 4" PImp 1D the Water Plant.{for a
price of $570.00 plus freight and installation charges, and de.,.
ducting from said price $100.00 fur the3" pump now in use. 'l'his
proposed insta Ration was explained by Mr. Hill but it was de-
oided to 'lake no action until the retunn of th e Chairman of
the Water Committee.
A request of Mr. Fred Hartman was presented 1D the ,Council
as a Board of Equalizers, asking a reduction on his property.,
Vi z. the st of Block 46. Examination of th e roll disclosed
the fact .that .the property in questio~ wa~a,sse~~~A,,~q~J1ia.p!Y;.. *'"
and inl1ne with the adjoining and ne~ghboring lots and tne.
Council therefore felt no reduction was due on the 1936 roll-.
The 1936 Tax Assessment Roll as prepared and equalized
was then pre3ented by th e tax assessor. There being 00 further
complaints, and. the Board having completed its work of equal1z~
a ti on, i twasllloved by Mr.. Barwn , seconded by Mr. Genton, aIld
on roll call unanimously carried that the following resollltion '
be adopted: .
COUNCIL CHAMBER - July 12, 1936
In accordance wi th a further request of Mr. Zook, it
was moved by Mr. Gwynn ih at 1I1e Mayor am City Clerlc be author-
ized and directed to sign the foll owing letter, agreeing to
submission of an application 1'01' certain excavation work along
the canal right-of-way adj acent to Zook Palm Nurseries.
Delray BeaCh, Fla.
July 13, 1936
To The Distp. ct Engineer
U.S. Engineer Office
Jacksonville, Fla.
Dear Sir:
This is to inform ym th at on JUly 13; 1936
the duly constituted authorities of the City of Delrs1
Beach, F.l.orida in legal Ireeting assanbled considered
an application 10 be submitted 1:u the Zook Palm Nur""'
series Inc., the OWIErs for a val' Department permit,
to excava-re material from and rip ran with stone the
Eas t b/mk o~ 111 e Int racoa.st al \7 at er way, South of Atl-
antic Avenue, Delray BeaCh, Florida and deposit the
sane shoreward on the lands of the owners and upon'
moticn duly carried the municipal autho.rities did
wave all objecti 01 s t here to, ins::>much as the work con-
templatedwillnot interfere with any plans for which
work said City authorities now have in View.
(Signed) D.M. Bradshaw
(Sigled) Mae W. Cramp,
Town CJ. elek
Mr. Barton seconded the motion 1'01' adoption, which was carried
unanimous ly.
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In fur11le.r. co~eoticn wi th sai d applic ation, i~& ~",12.".";",,.~.. " :...
moved by Mr. Barton; seconded by Mr. Genton and on rollo,aU,. ""'"
unanimously csrri ed, the t RESOLUTION NO. 156. ORDINANCEBOOK4,ij;..
be ,adopted, and a copy of same forwarded to th e Honorable..J..
Mark Wilcox and to the Uni ted Sta tes Governmen t District
Engineer atJ'aoksonville.
It m s !!rived by Mr. G.en ton, El econded by Mr. Barton; and
unan1mouslycarriEjd t,hat the Clerk bedirec-red to write -Gbe
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COUNCIL CHAMBER ~ July 12, 1936
Telephone Company asking that they move their pole line North
of the row of Royal' Palms on At1an tic Avenue, East of the F.E.C'.
Canal, and also llDve the ir poles back out of the line' of the
proposed widening of the Ocean Blvd., for a distmce of approx-
imately five hundred fee t North of the present widening. This
is to allow for the widening ani rocking of .mast Atlantic Avanue
and the Ocean Blvd.
Mr. Gwynn reported that the street had sunk to such an
extent in front of the L.F. Ranson house that water stood up
to the axles of the cars during he avy rains; that the street
was being demaged as a cons equence, aad recoIltnended that it be
remelil:ied. It was decided to refer this work to Mr. Baker,
together wi th the repair of a damaged si dewslk at the S11lle
It was regularly moved, seconded and carried that bills
numbered 1383 m 1431, having been O.K'd by the Finance Com;";
mittee be retu rned to the Council and ordered paid..
It W'lS re@lllarly moved, seconded and carried that
Council adjoorn.
f"a-R W. &~
Oity 01erk. .. .' .
&.. (3. ~
President of 111 e o unc 11 , ro
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