07-27-36 Regular
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July 27, 19l:56
~ Ccuno1llllet in regular Ilession at 7:30 P.M.
Wi th all 2mbers pre lle'nt .
'!'be minutes of the last regular meting 01' J"uly
are :read, and by motion regul~ly made, secon4ed, and
oarried, approved as read.
.4 letter addres$8d to the Ci tr .4lltoneTW:4.8 read IHl,
to the Coilnofl which advilre4that the O1Dl8'rs of BlOck 52 n!ll
would .be willing to give quit clai$ deed to said bl.o'ok fo~ ~Il
the SlUU fi>>t $100~OO. 'l'be matter wat. disoussed briefl". ~d~:Jt
14'. Gwylln moved that the City .4tto1'11eY lie authp]!'1zed.1;Od1'~~,I;
a deed to be sent to Jl::i.os. Southard's .4tt01l'ney, with>inst:ruo.,;~l
tions that same must be signed by the two parties baving aD ,:,.
interest in this. prope:r:>ty. Mr. Hill seconded the mOtionand~
on roll call, the vote was llnenimous. and the motion wall"
deolared carr1e:d.
Tb,e. Clerk readoommtl11ication8 t1'Om CongreSsm.t\tl
Wilcox's secretary ~dthe United atatu Eng1_erOttioe~
both Mla10wbdging receipt ot t1I.e ~l!ent. re801u~:l.~n,8lU>~~~t
by the City CcuncUuging and approving the. ..djinS.,o*.er.;.,
yacht basin abutting on the Zook!l't1rser1es poper""'.iI"J~8."
re~omll8nl.'led t:llat a copy ot the letter from 'lhelllDglneer's ,
otfice bessnt Mr. 7A:lok tor his intormat1on and the cOllllllU1'1i.,..
oat1ons 1IIere o:rderedti.led. .
A. cOllllllU11i c ati on, trom 1IilU. 1Ibu. t18y, aecomptn1ed
by a small blu,priJ'1t of tbe stot BlOck 159 walll. 1'!'ad ~.
presented 'by the Clem. . It was nohd, upon S1;ttdy1ng n.
plat, that same lacked necessary ll,tl'eet dedications,. !'
and tmt tbe location ot ~l8'ason S3treet did not corresponil !!:
nth the adjoining Nassau Park property. Il'0J' thill reason ~!~I'
theCQ1Uicil did Dot approve same; and it wasmovecl by __it!le',
Battl3n that the matter be referred to Mr.' ByrdtoJ!' i1We{J1;l..~.t!
eation and to have tm N~.sau. Pal'kdevelopers co~re,ot&M!:- t~l'
son Street rigl1t..ot..way 1lI0 tl1at 88me will co11torm w:ith lllj~ ~l,
regularlyestabliSbed street line, JIr. Hill ..ooded. t~ ~!I
motion, which on roll call, oarr1e:d unanimously'. .,. f
. -, ".,~,i,:"~/~i'~ijj,~;;.,y.:.~"'/-i~:."
COUNCIL CHAl,fR1P.R - dUly 27; 1936
by Gene BUrel on LOt JZ BJ.oek 61. The IusI8ctor 1ntomed
the Counoil that this ball been done in violation ot t_
terms of the permit given tor said constl'l1ction and tha't
a polioe warrant Wa:s to be issued for said violation. _
Pennit for shingle root on too F.C. J4cOolly hOWl'e was no't
G.O. Baker apI8ared before the Counoil asking I',
that the Oity set 8takes for necessary street grades on ii'
the Beach as he he.da contract forbullding streets over JJ;'
there and1'equired this Intol'lDStiob. 1mmediately. )fr..~..." ~
ton reoollllllended tbllt the Street Oommittee take the 1IIil~'t~~:~
up with Mt'. Geo. Carr, .to asoertain the oost of SUOh work, &c~~;:j
,. ,,;- .~
- ,
'v. ..<
The ne4lessity ot purchasing a new pump torth.!'{' ,.; i
Water Plant Wa:s again brought, up and disC)uSI3ed. and I6:1it~i1tiill~i.,.,
moved that the City make a trade with the Fairbanks Ml>l'se ,..,::
~:~P;:t;~~ :'ir~:;cE:::~ ~:~!t:~~~~ i~ t~:O:::;~~f;an;4:'I:~ J
8:plto1fi!tat1 ons, end prices oontaine d in their lettero:l!,:;,','i('
July 4th. andnpplelD\lnted by yerbal conversation. betw~D....ii,;::!ii
Mr. Hill and Mr. Draney. Mr. ~ton second:e4 the motlQll '\~
and on :roH eaH the .mot$on car.r:!,ed unailmously. ItriliJ, ,'.1i!i"
agreed to make add purchase thtCHigh Fairbanks Morae'fs.
JI1ami egenoy. W.N. 1ilrod; & OompanY.'.~i,.:
Th& Clerk 1'8ported tbat :&Jr. O.;m-. Drittonw@d
not deed to the CitT the E2S' ot hie proPerty in Block'122-
unless the City 1Duld agree to rel1eve him of alltu:ture/.'f"
liens for paving on said, property.' 'fhe Counoil stated;{~:':)"'5 "
was not parmi tted to bind future Oounclls by" sue h an 'a8r,Eiemen~~l
" '_;--'>?2'~t.::/":<::-:,'--;)/-f~
A request ot J .W. Washburn that Ii parkinS spait~>, ....~
be marked out on the "est lrtdeof 4th Aventtefor the C0nvtln-;:~t
ienoe of truoks unloading at' 'the Awning Shop and Roaehts,," ",,?,'iii;;Jt::
Plumbing Shop was.referrdd to the Polioe Dept. t~r aOt:ton;i;.~
In compl1anoe wi thai f:1fe st ot Councilma11~~t,oh, ","'~,',..~,,}.',:
it was agreed to replaoe t~ spr . ler at the No:r:>th end()t,.;~
tbe Beach pavilion tor theoonvvnience ot hotel gUests..
1M. Cle..... 't d t.n"'~I"~I~"'" f t' '-- f II .~ >d";" /l~~
./i.ue " .~...' repo:r e PIll' ~'o' ,...,0 ow~g. e87";~
onbed bondS purChased fromA.B..JfDrr1son & Co;'and'\ii~Ii(lj~fl! '
taxpayers in payment of deUnquenttaxes as authorlzed,sa. '
bonds having all unpaidboupons attached or aceompanyfng. ~~~fi'
, " 1 ',-of,;:!
dJ~:-- -
..y~,..- ,- . -,:"
5 One-Thousand-Dollar Bonds
Nos. 109 to 115 incl.
5 One~Thousand-Dollar Bonds
Nos. 104 to 108 incl.
J. .:.
5,000.00 ,:
COUNCIL CHAMBER - July ~7, 1936
192~ SPECIAL ISSUE OF ~ll7~80l.60
5 One-Thousand-Dollar ~nds, previously havine'tl50.00
J,lBid oft on each leaving a balance ot 12,250.00
Nos. 7 to 11 incl. '
-.>fr" "'.','" .... '~^"_'
1926, GE1'l.$llALISSUE OFJ900~QOO .00
1 One-ThoUlrand-Dollar Bond
No~ 442
AlBo payDle'nt ot, ourrent interest and cancellation o:r, ,
coupons e: s to~lo1JS:
On Jt111e9th to ,L'Eagle &. .sm,nlls
Jillying40 CQttPOllS #2(J"ott
Bonds 551 to 580 & 676 to 685
1926 (900.) "Ceneral Issue
On JUly 101lh to L '~~le & Shands
pe.ying 39 coupons #20 oft :Jonds
601 to 635 &. 701 to 704 inCl.
1926 (90011) Ceneral Issue
On Jt111e 23rd to Palm Beach Co. l5O'~'OO
paying 5 cOI1pons # 21"ott
Bonds 34 to 36 inclusive
1925~~:,~:: ::':.. .~rk". ..t~o"n....",~ :~Ii
and canoelling Slillid bonds and interest, coupons be~ppft,)Y.d.j!'~'
JIr. Berton seconded ta, motion, which on J.'Oll call" eilrried!,c
unanimously., ,,' , ,..i;~
'!'be Cilly Attorney re pOrted brlefiioft'tii.t~dlt'f~Wt
tour pending laWIIUits., ' , . '
14'. C.A. Baker, reported that the Citrrl'l11l8~1'-;;:!
driven lawn mower was beyond f'Urther .,repairtand'r.Eioo_end~
COUNCIL CFA)mII:~ - JUly 27, 1936
tb:! plrchase 01' a new one to take its place. Mr. Hill
mOV'ed that the Chairman ot the Park Committee investi-
gate as to types and pr ices of new machine s, and that
he be given power to aot in the purchase 01' same. Mr.
Genton seconded tb:! motion, which on roll call oarried
una:Umously. .
The matter 01' employing a manager at the Beach
Casino was brought up by Cottncilman Genton~ It was stated
by other 2mbers that the present manager was not uncler
contract 1'01' any stipulated term, and as there liaS no
particulardissatiS1'action with the present managelllllnt,
no change was oontemplated at this time.
ttwas JIll)ved by Mr. Gettllen, seconded by Mr. Bar-
ton, jand unanimously cal':t"ied, that bills 11ll1llbered1432 to
1456,' having beell O.K. td by the Finance Committee, be 1'8" ,.
tumed to the Council and ordered paid.
tt was regularly moved, S9conded and oarried,
llbat Council adjourn.
)rJ,1 A.e
C:fty C Jr.
Pres1I~' !3t'!/cl. -