08-10-36 Regular -c-~,,,~~"-...:..:..,,,,,. ,., .~.-.._....-..,_ .(.......___.,_.~__':..;_'_ ._"':'~,-"~~_";~_',_",""__'"_''' _....-,."".~~,.~...,.v.-__..('.~ j) 59~ COUNCIL CHAMBER " Augus t 10, 1936 The Couricil met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. witlll all members present. The minutes of the regular meeting of July 21th were read and by motion regularly made, seccmded and carried approved. A letter was read from Congressman Wilcox with reference to proposal by Zeok Palm Nurseries for the widening and dredging of a yacht basin abutting on their Canal front property. It was reooll1lDended that a copy of' the letter bwsent Mr. Zeoli: and that the communieation be fiaed. A oommunioation was read trom John P. Rankin, enquiring as to the possibility of the City; granting him a lioense,to OP-,I\ erate a Beaoh Equipment Rental business in Delray Beach this winte!,;;'. Atter discussion it was regularly moved, seoonded and carried that. the Clerk inform Mr. Ran'kin that the City ';Puld grant him a ten ,<.. dollar license for operatill'glsuch a servioe', providing he did not~il store his chairs and equipment direotly on the beaoh.<ji: A letter trom O.A. Sandquist, enClosing a bulletin setting;' forth requirements in regard to sponsor's oontributions on ariy new F.W.P.A. projeots was ordered filed for future referenoe. ,",.;!.. The Building Inspector presented a bUilding application ii.;; from Mike 1.. Blank for the ooris traotion of an office and , oonserva-v" tory on, Lots 3,4,5, Blook 120. He asked the Council's appro'val on';.~ sameasapplioation was not ,cDvered by the building oode. After ,it", discussion it was moved by Mr. Hill that the Building InspectO:f'f~ be authorized to grant the permit according to the plans and 'speC-,~f;. ifications presented. Mr. Barton seoonded the motion, whioh on,k roll oall oarried unanimously. ;:;;. An applioation for permission to ereot a fruit stand, of temporary oonstruction, enolosed in wire netting and oovered with an awning root on the lot just West of the Bedell BUilding was refused by ,the Counoil, who were ot the unanimous opinion that suoh construction should be disoouraged on Atlantio Avenue, and expressed themselves as being opposed to such. The Building Inspeotor was further directed to present any suchapplications to the Coune 11 for approval before issuing permit for oonstruotion " ",c:."..-,' :~'. ;~'.#~~; "(.. Mr. Jos. W. Rode', Swimming Instructor, who was i,ntroduoed , to the counoil by Mr. Ball, presented a proposition to the members' whereby the interest and patronage of the S*imming Pool might be increased, he said. Atter a lengthy disoussion, of his proposal, and upon recommendation of Mr. Holloway and the Mayor, it was agreed to tryout the plan for a month with the option of renewing the oontraOt from month, to month if ~tisfaotory. Aocordingly it was moved by Mr. Gw-ynnthat thjil City Attorney be authorized to , "-"''-'',,"';,'''''-'' -""."~-"-'C"""'_ . ' '59~ i::;'''~ 'i':'> CITY COUNcIL.,. August 10, 1936 o draw up'an agreement on a monthly basis, between the City and Mr. Jos. W. Rode, as outlined by the Swimming Instruotor, accept- ing his proposition to take oharge of swimming, diving, and red cross lessons at the City Pool; and to be paid half of the $1.50 monthly membership fee charged for the use of the City Pool for one month, viz. August 15th to September 15th, with the privilege of reneWing said oontraot from month to month providing the rev- enue of the pool shows an increase and the servioes of Mr. Rode warran ts such renewal of agreeme nt in the opinion of the City Counoil; that Mr. Rode be allowed to give private instruotion to any paid admissions to the pool providing this does not interfere with the Public's use of the pool. Mr. Hill seoonded the motion, which oarried unanimously on roll oall. w..:::; Judge Jaoobs, who was present, enqui~ed as to the Counoil'sZ sentiment in regard to the enforcement of the ordinanoe > governing", J,~ the use of shingle roots in the Oity, and recommended that a reS-h cinding ordinance be passed if the members were unfavorable .to:~; such enforoement. ,Atter a length1disoussion in regard to this '....,.,.1, matter, it was reoommended that t:re me. tter be deferred temporarllyis~.: to~allow the Fire Chiet to interview Mr. Travers as to the l1kel1...;,~i~ hood of the basi/3 insuranoe ra te be ing raised by the rescinding .," ot,our present shingle roof ordinance. !&~j, '~lmi,,: 1935 had~e~l~~~l~:~~~:~t:~h~~~~~;;ig~o~~r;rv:~O~~~i~~~ td~f~~~ of which were now out of business and had no property upon whioh to levy for oollection. :;:f:'~i .(~ I , , ! , f W It was therefore and unanimously oarried, side red uncollectible by follows I ,.. ,,"- Lee Edwards, Colored Smith's Grooery, " Joe Taylor, " E.F. Hollarn Laundry moved by Mr. Hill, seoonded by Mr. Bartonffi*'" that sa id personal property t axes, eon-..,...;.,'.:II~. }i,' the Olerk, be canoelled, same being as",.'~. 'i'. ......'.;l11..,'1...... "":~'i ~:,';:~~I0.' Town, " " $ 3.05 1.53 1.5~ 6.10 .6::1' ,Ie t' jJ, :t '. , .~ ;,;; The Clerk was ordered to prooeed with oolleotion of the Turner Eleotric Company tax, the only remaining unpaid levy. ,--,.~-i,1 ;.;,:,~>-' '.'i tr The need of a sign regUlating ordinanoe was brought up,,'} by Counoilman Barton, who stated tba t new signs were being ereoted in objectionable locations. The following ordinance was there tore, introduoed and placed on its first reading: Ordinan oe 157. Ordinanoe BO!?k 4,..". Ci.,,,,;:,;,,,, AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE CONSTRUCTION,LOOATION~ ERECTION AND PLACING OF SIGNS, SIGNBOARDS, BILLBOARDS" OR POSTERS WITHIN THE CITY OF IlELRAY BEA,CH, ANDPROvrDING THE MANNER IN mUCH SIGNS, SIGNBOAROO,'BILLBOARDS OR POSTERS MAY BE ERECTED OR' J;'LACED ON BUILDINGS OR LANDS WITHIN THE, CITY LIMITS ,AND PRESCRIBING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THE CONDITIONS OF THIS ORDINANCE. . ~ " '...... ~~... "' , ., - " j~l! 599 COD}mIL CHAMBER - AUgust 10, 1936 " It was moved by 1~. Hill, seoonded by Mr. Barton and unanimously carried that the ordinanoe be passed on its first read-\'; ing. The ordinance reciting that it was an emergenoy ordinance, it was regularly moved, seoonded and oarried, that it be plaoed on its seoond reading and final passage. The ordinanoe was read in full the seoond time, and on motion regularly made, seconded and oarried, adopted and passed as read. Upon recommendations of Counci~en Barton and Genton, it was regularly moved, seoonded and oarried that the light standard!:! 'i. around the SWimming pool be removed and stored away, as same were". not needed sinoe a floodlight has been installed; also that the if archway entrances to the pool be removed beoause of their dangerou8.'>d!', oondi tion.'((Ji~ ''!I;>;f., By motion of Mr. Barton, seconded by Mr. Hill and unani-';~; mously oarried, resolution No. 158 was adopted authorizing the ,~; opening of an aooount in the Central Farmers Bank designated~Li'k";;r~ rary and S.recial Funds Aocounts" and authorizing the City Clerky~{~; and the MaYlDr to sign on said acoount; and further authorizing Nfl', the transfer of the $492.38 balance in the Speoial Improvement Fund into the neWly opened "Library Fund Aocount",. It was reoommended that ~~eyCity oarry all in the local bank if the Bank 'iPuld seoure same by oollateral. The Chairman of the Finance Committee vestigate and enquire of the Florida State Bank in matter. its aooounts"'; the neClessa:ry agreed to in- regard to this ";I":':~"; ",S\;~ ,. ,"" '!!.''ll .,>,{~~ ";'+. , It was moved by Mr. Genton that bills numbered 1457 to 1489 havins been O.K.'d by the rinance Committee be returned to the Counoil and ordered paid. .,. . -, .-1. ' COunoil, by motion regularly made, seconded and oarried,' adjourned. ~--:,~;,: ,,~, ;,~;~h:l t~i 'j~' j~';:'JZ~; ~'W~J:: . : ..;"~:i;; "-J,' -i"(: ,+ i" .~ (';;~ ~CLiL-~' (i~p Oi ty Clerk." " , API'ROVED: .t;'i ~ ' . 61/ f3.bi '.. . P1-esiden 11 of ('louno1 .'