08-24-36 Regular " .~, GOO -b COUNCIL CHAJ{illER AUQlst 24, 1936 " The council met in regular session at '7:30 P.M. with all memb em present. ), The minutes of ihe regllar meeting of August lOth were read and approved. A letter ;from C.N. MacLaren asking th at the City raise a portion of ihe sidewalk on Atlan tic AVEnue abutting his pro- perty, was upon recommendation of Mr. Foote, referred to the Street Committee. A letter was read from Mr. Geo. Hardin of Atlantic Palm Nurseries proposi ngih at th e drainage di tch on Atlantic AValue adjoining the Nursery property be ti led, ih e wor:kand cost to be assumed by the Nursery, the county and the City of ])elray Beaoh, and askin/l; to wha t extent the City would be will- ing to assist in such a proposition. AfterdisctBsing the matter wi th Mr. Hardin, it was moved by Mr. H1l1ihat same,be referred to the Street Commit"tee fb l' investigation and report~ Mr. Barton seconded ihe motion, which carried unimimouslY'on roll call. ' Mr. Geo. Carr, E:ngineer, presented an estimate of the cost of profiling and est ablishing, by ordinance, street grndes '," for that section of ihe City lyltng between the East Coast Canal end the Oceap.. The Mayor recorrmended tha t ih e street Commi ttee and Mr. Carr get togeth er and decide what streetS require to be graded at ih e present time,' and it was moved by Mr. Barton that the matter be referred to the Street Committ,e& wi th power to act to work out a plan of grade-se tUng wi ih the- Eng;ineer at a price of $150.00 per mile for Gleason and Andrews Street and $100.00 per mile on other streets. Mr. Gwynn sec- onded ihe motion, which on roll call, carried unanimously. , Mr. V.C. Rousseau of Fugate Engineering Company pre- Salted a plat of Wheatley's Subdivision em ihe Ocean Beach for the Council's approval. After examining th e submi ttect plst, it was moved by Mr. Hill that sane be accepted and the Clerk author- ized to affix her signature thereto. Mr. Barton seconded the motion, which carried unanimously on roll call. Mr. W.O. Jelks, agent for Messrs. Deibel&; WiTtiarnson presented a plat of their proposed subdivision on the Beach and asked the Oouncil if the City was prepared to ooWly water, for said subdi vision ,where the owners plan to construe t several" houses this faU.",Bymotion of Mr. Gwynn the Council went on record a s a soori ng Mr.. Jelks th at WJ tel' would ?e suppli ed im- mediately whenever; cOllstruction is i;ltarted anct.proper application JIl~c'l~/1br there~ired;'<:l1J,t..ins.. Mr. Hill seconded the motion, "whJch on r0l1c.alfu,9~;t'.:cied unanimously. ".,( . .... .":; /1"".,' , ';.'>.F< ;',~.~. (:-ce" ~;, "::~:;;f2>\":';' '..lU:. L" ::.<.". "'".'"=""'''''~-~ - 6~1. h comrcIL CHAMBER - August 24, 1936 ,-, A cexomittee of colored ci tizens requested assistance of the City in the work of beautifying and putting Sterling Park into condition as a recreation fieJd. They requested water and the service of City trucks fur filling-in purposes. It was moved by Mr. Barton that this be referred to the Water Committee with power to act in these matters. Mr. Hill second ed the motiem whi ch c a rri ed unan imousl y on ro 11 call. Plans fur the Ath~ltic Field ?roject were then presented by Mr. Carr, who explained his work in securing the approval of the W.P.A. on both the Ath$eltic Field and ihe Beach Sewer Pro.. ject, the fonner estimated to cost approximatelY $3l ,000,,00 and the latter, $2;300.00, the \'T.P.A. to furnish $800.00 on the Sewer Project and $23,000,,00 on the Athletic Field. He stated the final ap proval on the Athletic Field Pro jec t depended on wh ether ihe Oitywould agree to pay for the skilled labor required, which would run, he believed, less tha n $1000.00. After di scussing this feature, it m.s moved by Mr" Barton that the City adopt.the following resolution offering to furnis h th e skilled laborre- quired for construction of Recreatr'on Palk Project 50-3-G-98~ ,. WHERE AS, Gee. W. Carr, Engineer forthe-C:ity of Delrsy Beach, Florida; in ihe preparation of the plans. and :;JP.ecificati onS for the construction of an Athletic' field end recreation palk known as WPA Project no. 50-3-G-95, appea red before ihe City Councll and presented ihat the City should agree to assume the payment for all skillad la1:o l' required in the comple tion of said re cr ea ti on park. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLilED by the City Council of the Oity of Delray Beach, Florica, that it does hereby agree to assUllle and pay for all skilled labor necessary to complete the recreation park project, No. 50-3...G-9Eh '~ Passed by the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, at its regular meeting held on the 24th day of August, 1936. Mr. Hill seconded th e motion for adoption, v'lhich on roll call carrie d unanimously. The Council then discuss ed ,ih e basis of compens ation to be allowed Mr. Carr fur his engineering services in connect- ion witl1.tl18 foregoingpr()jects and inregard to same, moved .' the adop'efon of ihe fOllowing resolution: ,.'",,,,,,~,' '" WHEREAS, GEO. W. CARR, Civil Engineer, who was employed by the Ci~y to prepare plans and specifications, I ap.d als 0 oth er.EllJ,gine ering data .for a WPA pro jec t fo l' ~ the cona truct~pp.'Of" a playground in th e Ci ty of Delray Beach, Flori da'~'".Ellid , , , .............1 , i I - I , ."'....,~.;.,.^".<.__..,""....:~'-,.'''''._' " "",.,,,,,,"~,'-"<~"""..~1"'fm""'::""I)I~~ '" 6()S COUNCIL CHMlBER - Aw6ust 24, 1936 j} WHEREAS, the said GEO. W. CARR was also employed by the City as its engineer to prepare plans, speci- fica tions and engineering data for a second pro ject known as the Lowry Street Sewer :"roject, and WHEREAS, the said Geo. W. Carr di d a gree to do all engineering IDrk necessary for the preparation of said WPA projects at a cost to the City of Twmty-Four Hundred Dollars ($2400.00), provided th e tID projects W3re carri ed to final compl eti on, an d in the even t sai d p 1'Oj ec ts were not carried to final comJ?letion that he would accept Six Hundred Dollars ($600.00) fur his servi ces rendere d in da te and would accept eight per cent (8%) of the amount spent on said projects for his services in the. event either or both of said projects were suspended or abandoned. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the said Geo. W. Carr be paid $2400.00 for his engineering services in the preparation of plans, specifi cations, application blanks, engineering services, supervision and manag611ent of ihe tm WPA projects which have been approved, one ofs aid pro jeGts known as the Delray Beach Playground and.U.:Athletic Field, and the other known as the Lowry Street Sewer project. . :c. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City of DeJ.ray J;leach does hereby agree to pay the said Geo. W. Carr $600.00 1'01' his. services rendered to elate, and the balance of the $2400.00 fee as th e work on said tID projects progress es, and in the event of the abandonment or the suspension of either ortQth of said projects th e said Geo. W. Carr is to receive 6% of the amoUnt of money expended on said projects. BE I T FUR THER RESO L VED t ha t th is fee is ba s ed up em 8% of an es timate of $30 ,000.00 furnished by said engineer, however, the total fee 10 be paid ihe said Oeo. W. CtiI"J:; . \ under any and all circumstanees is not to exceed $2400.0Q. al though the PI' oject may run far in exceS3 of this amcunt upon its final completi on, and said fee is to be ]:aid wi thin tID years. The motton for adoption was seconded by Mr. Barton, and on roll call, unanimously eerrie d. ~ . It was moved by Mr. Barton, seconded by Mr. Hill. aDd unanimously carried that 1h e Clerk and Mayor be authorized to si~ receipt for $1,826.44 in settl611alt of' the Rutledge Estate c:t.aim, a nd it ,w-, s further. mov ,ed by-Mr.. Hill ,seconded< by M:r. Gwynn and unanimously carried th at th eCHy's portion'af"$l;Od.OO'''' ",", be deposi ted in a fund 10 be used and designa ted as "General Improvement Fund". The Chairman of th e Park s Com it tee rep ort ed,that"the Manager of fu e Casino recommended 'the purchase of a live spr:!ng bo.ard fur fue pool,butt~ls mattaI' vas deferred on recorrmendation of'several members W:l;09~?)3edtl:le installation of sooh aooerd 'l)ecal.lse of' the prpba1ity,P:r injuiito inexperiEnced di.versusipg it.t , ";;ik_~::,:t)~l:fi:~:;;*;'(- , .~" . . , -15l,ll""" ~','~ b COUNCIL CIL\MBER - August 24, 1936 The matter of addi tional compeilS atl on fo I'MI'. L.W. Cook was then discussed, it being the opinion of the m'embers that he should re- ceive extra pay for his work as b1ildi.ng and el ectrical inspector. After a lengthy discussion, it was moved by Mr. Gwynn that Mr. Cook's salary be incrEased $25.00 per month, to cover his services as Build- ing and Electrical Inspector, said inc rEa se to iBke effect as of. June " 1st. Mr. Hill seconded th e motion, which on roll call, carried un-, animo uslY . The Mayor re commended the purchase of fertiliz er for ihEl Golf Course, st'1ting the Mans gel' had done extEnsive work out there this summe" and had no money to buy fertilizer needed at this time,After di scussing the ma tter pro and con, Mr. Gwynn mc;ved 1h at the Ci ty buy four hundred dolla.rs' worth of fertilizer for the Munic ipal course. Mr. Genton seconded'the motion, which on roll call carrt'ed unammOusly.' The Clerk reported cancellation of th e following descril;led bonds, purchased from A.B. Morrison &; Company and used by taxpayer;s' in payment of delinquent taxes as authorized; said bonds having ,all unr:aid coup ons accompanying th em, . ~ 1923 GeneI' '11 Issue of ,~50,000.00 3 One-Thou sand-Dollar bonds Nos. 12" 13 and 14. Als 0 payment of current int e:rest to L'Engle &; cancellation c:l coID'ipons as follows~ :~".:i~,_;!,i~ ea. am tgrt} .11 'l It was regularly moved, seconded and carried tha t 1h~;I:t Clerk's aotion in.raying and cancelling said bonds and interes1;ll j coupons be apLrov ed . .. ill The Fire Ohi ef reported he had conferre d wi th Mr. 'T;a~~$ in regard to the Oity's shingle roof ordinance and th.at Mr. Tray'.ei-s had assured him that there would :Je no raise in th e basic inaura:nce rate if ihe fire zone limits were reduced to th e area sug~sted;.at last Council meeting. It was further moved, s'ecoroed and carr! ad/that, th e Fire Zone be drawn in to wi thin one block North and South of ~ Atlantic AVEnue, and that shingle roofs be allowed outside that,ate On August 10th, in rayment of coupons Nos. 20 off bonds '716 to '735 incl., Bond 84'7 and Bonds 851 to 852 incl. 23 coupons @ $2'7.50 to $ 632 .50 i $ 3,000,00 , J ;.- S0ai n d s ,;a.J,Jd '.r:'.; i':;'Jl~J adjourn. .. . 'j .:~ ;. It vas regularly moved, seconded and carried that bill:s~ 1490 to 1511, having been O.K'd by the Finance Commi tt;ee( be ~ to the Council a:ld~a,ere dPaid"h;"i~t,n,~i~; It was regularly moved, seconded and carried thatCoUIl!cil' .~ i: ~:. 'i ',. f; ;;J..t rn cu- uJ 'C: . ill Oity Clerk, 4,~ ;" .J (. ..' ,~ '1 f &. fa, ~!x Council' Ohamber'" numbered . returned APPROVEDBYI President of ,.. ..Y~.j(.:;. :.,.,' /;'T:' :'0; ,{,..;. r L1 ..~,' l'E:,1l'; :, i ~