09-09-36 Adjourned "'..........-~: '.-_. .;:, COUNOIL CHAMBER September 9, 1936 ,? The Council met inedjourned stated session at 7:30 P.M. for cons idera tion and adoTJtion of th3 1936-1937 budget and fix- ing the millage for said fiscal year. The Mayor, City Attorney and all members of the Council were present. Mr. <<enton reported' that the majority of citizens in Ward 1 were in favor of levying sufficient Iilillage to pay both Beach bonds falling due July 1st, 1937. Mr. Lot Smith also addressed the Council emphasizing the desirabil1tyof taking care of the Be bonds as they become due. !t was tl}erefore de- cided to levy 11 mills for bond debt service in .}'l!l.rd 1. }\"...'. Mr. Byrd, Mr. Smith and other Beach res~4ents were' opposed to levying more than 1 mill for the purpO!ie of repaying monies advances for the construction of sewershin~~ard 1. It . J. was contended that this particular sewer l1n., e~.,.tt1!as."'for the sp. ee~ ial benefi t of only a few beach citizens and !10:rthat reason~the cost should be mainly borne by the benefitte~p~rt~es. I~was . therefore decided to levy only 1 mill for s~ch purpose and to work out a scale of pri ces to be charged p!l'i'tie13cbnneetingwlllt.h;;; said sewer line as a means of partially defraying the cost of c.onstruetion. ,~ Atter cOnsideration of trese det*Us the following. resolution 'was introduced and 'read by thel'Olerkl No .(159) . j A..1m$OLUTION BY THE CITY OOUNCIL OF ~1laE OITY OF ilELBAY BEADH, PALM BEACH OOUNTY, FLOHIDA, ADOPT'i' ING ITS ANNUAL BUDGET OF ESTIMA.TED mENSES FOR THE FISOAL YEAR 1936-1937, AND FOR T~ PURPOSE OF LEVYING A TAX ON ALL THE PR9PERTIES WITHIN SAID CITY FOR MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION, AND FOR THE FURTHER PURPOSE OF LEVYING A 'TAX FOR THE PAYMENT OF A PORTION OF THE CU1lRENT BOND INTEREST AGAINST THAT PROPl!RTY LOOATED"IN THE FORMER CITY OF DELBAY,. .AND FOR THE PURPOSE.. OF LEVYING A TAX FOR PRINOIPALAND INTEREST AGAINST TmT PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE FOmmR TOWN OF.DEUt!Y,BEAOH,.AND. FOR THE PURPOSE OF IEVYING A TAX! FO R GENERAL STREET OILING AND IMPRO~N'IS, AND FOR THE , FURTHER PURPOSE OF LEVYIN(} A 'TAX AGAINs:I' PRO~ J;'ERTY LOCA'fEl) IN TEE FOmIER TOWN OFDEIRAY BEACH FOR GENERAL SEWER IMPROVEMENTS, AND FOR ALLOCATING AND APPROPRIATING SAID OOLLECTIONS TI:U!lRl!;U.N1Jt!{. '\,~ ~'-'-'- ., :,W",,,,,,,,,_,,,",,,,,,,,,,,n'..,:,,,,,.'='_"'_ '~-"-"c.""~' "-..~._-,.. ..",...........-.:"-.....,-'::.,-.\. .<r '. ~," b 606 COUNCIL CHAMBER - September 9, 1936 Upon motion of Mr. Barton, seconded by Mr. Gwynn, and unanimously carried on roll call, the resolution was adopted as read. ~ It was moved by Mr. Hill that the followin~ supplementa)"j Water Department Resolution also be adopted: (No 160) A RESOLUTION BY THE OITY OOUNOIL OF THE OITY OF DELBAY BEACH, FLORIDA, ADOPTING A SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET FOR THE WATER D"'PARTMENT, AND FIXING THS APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE SAME FOR THE FISOAL YEAR 1936-1937. Mr. Genton seconded the motion, which on roll call, oarried unanimousJy. ;q~ Mr. Foote reported that Geo. Oarr had agreed to establish the West line o~ the Ocean Boulevard for a'price of $250.00 a mile. The Oouncil considered this work necessary at this time, and Mr. Barton moved that Mr. Foote, Ohairman o~ the Street OOmmittee be authorized to have Mr. Carr survey out the West line of the Boulevard Rlght-of-way,establishing the required grade stakes for a distanoe o~ half a mile Nerth and a half a mile South of Atlantic Avenue, for a price of $250.00 as agreed by Mr. Carr. The motion was seoonded by Mr. gwynn, and on roll call, unanimously Qarried. Mr. Gwynn reported that his attention had been called to the praotice of minors playing slot machines in town and aske.d how .the Oity could regulate this. It was recommend,ed thatth~. Ordinance Oommittee and Oity Attorney dI'llllw up an ordinanoe, in consonance with the State Law, am present same to the OOUncil for passage at its next meeting. There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was regularly moved, s~conded and carried, that Oouncil adjourn. }haJ2 oj . &.~ Ci ty OJe rk APPROVED: .~ tJ (;.f3.~ President of Oouncil t ( I ~}