09-14-36 Regular
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September 14, 1935
The Counoil met in regular session at 7:30 P.M.
with all members present.
, The minutes of the meetings of August 24th,
September 1st, and September 9th were, by motion regularly
made, seoonded and carried, approved as read.
A letter f'rom the South Palm.Beach County Realty
Board aSking the City's oooperation in the elimintt10n of'
unsightly signs along the highway was read and the Clerk
wa)N, instructed to aoknowledge receipt of same, advising
the Board. of the City's recently a dopted ordinance regulat-
ing the erection of such signs.
A letter was read from E.H. Soott in which. he advisel
the Cit:y that he had paid for sewer pipe, plus freight, amount.
ing to 1472.20, as agreed, with the understanding that, this ,)
amount would be refunded to him over a period of' threeyears',yi~
I time. The letter was ordered filed, and'it was suggested'o ":';
that the Sanitary Committee work out a scale of oosts to .be
charged property oWners connecting with this$wer line in~'
order that the Clerk's office may notify suoh parties, what
their proportionate cost is for suoh conneotiori.
A letter from F.W..P.A. headquarters in MlaIl1i was; <J,
read, asking that certain requirements be fulfilled .1nre"gar.El",t.
to the recording of deed to Block 52 and furniShing ot:'five .;"
sets of plans.to the F.W.P.A. office. It WaS reported that i
all these requirements had now been complied with. Ml'.~\BjTl'd
reported, also j that the two deeds a'nd satisfaot1.on of"!l1Clrt..
gage had been duly exeouted by the proper parties. It 'was.
therefore moved by Mr. Hill that the City Clerk be ;author~"'.:
ized to pa:ythe representative of' the Southard intereststh.e'"
amount of 1100.00 upon delivery of said deeds for Bl.ock 52';
which property is acquired as a location for the Cloty'snew
Playground Project. Ml'. Barton seconded the m6tion;;whieh on
roll oall, carried unanimously.
The Building Inspeotor presented theapplioe.tion of
W.E. Wilcox for the construction of a sandwich shopCln
Atlantic .....~:t1tle iri Block 109. There' waS';.s8me:'(n::~tis.1ilon.;as...".
to the pl11il1iting requirements for that class o:!:"building.but
since this did not oome under the building rEl~1lta,tifQiis,.,!l.hd
as the application complied in all other resp~c'j;sw~'~li,the
requirements of ,', the Code, i twas- regularly m?Ved, ~eoci:tlded
and carrie.d .thatpermit be issued as requesteliLalld tinatthe
plumbing features be worked out later if' requ1.red.
T~e verbal application of
ereots. movable saies office on his
R.C; MoNell for permit to
subdivision property was
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COUNCIL CHAMBER - September 14, 1935
disoussed briefly with the reoommendation that he submit a
'regular application describing exaotly the type and oon-
struction of building desired in order that the Council may
give his request intelligent oonsideration.
Mr. Foote reported that the oommittee of oolored
oitizens supervising the Sterling Park beautifioation work'
wanted permission to plant cocoanut trees around theblook
between the side wBl.k and curb line. The Counoil was opposed
to this, but was favorable to pla~ng the trees inside the
property line.
Mr. C.J. White offered right-of-way deed to the City
for the North'lO' of Lots 7 Be 13 Blook 77, with the proviso.:#:;
that the City agree to pave the said right-of-way wi thin the (.'
next ensuing four months. The Councilmen were unanimously
in favor of aooepting said deed for the purpose of widening
this alley but. stated they had no funds for the immediate..,. ';,:
paving of same. It was therefore suggested/that the~':matter; .J,
be deferred' until next meeting to see what oould be done in
.this regard.
'. . .:,':i,,;'::
Mr. Geo. Carr presented a profile showing the; gra.li$~
for Laing ,Street on the Beach and reoommended that a.ll.stree1j;..J;
grades hereinafter established be inoorpor~t'd in an,ordin-
anoe and adopted as esta,blished permanent +~~4~~ by the, City...;
After inspeotion of the profile andexpla.n:l.!;t;:t,QIl bYJ4J;~'2.arJ;'t;"
it was moV;,lafl;byMr. Hill that the City adopt the g:r;:~g:ek'\~tolt~~$:
,f'iled in Drs..wing N~ D],l as the estab.liShed grade f010/<te:I.l1g;;:;:;l~;\,;
Street, between the Ocean. Boulevard and Andrews . s;tite.~t~'&.Il~li~~:'
that the Engineer be requlred to file blue printso,f SaDl6'aS';;~!/
a permanentreoord in the CitY' Clerk's offioe..J;'" '
,.',,'-' j,....,
The following ordinance was then preseIlteli;and,",r~El.it\j
full by the Clerk: Ord. 151 Ord.BC>Jll!f;4,J.'{,>.'i.
: .~.:f'-';:2'~:::'>:' .. c-' :,,~.-\-'fi,''--'
It was' regularly moved, s eoond.ed and carI'ied,tl1e.ti:'~
the ordinanoe be passed on its first reading.' The'''brd:rn:~/'~'
ance reoiting that it was an emergenoy ordinanoe, it.was,l."eg,,:,
ularly move~,seoonded and oarried that' it be plM6.d.':!Olll1fts.;".
seoond reading and fina.l passage. The ordinance ha.Ving been
read in fu:p. the seoond time" it was moved by Ml'.<Hill,.
seoonded by Mr. Barton and unanimously oarried that ,the
ordinan:oe b.eadopted and passed .as read. . " "
Mr. Bar.ton reported that oertainmerchalltg;Were,d
anxious to have an anti-handbill ordinanoe passed:and'~ftel";
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COUNCIL CHAMBER - September 14, 1935
disoussion it was moved by Mr. Barton that the ordinanoe
Committee and City Attorney be instruoted to draw an ordinance
prohibiting the distribution of handbills and other suoh
promiscuous advertising. Mr. Hill seoonded the motion, whioh
on roll call,oarried unanimously.
The Chairman of the Water Committee reoommended the
outting off of water at some of the free fauoets in the 001-
ored seotion of the City, stating he believed the need no
longer existed and that there would be water out in on the
Sterling Park property whioh would enable those unable to pay
to get free water where necessary. It was moved by Mr. Barton
seoonded by Mr. Gwynn, and unanimously carried that the
Water Committee investigate the matter further and make
reoommendations in regard to same at the next regular meeting.
It was moved by Mr. Gwynn that t~e City Clerk be
authorized to strike from the registration book the Ilames of,.
all deoeased registrants and those who are no longe:l,'>oitizens
of this oity, and to submit a full report and list of suoh
names for the Council's approval and advertising.
Tp.e'Chairman of the Sanitary Committe.e submitted"
prioes on trash cans for use on the City streets, but 'it WaS'
reoommended that further quotations be asked for on
24x24 x35 inoh oans.
A' plat of Seestedt-Stevens Subdivision was/<p:Jilet,i
sented for approval by the Clerk and it was regular.l.Y'nloyed ..'
by Mr. Barton, seoonded by Mr. Gent on , and. unanimous:j,:y~a.rrieidil
that the plat be aooepted and the Clerk beauthorized.,to'affix.!
her signature thereto. l: ';">j
The..City Attorney reported on the various suits .1
pending aga~nflt the City, advising that Marshall B. Wood. as)1
attorney for the C!'l.lmgrove Corporation, had agreed 'to aooept' I
a levy of 2:; mills on the 1935-1937 tax roll to apply on the,!
$9,585.82 judgment reoentlygranted the Calmgrove'CClmpany 'I
by the United States Distriot Judge. Mr. Byrd stated he was
unable to say what the reaotion of the BondholdersC~~~ttea !
and Palm Beaoh Company would be to this demand but 'believed I
they would not ask the City to increase the millage already .1'
set up for them in the budget resolution adClpted'September 9th,
, ,
It, was regularly moved, seoonded,and carried that !
bills numbered 1512 to 1522, having been O.K'd"by,the,Fj,.Ilano,~.H
Committee, be referred baok to the Counoiib and.orderedpaid...'i
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oarried;;that ,'. !
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It was regularly moved, seoondedand
Counoil adjourn..
m . {d,6r~
~ty Clerk. .
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.(jr CounCil