09-23-36 Regular f,~ ,. '. y ",,,,,,,,,,,~,~~,,,,,,,o'~,,,,,,,~,,,,,,,,,,,~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,":"n,.,.,,-.,,,,,.,:..'.'.'""",' "-",'r"~'.,,,,,,, .,~".",.:"'" "~"><',..~., ""', ,. ',' "'~""'-'.< ':"'.".'~'~'''''''''''','o~''.. '~""'C"Y'''-'~'''''' .. .. ---.....c' .'.~ ':. ,.,. .~,...=.,..~",;~,_..,.,.""".,:~ ;;'6:10 l:I COUNCIL CHAMBER September 28, 1936 The Co unc i 1 me t in Ie gular with the N".ayor and all membEll's present. was absent. session at 7:30 P.M. The City Attorney The minutes of tre regular meeting of September 14th, were by motion regularly made, seconded and carried, approved as read. A Ie tter was read from The Florida Power &; Light Company advising that credit for $29.10 was being allowed on the September bill, covering reba te on 7 whi teway lights as per their agreement with the Ci ty of February 1, 1936. The oom.. munication was ordered filed. Letters from E.C. Hall and 'Frank Penny, request.,.!! ing oertain rebates on delinquent taxes, were discussed by the/t:; Council, and it was the opinion of the Council, that if nO'bond.s are available, it is desirable that some plan be worked out and" adopted whereby taxes, prior to 1932, may be settled at adisoe!.. ount. It was reoommended tha t this matter be deferred until ., Mr. ByJ.-dfs return to the Oity. '" The applioation of W.D. Hallenbeok for the pos- i tion of Life Guard for the 1936-1937 Season was read, and ordered filed for future consideration. ~~', Mr. L.,E. Diggans was present and addrEl~ased the members in regard to tl:e unsightly condition existing on the highway due to the number of signs ereoted inside the Oity'" limits. He asked the Council's cooperation in having these s~n; memoved, and in this regard, it was suggested by Mr. Foote~ that Mr.. Diggans prepare a letter and a list, of the owners of the signs referred to, and give sane to the Oity Olerk, and Mr~ Gwynn moved that the Oity Clerk be instruoted to send out . 'letters to these ownem, in the form delivered by Mr. Diggans, and that the letters be forwarded on the same date that similar' letters are to be sent by the Kiwanis Club and other Civio organizations, ,in order to impress these people with the im- portano,e of remedying the condition. Mr. Hill seoonded the motion, Which on roll call, oarried unanimously. Mr. W.A.Jacobs, Chairman of the Recreation Olub, addressed the Counoil with referenoe to conditions at the club- . house, asking tre Oi ty"s financial aid inre-rlDofingand<'makl~ neoessary repairs to tre building. The' Council agreed to do ,,,,{, this, and recommended that Mr. Jacobs get up a report of the " needed repairs and deliver same to the Chairmen of the Parks Oommittee for SUbmission in theCounoil., . Mr. Giardano refli!tsted that the Oi ty raise the sidewalk in front of O.L. Brainard.fs house on 'the Federal High~y to a lev$loor:r-8sp0I1ding ,with his own, stat ing that the ~;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,A_',"~"C;_",,',~,,'i""'-"'" OOU1TCIL CI~ER - September 28, 1936 6U l::r " rental value of his property was depreciated by reason of! water standing there during rainy weatber. It was regularly moved, seconded am carried that the Olerk write Mr. Brainard telling him of the existing oondition, and asking him if he woul< consent to having tre sidewalk raised and to paying for half' of the cost of the work, the City assuming tbe other half. Mr. Foote agreed to asoertain the apprOXimate cost of same in order that the Olerk might advise Mr. Brainard. Mr. W.O. Winn reported a cocoanut tree had been knooked down in tre street in front of F.H. Link's residenoe in De11da Park and suggested that, it be replanted before it died. It was agreed to have A~. Baker take care of this. A letter addressed to the Mayor from the Florida League of Munioi pili ties wasre ad by the Olerk, and in aocord with tbe request contained therein, it was regUlarly moved, seconded and oarried, that Mr. E.B. Foote be appointed as seoond member, ingether with the Oity Attorney, to represent this City on the General Legislative Committee of the, League. Upon motion of Mr. Hill, seconded by Mr. Barton, the following resolution was unanimously adopted abandoning certain easement on Lots 4 &; 25, Vista Del Mar Subdivision. BE IT RESOLv.:ED, By the City Oouncil of the Oity of Delray Beach, F.l.orida, that they do hereby abandon, vacate and relinquish any and all right or claim to a oertain Six ". FQOtds?) easeJJBnt as disclosed by a recorded plat of, <Jr.;) Vista Del Mar, loaated in the Oi ty of Delray Beach, Florida:; said Plat recorded in Plat Book 13, page 21 of tbe public records of Palm Beaoh County, said Six Foot (6 n easement' " running north and south, and bei~ along the East 11, ne of. .,,"' Lots Four (4) and Twenty-five (25) of said reoorde~ plat of Vista Del,Mar. ' <J- BE IT'FURTHER RESOLVED that this abandonment and vaoation of said easement on the part Of the Oity Counoil of the City of DeJray Beach, Florida is brought about due to the fact that the owners 01' said property, Vista Del Mar, have granted and given to the City a Five Foot (5') easelll':nt along the South side of said Vista Del Mar for utility and public purposes, and that said Six Foot (s') easement running north and south as above described, is of nill benefi t to the public. The Olerk presented two deeds anda;,S,e.ti,Elfao,,~ion~ of Mortgage as follows: From Southard Investment Co. to Oity of Delray Beach From Oarolyn V. Southard to"" " " , -J, FrOm D. L. Sou thard & Oarolyn V. Southard to J,.B. Southard. t? " t,; ~ , i I I ~ I I .'-'0' 'Y .~ . ,'"'''' .." ''''~''''''-'''''~''''''<'''''~~'~~'-...""., 6:12 COU}jcIL CHAMBER - September 28, 1936 It was moved by Mr. Barton, seconded by Mr. Hill and unanim- ously oarried, that these be accepted and the Olerk be instruote to have same recorded inunediately. The Chairman of the Street Committee reported on the cas t of paving a lley in the rear of the Casa Del Ray property. The members were of the opinion that it was ad- visable to have tre work done at once. Mr. Hill moved that the Oouncil acoept deed from. C.J. White for the N16' of Lots 7 and 13, deeded for Right-of-way purposes, to widen the present sixteen foot alley. Mr. Gwynn seconded the motion, Which on roll call, oarried unanimously. It was moved by Mr. Barton that the Street Oommittee be authorized to purchase the neoessary street materials and proceed immediately with the paving of the above mentioned right-of-way. Mr. Hill seconded the motion, which carried unanimously on roll call. The Chairman of the Parks Committee reported briefly on plumbing repairs needed at the Swimming Pooh The purohase of a new shower head and fauoet cross arm cost- ing approximately $4.25 and .80 cents was approved. The Cterk reported payment of current interest as follows: ,"" To L'ENGLE &; SHANDS on August 31st, in payment of coupons #33 off Bonds 1 to 10, of the 1920 Issue of 20M - 10 coupons @ $15.00 ea $ 150 To PALM BEACH COMPANY on September 11th, in payment .of ooupons #21 off Bonds 63 to 67 on Sept. 15th , in paymen1;of coupons f}2l off Bonds 68 to 72 of the 1925 80M Issue - 10 coupons @ $30.00 ea 150.00 150.00 To PAIM BEACH COMPANY on Sept. 28th, in payment of coupons f}24 off Bonds 9 tJ 24, of the 1925 O.~.D.B. Bd Issue - 16 ooupons @ $30.00 ea 480.00 It was moved by Mr. Barton, seoonded by Mr. Hill and unanimousJy carried, that the Clerk's action in pay- ing and oancelling said coupons be approved. It was moved by Mr. Gwynn that the Ci tYP)ll"-i ~:nEl.!!,e ,n\lloessary ma tEl ri!i:lS ,gO!! tin,g!iPp,r:qx,!mat,e:L~,.$~,eJ?,~"*~A~;",,,,,,i~,. have Mr. Brown move two pl).Ullb ing fixtures out of therTiving" ; quarters in the Firemen's Hall to an adjacent antom9om'~Mr. ",' Hill seoonded tl:e motion which carried unanimously, > on, roll oall' The Chairman of the Sanitary Oommittee'reported on, the cret of trash receptaoles for the streets, and suggestion 'tmCounQil authorized him to get prices oost, of making a number of>these reoeptacles from to' ,Ino. of Miami. The Olerk was also instructed r , ,~'C")U1w( <~" ,:> '<. f ,'-' b ;;;.. r ".:ll~~WJ;l:ryj:""p'~g",,;:":'t!"!';~'.':"~''i'''''''''_~~~'''''_'''~''''''''',:,~,,,,,,,",,"~'W~-";"''C'"'','''',''<''' .... __ '''':'-'~'~:'':.''':''~''':""",,,,~~,~,:,",,.,,_,,,-,'''''''''",.~..,,.,...... ",. ~ ..... ....,".." ,~ 613 COUNCIL CHA1IDER - September 28, 1936 write the manufaoturers and other dealers in these trash oans in order to ascertain the very best price obtainable. It was moved by Mr. Genton that bills numbered 1541 to 1597 O.K'd by the Finance Committee, be returned to the Counoil and ordered paid. Mr. Gwynn seoonded the motion, which on roll call, carrie d unan imously. It was regularly moved, seoonded and carried, that Council adjourn. f1 f'< IJ UJ. ~rYvY\r Oi ty Clerk . APPROVED: () &.ra.~ President of Oity Council. ,