10-05-36 Special
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Ootober 5, Hl3~
'1'he Counoil uet in speoial session at 7100'P.M.
on call of the Mayor, with all members present.
'1'he purpose of the meeting was to oons ider the
donation of oertain oi ty-owned property to private interests
for the ereot ion of a Sun and Diet Health Resort Hotel.
'1'he Kiwanis Club, sponsors of the proposed enterprise,
was represented by Dr. Love, Dr. Davis, L.C.Hand, and J.C..
Keen who disoussed the proposition with the Counoil uembers,
pointing out the advantages and nation-wide publ io ity such a resor
would give to Delray Beaoh.'
After due disoussion,.Jt was regularly moved, seo..,
onded, and earried by unanimous ~!te that the following resol-
ution be adoptedl'
WHEREAS, Dr. Helen G. Ranile bas proposed to the
Kiwanis Club that she will oollfitruot and operate a Sun and
Diet Health Resort Hotel at Delray Beaoh, providing a suitable
looat ion is donated,
NOW 'THEREFORE BE IT RESO;L VED tha t th e C it Y Counoil
f.Elvors the proposition as presente~to it by members of the .
Kiwanis Olub and also favors donating, under satisf'aotorypro..
visions for the Cityfs interest, tl1at oertain pieoe of lend.
lying just South of the City limits, known as the Cline traot.
'l'he purpose of the meeting having been aooompJished
it was regularly moved, seoonded and oarried that Counoil
aclj 0UI'll .
t Y Clerlt. '
hesident. of City. ounoll