10-13-36 Regular "-,,,~,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,",.~,.".~:,",,,,... ""'-'-'--">\"""_='Wj"'''"''.'7~''''''''''''':-'''''~'''.~_ The Clerk presented a colllllIl;inication from Matt. Gracey who also addresed the Council in person asking that the City 011 the street runningWestfromSwiI1ton Av-enue to his residence and Pave certain other streets in his Lake- 'I view Heights Subdivision; he. a~eeing to pay the immediate I costof.the work and tm City to allOW, him credit on delin- I Qll(jDt'l;llxes for tm cost 01' paving tm intersections an.dforl .: 1 I ~ 6:15 COUN"CIL CF.JcMBER October 13. 1936 J..) The Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. with all mmbers present. . The minutes of the regular meeting of September 28th and the special meeting of October 5th were approved as read. ., A letter from C.L. Brainard with reference to rais- ing the level of tm sidewalj{ in front of his house was read. It was suggested by Mr. Foote that this matter be deferred until Mr. Bllfainardts return to Delray next month and in line with this suggestion it was moved by Mr. Barton, seconded by Mr.. Hill and unanimously carried that no action be taken until that tim. A letter was read from C.A.B. 2lo0k asking for the width and grade 1'orstreets he proposes to build through the Sir of Ocean Beach wt 19 and tm N1a of Ocean Beach wj; 20. It was pointed out by the Chaiman of the Street Committee that since this was privately o!Jle.d property on which no dediOa tions had been made. tm Oi ty had no jurisdict ion over the construction of these streets. but suggested that Mr~ Zookbe advised that i1'he constructs streets on said pro- perty to con1'orm with tm width and grade requireaby.t~i<, City tbat in all probab1J:1ty the City Council will accept" same at such tim as he does seek to dedicate theJ1!.. Mr. Byrd reported receiving a letter from W~ -Gleason proposing to deed dertain property to the City for a consideration in the form of rebate on back taxes on 1l10cks 130 and 138. This matter was deferred until such tim as the Council could go into it thoroughly. consider- ing the respective n:e rUs of the offer and work out a sa tis- factory proposi tion. Miss Dorothea Galvin addressed the Council asking if she would be permitted to construct a flight of wooden steps over the bank of tm boulevard to the Beach; also construct a paln:etto shelter ontm beach"n front 01' her home. This permission was given with the advice to Miss Galvin that same v.t>uld not constitute private monoply of these improveme nts. f- ."" 5Y ".JO."'-':;- ~="',.-"",-",,,-,",,,",,,,,,,,.,~""" .,. .. """~""'~":""":"""""~_''''''''''''","",_,C~''~'''''''e,.N',.,..."" J:: 61.6 COD1mIL CHA1ffiER - October 13, 1936 the oiliI1g of tbe street in front of his home. After due consideration, it was moved by Mr. BartoI1 that Mr. Gracey's reques t as to paving the N. W. Firs t Avenue and Lake Terrace intersections and repairing and oiling Eighth Street be accepted, and the cost of this work be allowed Mr. Gracey as a credit on back taxes prior to 1952~ Mr. Gwynn seconded the motion, which on roll call, carried unanimOUSly. Upon enquiry as to tm status of the handbill ordin- following ordinance was introduced by the City Att- placed on its. firs treading: " ORD 162 BOOK 4 AN ORDINANCE MAKING IT UNLAWFUL FOR ANY PERSON 'ro POST, P~NT OR PLACE ON ANY BRImE. LAMP POST, TELEPHONE OR TELEGRAPH POST, OR ANY PROPERTY. AUTOMOBIIE, OR PRIVATE OR PUBLIC BUILDING, OR FENCE, ANY HAND BILLS, SIGNS, PICTURES, OR ADVERTISEM1mTS WHATSOEVER, WITHOUT TEE CONSENT OF THE JWNER THEREOF FIRST HAD AND OBTAINED IN WRITING; AND PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR 'mE VIOLATION OF THE SAME. ance, the omey and '!f Ii{ , Mr. Gwynn moved the passage of the ordinance on its first reading, which motion was seconded by Mr. Hill and on roll call, unan imously carrie d. Ilk. Jacobs, Presi dent of the Recreation Club, made a brief report on the repairs needed at the Club. He stated they desired to erect a permanent shade over the shuf:l:'1.e board courts and asked if the City had any available water pipe that could be used as posts for the 'Struoture. Mr. Foote agreed to see if Mr. Baker had any p~~~ to use for this purpose. Ilk. Jacobs recommended also, that the new roof be put on tbe Club House immediately. , ;'.' ;:: <'> t Mr. Barton reported the plUJ;Jj.bing at the casino had been repaired. It Vias also s~gested that a drinking fountairi be installed outside the City Hall to replace the water cooler in use at present and that suitable toilet- paper receptacles be installed in the public buildings of the City. It was recommended that these matters be referred to the Sanitary Committee to work out details with the Sanitary Inspector and report at next meeting. ';;.,,;., ;<;-\;,~i~,*;~,' Mr. GwynI1 repor'ted a complaint of Albert Miller . who asked that the City put in a drain or grade down tl1e street intel'section at his residence on North Dixie thereby relieving that looali ty of the water which floods his. lawn during heavy rains. The Cbairman of tm Street Comm.ittee agreed to investiga te this me. tter and see what could be done. Ilk. Foote again brought up the ma tter.of sEit,tiinS' delinquent. taxes at a discount in lieu of the plan her,eto. ~ ,,-=.', ~~""""'~ ....~ "~..<,,.~...., l:'J'i<": " ..' -....... ~--". '';:l .~ ~ . it'" c~ ~ "''','_ '''''V~,'''_''''''''~',''''.''''..~''''''""" "c""","'~".""~-o.__.~..,,..,..... 6:17 COUNCIL CHAMBER - October 13, 1936 fore in effect whereby bonds were accepted for the years 1931 and prior tmreto. He recommended that some such method be worked out as he said the City's inabil1 ty to get bonds was a detriment to the sale of property and had slowed up tax payments. The situtation was discussed at length, it be ing finally moved by Mr. Barton tha t the City Attorney corre pond wi th the Bondholders Committee asking their approval , of the suggested plan of accepting taxes~ at a cash discount for the years 1931 and prior thereto in lieu of the bond- payment plan now in effect. Mr. Hill seconded the motion, which on roll call, carrie d unan imously. The Chairman of the Parks Committee brought up the matter of purdhasing a Toro Parkway Mower at a price of $333.25 to be used for cutting weeRs and heavy growth along the streets and public parkways of tm City. After discussion, Mr. Barton moved that the matter be referred to the Street and Sanitary Committee with power to act in the purchase of said machine. The motion was seconded by Mr. Gwynn, and on roll call carried unanimously. . The Clerk presented lists of registrants, now de~ ceased or that how moved away from the City, whose names had been~~icken from the City Registration books. It was the "pn moved by Mr. Gwynn tha t copies of these lists of re .' ants stricken from the books be posted at the door of the"" ty Hall and that a notice be inserted in the Delray Beacn News advising that said lists had been posted for the Pub:r.1c's inspe ction. Mr. Hill seconded the motion, which o.;:rl call, carried unanimously. It',,.,.;,s're por te d tha t the Mi tche 11 in te re st s on ch delli;red to arrange for Fire protectionthroU{,ib. the de]Et:t'tlnent, and i1;,was suggested that the City Co.uncil me.k'.e ..... year:ry charge 0:1" $150.00 per house for this service, wl11ch was;1Jhe price charged by tm City of Miami to .prop~rty oWJ;lers outside the City limits, it was stated. The Clerk. w~s also directed to write the City Clerk of Miami and .~. 'v:erify these charges. The lIlayor reported that the Beach Sewer project would be completed this week and that several property owners J wanted to connect up at once. The City Clerk was therefore direoted to communicate with Geo. Carr, City Engineer, ask- ing him to wo rk up a scale of charge s for this service, as' soon as possible. ..'1. The Auditor requested tm City Coun,qil's advice in ..... regard to setting up depreci ation and acoru)Q1bg. int€!Jlefl;t;'.ion....."l'~1 bonds for the year 1935-1936. This matter was refeI'f:ed,to 'thl"t'P:' Finance Committee to work out with the City AUditorpi~a repcrt.;,;,: of tmir action in these matters to befnade at next,~e~~t2~.':.:. It was moved by Mr. Genton that Bills nUmbere4'ilii),9a ..... to , 6~9 , having been O.K'd 1>'Y the Finance Committee, be;l\/", returned to tm Council, and o1".dered paid..;,. . " "","'--rj"',~""",""""""",+~,,,,",,,,",,,,~:,~,~,'~i'" I) 618 COD1TCIL CHAMBER - October 13, 1936 The Council, 'by motion regularly made, seconded and carried. adjoumed,. rn tV- W....:..-~~ Ci ty Clerk. .. ~ '-:y APPROVED: &f3.~ President of Counc il Chamber ;1 t ~; r ;;; ~ *. 1-