10-19-36 Special PM
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Ootober 19, 1936
The Counoil met in speoial session at 7:30 P.M. on oall
of the Mayor who stated the meeting was oalled at the request of
a oommittee of oitizens, for mutual discussion of ways and means
and the adoption of a plan to eradicate sand flies in the com-
Mr. J. Leslie Brown, Chairman of the Sand Fly Eradication
Committee, addressed the Council and group of townspeople pres~nt
stating that Geo. Carr, Engineer, had conferred with t~eir com-
mittee in regard to the necessary preliminary steps and the
proper procedure required in putting through a sand fly eradi-
oation program; that th~also had been assured by Congressman
Mark Wilcox that such a projeot would receive his one-~undred-
percent support. The committee, oomposed of Keen, Boughton,
Soott .Telks, Waters and Sabath, therefore recommen.ded that the
City 60uncil sponsor a Mosquito and Sand Fly Eradication projeot
and appropriate immediate funds for the employment of Geo. Carr
to make the necessary preliminary survey.
'J .',
COUNCIL CF~MBER - Ootober 19, 1936
breed on dry land. He said the maintenance of such a system
however, was very expensive and hardly feasible for Delray.
Also he did not think the draining of the district East of the
Canal alone would be suffioient, as many breeding places existed
on the West side also, he said. -
Mr. Carr, the engineer recommended by the Committee,
reported having met that day in Miami with Mr. Sandquist, Mr.
Disbrow, and Mr. Peterson, F.W.PA. direotors, and asking their
aid and immediate aotion on an eradication project in case. the
City did decide to make sapplication for one along the lines
suggested by the Eradmcation Committee. These officials had
informed him there was an old Mosquito C.ontrol project that had
been approved about two years ago for St. Lucie and Palm Beach
Counties, and possibly some money still remained in. that fund
that could be appropriated for the present purpose. Mr. Carr
said that action must not be delayed for sixty or even thirty
days, but that unless we could get a project through within two
or three weeks it would not give the immediate re:Lief which is
sought. Any work done at this time however, would be of use .
later on if we desire to adopt some permanent relief measures,
working through the Board of Health. He said he could not, at
this time, recommend any definite p:Lan of procedure, as there
wasn't sufficeint information avai:Lable to warrent a movement
by any group for the e:Limination of the sand fly alone, and
authorities are still undetermined as to methods of eradicat
After investigation and survey, and the compi:Ling of as much
information as possib:Le, he said he cou:Ld then start prel
He recommended application for a drainage project East.
of the Canal, extending from the South :Line of Section 16 to.
the ffe1ttb. line of Section 16; that canals be dug running East
and West from the F.E.C. Canal to the Ocean ridge, along the
streets now dedicated, with the idea of throwing in lateral
drainage ditches North and South from these right-of-waysand
spraying the whole area with creosote or a light gravity oil
which would destroy the :Larva that produces the sand fly. He
estimated approximate:Ly 1,250 gallons of spray a t a price Of
around 20 cents would be required and that the entire cost to
the sponsors would probably run around $500.00, the W.P.Ai'-
furnishing the neoessary labor for ditching and possibly for
mixing of the sprays.
He would not guarantee to eliminate the sand
tirely by this method but was confident it would
dition. to a great extent.
Kr. Carr also recommended that the Counc il go on :tecOJ;,cl";;
as requesting the Palm Beach Planning Board, represented'bYEal"~'_'"
Moore, to approve this proposition, making same a City prop()s..;i.::<.;;,,~'
, ition temporarily with the idea of getting the force of the Cit:Y''4\i'
behind it to further same at this time, but to determine in. thf:l.,;-f~':'"
fu.ture as t o whether it .should be gone into as a municipal or;;~
,jii\listriot proposition.,;;!;j));,
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COUNCIL CHAMBER - Ootober 19, 1936
Before making recommendations Mr. Carr said he intended
to confer with Dootor MaDonal~, Mr. Henson and S.D. McCready of
the state Board of Health. Mr. Wilcox would be of Gassistenoe,
he said, when the project reached approving headquarters at
Miami, Jacksonvll1.e and Washington, but that all preliminary
work, as outlined, would have to be comp1.eted first. Mr. Carr
agreed to do this preliminary survey work and make the required
applioat ion to Washington for a projeot appropriation, fer a
fee of $200.00.
Thi s fee for the preliminary work wa s discussed, Mr'.
Foote advising that there was no money appropriated in the
1.936-1937 budget that oould be diverted for this purpose, where-
upon Mr. Carr agreed to postpone payment until such time as money
was ava ilable. In arguing the matter further, it was reconlmended
by certa in members of the assembly that th is work be paid for
by voluntary oontribution, whereupon Mr. Brown started a fUnd
by donating $25.00 which, followed by other donations, finally
reached a total of $108.00 made up as followw:
J. Leslie Brown
John Thieme
H.,A. Hubbard
Matt Gracey
Henry Ostro
J.M. Sabath
C.Y, Byrd
Abraham George
Clint Moore
W.F. Kraus
Samuel Ogren
Moe Weinerman
Wlllarli Waters
Earle S. Roberts
Mae W. Cramp
W.A. Jacobs
$ 25.00
$ 108.00
After some further talk in whioh Mr. Carr stated he
bel1ev.ed he could get up the preliminary survey, make neoessa.ry<!~'i;(
reoommendations, and get the projeot application started, througb.)\~1
within a week:; and upon the recommendation of Mr. Sabath, it;,,~~'
was moved by Mr. Barton, seconde8 by 1Cr. Gent on, and on roll . '.. ....;~""
call unanimously carried, that the City sponsor the proposition;."'!
as .outlined by Mr. Carr and the .Committee, and acoept citizen'.s";'
doll.attollsforthe defrayal of Mr. Carrf S pre liminary survey fe~.;:'\,
of'two hundred dollars. .,..,..."........' .
.. 'l'ltE! meeting, by motion regularly made, seconded and
carrie dJii(adj ourned.
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