10-21-36 Special .~=-.",,,.....c,,_.',~,"" 'ffl~._,.~";^,"'''.'~',',_.".'""",:"~.:-''''.'__''~'.'_''''.~''',,,,,,"".__,' _~..."....., '""'''--''''"'''''~'.'.~,':,''-\:'-l<''''''7'':''';"'''''''''-:'"~';;I'!l< <1 6201. , CO UNCIL CHAMBER Ootober 21, 1936 <I T1ie Counoil rre t in speoial session at 5:00 P.M. on oall 01' the Mayor 1'or the purpose 01' adopting an amended budget resolution and fixing the millage for the 1936-1937 1'isoal year. ( " ..: The Mayor, City Attorney, and Counoilmen, Barton, Foote, Genton and Gwynn were present. Mr. Hill was abpent. The City Attorney reported that The Calmgrove Seourities Co~- poration had refused to aooept the terms of the City's proposal for the purohase 01' the $25,000 blook 01' bonds they hold. He further explained that the follow ing resolution had been drawn to take the place 01' Resolution No. 159 adopted on September 9th last, a re-drawal 01' same being necessary in order to .... oomplywith\the terms 01' the peremptory writ of mandamus dat~d' Ootober 20th ordering that two and one quarter mills be levied to partially satis1'y the judgment awarded Calmgrove Securities Carporation, in U.S. Distriot Court, at Miami, on September 8th last. It was there1'ore moved by Mr. Gwynn that the ing resolution be adopted: ~~~"'lOB 163 BOOK 4 '* A RESOLUTION BY TEE CITY COUNOIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, PALM BEACH COIDJTY, FLORIDA, ADOPTING ITS ANNUAL BUDGET OF . ESTIMATED EXPENSES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1936-1937, AND FOR TEE PURPOSE OF LEVYING A TAX ON ALL THE PROPERTIES WITHIN SAID CITY FOR MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION, AND FOR 'IRE FURmER PURPOSE OF LEVYING A TAX FOR THE PAYMENT OF A PORTION OF THE CURRENT BOND INTEREST AGAINST THAT PROPERTY LOCATED IN TEE FORMER CITY OF DELRAY, AND FOR TEE PURPOSE OF IEVYING A TAX FOR PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST AGAINST THAT PROPERTY LOCATED IN TEE FORMER TOWN OF DELRAY BEACH, AND FOR THE PURPOSE OF IEVYING A TAX FOR GENERAL STREET ,,' OILING AND IMPROV-.;::MENTS, AND FOR THE FU1lTHER)~i. PLTRPOSE OF IEVYINO,A"TU AGA,]J'[~'.I:.J;IlQf?:E;I,l.';LX ""'" ,.~iL> LOCATED IN TEE FORMER TOWN OFDELRAY BEA.C:tr"'''Y~ FOR GENERAL SEWER IMPROVEMENT:,:?, . AND FOR . ;i2 ALLOCATING AND APPROPRIATING SAID COLLEOTIONS 'fJ TEER;EPNDER; ANDFOR TEE REPEALING OF ALL RESOLUTIONS IN CONFLICT WITH THIS RESOLUTION, AND ESPECIALLY THAT OERTAIN Rli:SOLUTION NO. 1,51i1,. ,ADOPTED ONTfI:E~TB' I)AY OF SEPTEMBER, 1\)~6, AND FOR OTFlElt.PURPOSES. . " l: ... 't, .' .'.' "~,-:..":1~Jj~~~:t~~k.<;i2~:~: