10-26-36 Regular ,;, - "'<J' v ~, ~ "'"~'-"..'",...,.,"e''''^~'''''~'''"""""",^"""","~,,'1''''''' 626 COIDiGIL CHAMB~'R Ootober 26. 1936 The Counoil met in regular session at 71.30 P.M. wi th the Mayor and all members of the Counoil present. The minutes of the regular meeting of Ootober 13th, and the speoial rreetings of Ootober 19th and 21st were approved as read. A letter from Miami advising the rate oharged by that City for fire calls outside tJ:e City limits was read and ordered file d. Mr. Foote reoommended that Delray e st- ablish a oharge for fire proteotion furnished to property outside the City limits, and referred the matter to tba Finanoe Committee and City Attorney to work up some reason- able fee, paid on a :)early basis, that would be comensura te with the benefits reoeived by such property owners. Mr. Foote questioned the Council as to their polioy in regard to hauling away of trash and shrubbery aocumulated in the grubbing and oleaning of vacant lots, stating that Mr. Gates had enquired if the City would haul several loads from the Wheatley property on Palm Avenue. This was disoussed at length, and the City's praotioe in the past was oited, the Mayor steting that small quantities of shrubbery end grass were usually picked up by the gar- bage truoks but that owners were expeoted to haul suohstuff away themselves where it involved several truoklcads as in this oase. It was suggested by Mr. Barton that the matter be disposed of by the Sanitary Committee ana moved that some be referred to said Committee for aotion. Mr. Hill seconded the motion, whioh on roll oall oarriElld unanimously. Mr. R.C. McNeil was present and explained the type of building he desired permit for in Vista Del Mar. as requested by the Fire Chief at the meeting of September 14th. This building, he said, was to be used only as a stor- age building, and would have neither eleotrio wiring or . plumbing installed. He agreed to anchor same to the found-. ation and said it V'Puld be painted and made attraotive. He was advised to make application :for said building, to be oonstruoted as outlined to the Counoil, and permit would be granted. :Mr. Abraham George oame before the d6uncii;,,.,,,.i""'~' oomplaining of obsttuoting hibi sous bus he s planted on Seventh Avenue in front of Mr. Troup's home. He asked the Councilfs aotion in having these removed, steting the ob- struoted view of the Street has resulted in a reoent auto- mobile aooident, involving his son. Mr. George's request .. ''''''-'627'' ",-' , \, COillTCIL CHMaBER - Ootober 26, 1936 c<f resulted in a long disoussion as to ways and means 01" mit- igating the danger of aooidents at different oorners of City streets where shrubbery has grown hiding the view or approaohing motorists, it be ing finally moved by Mr. Hill that Mr. Baker be instruoted to have his men trim all shrub- bery at blind oorners to a height of not over three f'eet and keep it trimmed down in that height; also to out of'f' the lower limbs of mango and other trees to enable motorists to see under same at street oorners. The motion was seoonded by :Mr. Gwynn, and on ~oll oall, unanimously oa rrie d. Mr. ~__ Leslie Brown advised the Counoil that he had talked to Geo. Carr that day regarding the sand 1"ly projeot and Mr. Ca:i-ll expeoted to have the preliminary suJ.'vey oompleted by Wednesda y; Mr. Carr !:ad also asked that the Counoil pass the following resolution requesting the Palm Beaoh Planning Board to approve a mosquito projeot f'or the City of Delray Beaoh: ^ RESOLUTION I C, L{ BOOK 4 .OJ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELBAY BEACH, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, RE~UESTING APPROVAL 'OF A MOSQ.UITO CONTROL PROJECT BY F.W.P.A. AUTHORITIES AND THE PAlM BEACH PLANNING BOARD. I K? It was regularly moved, seoonded and oarried, tl;l.at said resolution be adopted and oopy or mme forwarded' "110 Mr. Carr who hoped to get action on this matter the follow.. ing day and make report on same by Wednesday. The City Attorney reoamnended that the City 1"111 out presoribed blanks oovering pro jeots to be 'approved. by the Palm Beaoh Planning Board, which blanks must be tabulated and sent to J'aoksonville from this area at an early da. tee The se eipplioa tions would oover the Mosquito Control projeot, street oiling or any other projeots the City'contemplated applying for, he said. This na tter was referred to the Finanoe Committee. The Clerk advised tl:a t milk had been supplied in a oase or need in tre City and omrged to the Cha:Uty FUnd, but that oheoks on this fund required the signatures ()f a designated member of tJ:e Counoil together with .that or C. Y.Byrd, reI>resenting too Delray ReUe!" FuIld: Co~m~:ti~ee~""''': It was theref'ore regularly moved, seoonded and oarri~l . that the Chairman of the Finan.ce Commi ttee be designated to represent the Council in signing Relief' Fund oheoks; that the bank be noti f'ied of' this, and the bill 1"rom Southern Dairies be paid. j i I , ~l .~. .. -",,'_"~?"'''''',",'-',''-''_'_'''o/'\~t'~~I_,,"~ ~ dOU1TCIL CHAlffiER - Ootober 26, 1936 628 i-'\ , i The Chairman of t:te street Committee reported he had looked into Albert Miller's oomplaint regarding stand- ing water at his street oomer and Councilman Gwynn also made further oomplaint of the stand ing water in fron t of' the / 'Ranson House on N.E. lst Ave. 'f!. The Chairman of' the Sanitary Committee reported having maQie Ii trip to Miami in regard to garbage oans. He had not..~<.~ar, reoeived an estimate from Roselle 's Ino., but believe'it this Company oould supply same at a reasonable prioe. . Mr. Genton aloo reoommended the instellation of" publi 0 drinking fountain outside the Cit y Hall, ,whioh installation, he estimated, would oost around thirty dollars. This was disoussed at length, some of',;!ihe members consig:er- ing '8. more public, 100ationdesirab1e, others thinking i1l',UJj.- necessary, and some advooating installation without the 0001- ing feature, whioh all believe d would be expensive to maintain. It was suggested th~t theme. tter be laid over and given more consideration berore taking any aotion. It was urged that Mr. Carr prooeed as soon as J possible with the preparation ot' a sohedule of' oosts for oonneoting to the beaoh sewer line, reoently compieted. The Mayor reoommended the purohase of' a uni- form for t be traf'f'io polioeman and 1"our pairs of trousers f'or the other two members of' the piDlioe foroe at a oost of $41.50 and $35.00 respectively, totalling $77.50. It was moved by Mr. Hill, seoonded by Mr. Barton, and on rollcall unanimously oarried, that the Counoil defer aotion in this matter until next meeting. ~ Mr. Foote reported the new pump had been set up a t the water plan t but 00 uld no t be used because orfaul ty alignment ';ill. the mounting. It was debated whether toal!ow the Water Plant Engineer to prooeed to oorreot this ctef'ect or insist on adjustment being made by Fairbanks Morse. SA.otingon,~he advioe of the City Attorney, Mr. Hill r.eoom- mended that the City wire Fairbanks Morse reque sting " immediate oorreotion of this defeot. ,~ The Chairrmn of tJ:e Parks Committee reported that a bid of' $75.00 f'rom the 60u:t:hern Roofing Company,. for roof'ing the Reoreation Club building had been aooept~d and the work was now in progress.' He also moved that, thi:l Counoil authorize the pl3.yment of' this '$7.13.00 bill due.for this. work, which'represents a donation by the City";to;ittl1El!,:'1'''i'''''''' Club. Mr. Gwynn seoonqed the motion for r:e.yment, whiohj'/aEl .':. .oarried by unanimous vote of tbe Counoil. Counc ilman Hill brought up the matter o:t) salaries enquiring as to.when the ra ise aooorded City (- employees, and provided ror in the BUdget should go into I' <.> Ii .,1 ~ ~, COUlmIL CHA1ffiER - botober 26, 1936 630 deed to said property, viz., the ~- of ITWt of 1mt of swt Seotion 17. W~. Barton seoonded the motion, which on roll oall, oarried unanimously. The Mayor stressed the neoessity of' immediate- ly oleaning up and making the Beaoh presentable, and asked if the palmetto shelters oould not be repaired and put into shape. Miss Galvin also reoomrrended that oertain ragged palms whioh v.ere an eyesore on the Beaoh, be out down. These matters were referred to the Parks Committee for aotion. It was moved by Mr. Genton that bills num- bered 1633 to 1660, having been~O.K'd by the Finanoe Commi ttee, be returned to the Co unoil and ordered paid. Mr. Barton seoonded the motion,Owhiah on roll call, oarried unanimously. It was regularly moved, seoonded and oarried, that Counoil adjourn. 'lvl ~ u). e. CVWIf City Clerk. . APPROVED: "0 fJ &.lJ.. p~ President o~ Council Chamber