11-09-36 Regular <_,",_,1,..:..,.1. '.-. --"..'~~"""~~~:"'1~:"",..?~~"~,,_..,-y,,,-,. -"--",'~"","7t,-, ''', . "",'"':"''-'^ ... 631. .. cGtmc IL CHAMBER ,~..:'.' November 9, 1936 x:1 T;b.e Counoil met in regular ses/lion,at 7:30 P.M. with the Mayor, and all members of th:e Coun'6il present. The minutes of the regular nEeting of Ootober 26th were approved as read. The applioa tion of Vffil. C. Johns for the position of Life Guard was submitted and read by the Clerk, and it was, moved that said applioation be filed and that the Parks Committee look into the matter of employing a Life Guard and made reoommendation at the nextoounoil meeting. The motion Was seoonded by Mr. Gwynn, and on roll oall, unanimously oarried. A letter from Matt Graoey enolosing a bill for pav- ing interseotions of the streets reoen tly built by Mr. Graoey in his. Lakeview Height s Subdivision was submitted by the Clerk; also quitolaim deeds, to pIOperty for. street purposes, as follows: .. " N 10' Lots 5 & 6 Bl lA Lakeview Heights Subdivision and N 10' Lot 4 Bl lA Lakeview Heights Subdivision It was moved by Mr. Gwynn that the City aooept said deeds, and the Clerk be instruoted to have same reoorded, together with the Thurber dedioation deed on Lot 10 SeotiOn 8, dated no II- 3. /1 'J-l( ,Whi!?h had never been reoorded.Mr. Hill seconded the motion, which on roll oall, carried unanimously. On the suggestion of Mr. Foote, bill for the paving was referred to the Street Committee to oheok with Mr. Baker and report baok at the next meeting. f> A letter fIOm Mr. L 'Engle, was read in whioh he stated that in view of the City's inability to get bonds at a reasonable prioe for tax:,wying purposes the Bondholders Committee reoommended that' too City aooept interest ooupons, of whioh an unlimited supply was available. The different angles of this proposition was disoussed and it was final;t.y, )D,oye"d. ..g.y M1'~. .9Y1ytln i;~ t the '" p~ty ,At~()l.'ne:ybe.. a.\l~h()ri:z;edtos write Mr. t'.!ng1e askingiha.tociupons De supplied tlie"a:ft"'y:~' at a prioe 0:1'20 oents or les,s for the purpose of settling' 1931 and prior.years taxes as outlined in Mr. L'Engle'a, letter. Mr. Hill .seoonded the mot~on, whioh on roll oa:l-1, oarried unanimously. "h. ,.< ~~~-""~"'#""""'_""C''''''''-'''''..",,~,.-~'''~_''__, .-. ,-- .. ,,.,,""'~',',"'-~-,o-,_' .'....~'.~.'.I.:<."!I..,.~-""i~.~ 632 COU1mIL CHAMBER - November 9, 1936 <[ Mr. A.T. Smook submitted designs of Delray Beaoh signs which the hotels propose to ereot at the entrancell of the town and, in view of the advertilling benefit thereby derived by the City~ it wall moved by Mr. Gwynn that the Council inlltruot tre Building Inspector to remit the fee usually charged for IlUch Ilign permitll. Mr. Barton Ileconded the motion, which on roll oall, carried unanimously. Mr. Troup appeared before the Counoil aSking that the motion made at lallt meeting in r-egard to cutting down his hibiscus bushes be resoinded. He sta ted the acoident attributed to this shrubbery was due to reckless driving 1'8. ther than to the obstruoted view. Mr. Abraham George, who was also present, denied this, and objected to the street being used for shrubbery, contending that it should be removed. It was gem rally agreed that the bushes referred to did obstruct the view to some extent but by .careful driv- ing, accidents o.ould be avoided. It was finally moved by Mr. Barton that aotion in regard to the outting down of said shrubbery be deferred and that the matter be referred to the tfuyor and Polioe Department, for investigation and recom- mendation back to the Counoil at its next meeting. Mr. Gwynn seconded the motion, which on roll call, carried unanimously. .1:<- The matter of the proposed handbill ordinance then oame up, the President stating its passage had been deferred to give interested parties an opportunity to express the ir sentiments in the matter. Mr. A. George,.WsBley Clement, Earle Roberts, Mr. Zuokerman and Rudolph Wuepper all stated their positions in the matter. Mr. Gwynn finally moved that the City Clerk be directed to write a letter to eaoh of the business houses in town asking them to reply by letter whether they were in favOr of the ordinance or not. The motion was withdrawn however, upon the Clerk informing the Council that all the interested merchants were present now in answer to a letter she had written similar to that suggested. It was then moved by Mr. Hill seoonded by Mr. Genton and on roll call unanimously oarried, that the ordinanoe, as originally drawn, be passed ()n its seoond reading. The following ord- inanoe was then read in full by the Clerk: ORDINANCE NO. 162 ORDINANCE BOOK 4 if-. AN ORDINANCE MAKING IT UNlAWFUL FOR AN:Y PERSON TO POST, PAINT OR PlACE ON ANY BRIDGEi' lAMP POST, TELEPHONEOll TE;LEG13ll,PH POS,!" OR ANY PROPERTY, AUTOMOBILE, OR PRI-. ..... .., VATE. OR PUBLIC BUnnING, OR FEN"OE, ANY HANJ5BILLS;"'SI(}NS'i"'~::'~"'i~'! PICTURES, OR ADVERTISEMEN'IS WI-J4.TSOEVER, WITHOUT THE - ',;, CONSENT OF THE OWNER THEREOF FIRST HAD AND OBTAINED ,< '. IN WRITING: AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THE SAME. "..,'; ;.,'~ " ."-.-.,~,'> .,I.,..-~l'.l!._,~"""">-~","';'""""",'~'f'-''''''''''''''''r''"",.''","""...",,,,..~...:,~,~,., "F~',__,~____,.__,_.~~__,^,__,~~_"""~,",.,~.",-~~,,,,,,,,,,,.-_,"..,.,-,..'''c^''''''''"' ~ 633 COUNCIL CP..AMBER - November 9, 1936 The ordinance having been read in full, it was moved by Mr. Hill, seconded by Mr. Genton and on roll call unanimously carried that it be passed on its second reading and final passage, and the ordinance was thereby declared adopted. '>:( Mr. A.T. Smock requested that the City provide some regulation for tl1e keeping of chickens inside the City limits, explaining that his residence property had been depreciated in value and its rental possibilities damaged by reason of the adjoining property being turned into a wholesale chicken raising establishment. The Council agreed to look into the City ordinances and see if some restrictions couldn't be enforoed to regula te such busi ne sses. Mr. C.A. Baker asked the Counoil's instruction in regard co removing trash and shrubbery acoumulation at various plaoes in 'town, stating that h~ would require extra men and another truck if he was expeoted to take care of this. A long discussion ensued in regard to this situation, and upon the suggestion of Mr. Byrd, it was regularly moved, seconded and carried that a nmtioe be inserted in the Delray Beach News, defining what constitutes garbage, collectible by the City Sanitary Depariment, and notifying the oitizens that it is impossible, with the City's limited facilities and labor to take care of large acoumulations of trash and shrubbery. It was further moved by Mr. Gwynn that the existing cases of shrubbery piled along City Streets be referred to the Street and San i tary Committee's discre tion and that said oommi ttees work out a solution for its removal', The Mayor reported that Mrs. Eliot wished to enter into some sort of a contract wi th the City for garbage coll- eotion service at her residence. It was thought the City's facili ties were inadequate to render the requested servioe and no aotion was ta ken in the me tter. ,,, '"'ro The City Tax Assessor, Mae W. Cramp, stated that tax rolls for the year 1936 had been oompleted, and presented . same to the Counoil for its approval. The City Counoil proceeded to oheck the Tax Assessment books for 1936, and upon motion of Mr. Gwynn, seconded by Mr. Hill and unanimously oarried, the tax books, as submitted by the Tax Assessor, for the year 1936 were approved and certified to by the Counoil, and attested by.the Clerk of said Council, and oopies of the following oertifioations, affidavits and warrants for oollection were ordered,attaohed"and"made""""lV'''''''''M~~''' part of said 1936 Tax Rolls. . i ,',"'f" ,- \:l1f:,: CERTIFICATE OF PRESIDENT MID CLERK"" OF CITY COUNCIL. T0: MAE W. CRAMP, Tax Assessor ~ I :;- , >~ ,~k '.,'.'''.~ r_~ ~_.W .'..'_'~~"""'T-"r'."~""__'_"""'''''o..,.... "....."'.,-,..""-,.,.,,_.,,,...~.'-,~,..-.'>.",. .~-."...".,.-."7^,,-,,~.~=-- -,{t COUlTCIL CHAJiJBER - November 9, 1936 634 ;:. The undersigned president and clerk of the Ci ty GOlillC 11 of the City of Delray Beach,Florida, do hereby certify that tte foregoing assessment roll for 1936 of tlE taxable real e smte within the Ci ty of Thlray Beach, Florida, has been revised and equalized by the City Council, sitting as a Board of Equalization of Taxes, and that the valuations fixed upon this assessnent roll shall be deemed final and sa id valua tions shall not be changed. SEAL DATED this 12th day of July, A.D. 1936. (SIGlillD) E.B. Foote Pre sid ent 01' the City Counc il (SIGl'ED) Mae W. Cramp Clerk of the City Counoil ," CERTIFICATE OF PRESIDENT AND '" CLERK OF CITY COUNCIL. TO: MAE W. CRAMP, Tax Assessor. The undersigned president and clerk of the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida do hereby oertify that the foregoing assessment roll for 1936 of the taxable personal property within the City of Dolray Beach, Florida, has been revised and equalized by the City Counoil, sitting as a J:!oard of Equalization of Taxes, and that the val- uations fixed upon this assesSIIl9nt roll shall be deemed final and said valuations shall not be Changed. -1:'}: DATED this 12th clay of July, A.D. 1936. (SIG1'ED) E. B. Foote President of the City Counoil SEAL (SIGNED) Mae W. Cramp Cle I' k of the Ci ty Couno 11 .. Sll\ i ,"., -<,r .(';; -r> -- ,--":,~"~'''''''^,^,-"",',-,,,,,''P\~','\-''''"'''-~' """"';7"J"1'f'Y'-"";'^" ,-,..~",~,~.=.~, ,,~.~ /.".}., 635 . COU]'TCIL CHAMBER - November 9, 1036 STA TE OF FLORIDA. ( P~l BEACH COU1~Y) 5 CITY OF DELRAY BEACH( TO: Mae W. Cramp, Tax Collector in and for the City of Delray Beach, Florida: You are hereby comrranded to collect out of the real esta te and fSrsonsl property, and from each of its persons and corporations named in the annexed assess~ ment roll the amount of tax set do\m opposite the name of eaoh person or corporation, or lot, parcel or tract of land described therein, and in case the taxes imposed are not paid at the time'.presoribed by law, you are to co lIe ct the Ba:me by levy and sale of the goods and chattels, lanE and tenements, and all monies collected on behalf of the City of Delray Beach you are to pay over to the City 'Treasurer, and you are :"uther required to make all colleotions on or before tre 1st day of Apri 1, 1937 or else hold all unpaid taxes as delinquent. (SIGNED) Mae W. Oramp Tax Assessor. SEAL Given under my hand and seal this the 9th day of November in the year A.D. 1936. (SIGNED) Mae W. Cramp Assessor of Taxes Delray Beaoh, Fla. CITY OF DELBAY BEACH, COUNTY OF PALM BEACH, STATE>~ OF FLORIDA I Hereby oertify that the warrant given under the hand of Mae Cramp, City Assessor of Taxes, to Mae Cramp, Tax Colleotor and attached to the Assesament Roll for the City of Delray Beach, Palm Beaoh County, Florida, for the year A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Thirty~six, has been duly recorded on page 1-35" of' the minute s of the City Counc il. in and for said city .,. aforesaid as required by the Charter Act of the . (lity .(c of'Dl;rl~ll.y.Beach, and Gem ral. ~W:;1o:f ~~..,.€l:~,a.;!;iEil""S~!...,,,,,,,,,,,,...,,+<..,,,.,..,,,.'; FloI,'idaj' pertaining to the collection of mt1niOiPaltrotes":,';,,~ ,."'S ,',..,,... Given under my hand and seal of offioethis 9th, day of November A. D. 1936. (SIGNED) Mae W. Cramp Ci ty Clerk; Ci tyof Pelray Beach, Fla.. ~., '," " .."" ',,~~:i ' ".."'<-.., -, .". "",.~..,...-~<~., '-'-:->':c:'."':"'-'~~"~..,....-.-.-."",:,.,.,. ~i 636 COUNCIL CEA~ffiER - November 9th, 1936 CITY OF DELRA Y BEACH, COUNTY OI<' :m LM BEACH, STATE ;, OF FLORIDA .,;,. Personally appeamed before me, MAE W. CRAMP, Assessor of Taxes for the City of Delray Beach, Palm Beach County, Sta teof Flor ida, who, being duly sworn, says the above Assessment Roll oontains a true statement and description of all persons and property in tlE above City of Delray Beach sUbject to taxation or liable to be assessed therein, and that the valua tion thereof, so far as they were made by her, are just and correot so far she she has been able to asoert ain. SEAL (SIGNED) Mae W. Cramp City Tax Assessor, Delray Beaoh, Fla. Sworn to and IlUbscribed before me this the 30th day of September A.D. 1936. (SIGNED) Wilmina Harvel Notary Publio State of Florida at Large. My Commission expires: (SEAL) Notary Public, State of' Florida at Large. My oommission Expires ;ran. 19, 1940. ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ? CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, COUNTY OF PAIM BEACH, STATE 1-1' OF FLORIDA ~'; f..\, ,', We, the undersigned City Councilmen in and for the City of Delray Beaoh, Palm Beaoh County, State of Florida, do hereby oertif'y that we have oarefully examined the foregoing ABsessment Roll of said oity for the year A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Thirty-six, and have compared the or.iginal am two copies thereof, as required by the Charter Aot of the City of Delray Beaoh and General Laws of the,Sta te of Florida, pertaining to the oollection of municipal taxes, and find the same iD be correct. ~ , ;, fi (SIGNED) E.B. Boote, (SIGNEP) ;r.K. Gwynn, (SIGNEP) Arthur Barton, City Counoi'lmen, City of Delra.y Beaoh, Florida. ,,/~<:..j ".;-'<( "--'"":-""~.:",-"",:-~.""?...,,.".~..~,..,"~_...--,-",,..,,. ....--i' " 637 COUNCIL CHAMBER - November 9, 1936 ~ i" Mr. Barton, Chairman of the Parks Committee, reported the need of immediately fixing up and painting the old Beach Pavilion which he said presented a very bad appearanoe. It was accordingly moved by Mr. Gwynn, sec- onded by Mr. Barton, and unanimously carried, that the City advertise for bids for painting o.f the pavilion, said bids to be closed November 23rd at 7:30 P.M. The work to be done according to plans and speoifica tions furnished by CourlOilmen Gwynn and Barton and to be completed by December 15th next. ~~. Hill reported thehefeot in the new pump at the water plant had been satis~actorily adjusted. It was moved by Mr. Hill that the following res- J olution adopting a schedule of charges far the privilege of conneoting to the new Lowry streetrewer line be adopted. Resolution No. 167 Ordinanoe Book 4 A RESOLUTION OF '1'HE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DEmAY BEACH, PAlM :aEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, .ll:{X)PT- ING A SCHEDULE OF RATES IT) BE CHARGED FOR COm~CTIO~ TO THE LOWRY STREET SEWER LINES. The City Attorney asked the Council's pleasure in regard to having him render an opinio.n on Geo. Carr's Sandfly report, which the oi tizens oommi ttee had re que steEl , him to do., he said. It was deoided to do nothing further in the matter until Mr. Brown, Chairman of said Committee is heard from. It was regUlarly moved, seconded and oarried, that bills numbered 1661 to 1695, having been O.K'd by the Finanoe Committee, be returned to the Counoil and ordered. paid. ' There being no. further matters to oome before the Council, it was regularly moved, seoonded and oarried, that Council adjourn. ~() 0 ,U). ,drJAM( Ci ty Clerk. The motion for adoption was seconded by Mr. Genton; and, on roll oall, unanimously carrie d. APPROVED: ~ &,IB.~ President of Counoil Chamber ,.~- /"" ~(~~