11-23-36 Regular -<..,1 (Ytffly 1 ,~ , " , , j """""',C',/"~'" COUNCIL CHAMBER November 23. 1936 the Mr. man 'l'he Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. with Mayor and the following members of the Coun<1il presentt;: Barton, Mr. Foote. Mr. Genton and Mr. Gwynn. Council~ Hill was a bsen t. -j~ By mot ion of the Council regularly made. seconded and carried. the minutes of the meeting of November 9th were approved as read. A letter from .T.L. Troup was read request ing a' don'- ation for the Red Cross. and in compliance with same. it.; was moved by Mr. Gwynn that the. City mke a $25.00 donatipn t6 this Eund. Mr. Barton seconded the mot ion. which on ~ roll call. carried unanimously. f. fi 'j, }'1' A cOllIllunication from Carl Williams was read. asking ,._ that he be allowed .!l. rebate for the operat ing portion of ~isl i . 1936 taxes explaining that. because of ignorance.he negl~Qt~~ to apply for homestead exempt ion. as required by law alt~qum' he rea lly was ent itled to it. It was stat ed tha t the laW; ;, wa s exp1ic it as to this requirement and that no adjustmen11; "t; could be made in such cases after the roll had been reguJJp.rLJ't set up and approved. ; i' i{,,-",'l:'.~ ";,' ,'~:*;.) The CleN reported having reoeived onlY one bid fo~,d.'> thepavllion painting job. This bid. of .Tohn I. ThieDJ:l....~.~1 opened and read, and after discussion. it was moved by ~. 1.1J .,~. Get nton t1hat samejbbe baocethPted and thakt said bidbder be re~j,rel'f..~.'~.; . 0 compete the 0 y e first wee. in Deoem er. weat....p",.ti/.i p.mit"ng:.. ~:r:::' .:.:U:~:::;~O~~':.:::'::h' "0. ~~;~~i~~s i~e~~:~~~n~~ ~~;~t t:e C~:~~: \! : l!41fi'''~~;' specifications. for the sum of One Hundred and thirty-five ($135.00) dollars." i"" ".--,/, ",\., :!itr .TOHN I. THI:EME ",', ! , .~ i ! ~ Mr' Barton seconded Mr. Genton's moUon.,which on ro:)..l q ..,.,~8!ri~dt1nanilllous1Y. 'l'he.above bid did not include tl:1e,. '~"15'~ncnes and eM irs in the paVi1ioXlrand'iPwas.the"~Xlt. o'ilinlonof the Counc.i1 that thes.e she11ldbe painted .at''\i t1mea~so.. Mr. Gwynn recommended a spray job forsam.e.(0,a,:. Sli~d,h~cou].d have the twenty..fo~ cb!l.il'sdone for ap:r.:i 0:1;..~.!:?(~.Q,6 ,aI!d ,the benches fot' arou',nlJ.,$1.25.each.It was fiXl~:VYllloved that this matter be leftw~1:h.the parkS C~ittee with power to a.at in securing best bids obtain :~i,>+i:.\,-,<, 'i.,~: v ~;J .8'/ :i~4:~) y"> ~"'''''''''''X'' n \( "'~,-'*'."'."'"''''-'',''''''''''' ~j~ 639 ,'~"-' .. "\ " .' COUNCIL cn~EH - November 23. 1936 Mr. Barton seconded the mot ion, which carried unanimously on roll, call. Mr. E.H. Scott and.R.H. Tyler appeared before the Council a sking that the ra te charged for Lowry Street sewer connections be scaled down to a more reasonable figure as they considered a cost of $395.00 ,to the Sea crest Hotel, too much. This matter was dis9ussed at length. Mr. Gwynn j stated he believed, that at tb.;e present rate of construction, there would soon be a number of residents desiring to connect wi th this line and that the cost, therefore, would soon be repaid and he thought the City should make soma reduction in the oonnection charges. It Was finally moved by Mr. Barton, seoonded by "Mr. Gwynn, aXl;d unanimously carried that this matter be referred to the Finance Committee and that they go over these charges and redttce same on an equitable scale, if, in their judBment, they considered the charges too high. Miss Galvin enquired if there was a City ordinanCe' requiring bicycles, at night, to be equipped with lights and reflectors and upon the Mayor assuring her there was such an ordinance she asked that it be enforced oomplaining that children on)Jicycles, without lights, were becoming a manaoe to motorists. ""<' -t~~ "",'"'j.' line at ~he H~~::~~ni~~r:':t:~~~;nJe;~~r~f~a:~e O~a~~;ite '. };i#ff~ ~~::~ti~:t:l:~~chase and have the necessary ropes and life::i.i'-rl!~; .,...,.~i'Al The question of employing a Life Guard was also}Jroti~t.~.ti;~fJ up, and it was reported that applications had been rece1vEld:C" ,;~,i; :f;'rom W.D. Hollenbeck and Wm. C. .Tohns. The ChEl.irmanofthe.> .;;,l'{~- Parks ~ommittee I;\ltated it had been the City'S policy,intb,e' ,i,;y' dPast'dtho gdivbe prefde~efnoe to a local biOY budt considedrahbleth ,.;.., "l';%.'.'~.. eman a een me :l or a more expel" ence man, an. e ere,;,.'., fore re.commended the employmen't of Mr. .Tohns who seemefl; to. '>W'4J fulfill the requirema nt s in every way. Mr. .Tobns, himsE;l:lf" .,,<C addressei the members, stating he was .awareof the duti.,s,,, required of him and that he felt he oould fill the posi tion;;.';;;f~ satisfaot'orily. It was therefore moved by Mr. Barton that.:~i""' the~ Wm. C. .Tohns be employed by the month, at a sala.rY,.HitY' (.= ~rn ~~~ i:~:~ ;~~e~n%;r:1 ~~~~n~w1:~ln:te~:0~:m~~:;~dl~~;'(';';'J(~!"; 1(his, does not interfere with his regular work: and,that ~,i,~;;;'jr;;i'!; ''''''i..;i,el'+P~O,ym:;J.IJ.t,.start December 1st. ~ ~ (}wynn s~cqnd~d th.e mot. .. . which on roll call, oarried unanimously. . """,k;,.,,.. Mr. Genton reported he had reoeived no priCeSrI'ciD.~,(i;,;;i;i Roselle 's Ino~ for the !DI:lnufacture of I?P-rba.geoonta1,nerll,~n~.../;;~. he therefql"e re'Commended that the City purchase -cans sim1:ll~;lt4i'; to, those used in the past, size l6xl6x36" .tobe plaoed abouJ,s'i:j( town in various locations where they are needed. He believelt' ", ',::-'~'" ,j , "':,''>; .,'ii,),',:V';'; ~)' .~~ .... '.' COUNCIL CHAMBER - November 23, 1936 '":' the price on this size was approximately $9.50 each, and moved that the City purohase a dozen of same. Mr. Gwynn seconded the motion, which on roll oall, carried unanimously. The C;l.ty Attorney presented deeds as follows from the Sarah Gleason heirs to the City, said property being convey- ed far street and public Right-of-Way p8rposes. -Deed to 811 of the lands desi@1ated on a plat of the Fractional Ei of See 16, as recorded in Pla t Book 1, Page 25, Palm Bea ch Count y Reoords as "OCEAN ROAD" and also all lands, if any, lying Eas~ of that portion designated as "OCEAN ROAlll" down to the waters edge of the Atlantic Ocean. ~ and Right-of-way Deed to the W 25' of Block 130 and the N 15' of Block 130 and the N 15' of Block 138 add the S 15' of Blook 130 and the E 50' of that portion of Block 138 which lies West of the F.E.C. Caml. Mr. Byrd expla ined that the Gleasons had agreed to give said deeds, providing the City, as a consideration, would canoe~" all improvement liens and all taxes prior, to, md incll.lding the yea.r 1931, on their property West of the Canal, viz. Blocks 130 and 138. Mr. Foote also explained that it was desirable that the City obtain these right-of-way deeds, and inasmuch as he understood the streets werelaidoon pri- vate property and therefore payment of said improvement liens could not be enforoed by the City, he was in favor of acoept ing this settlement. It was accordingly moved b'y Mr. Gwynn, seconded by Mr. Barton, and unan imously carried that, the Clerk be au thorized to canoel all improvement liens and all taxes prior to the year 1932 on blocks 130 and 138 in consideration of the execution of the above mentioned deeds to the City. I'_I. 'y . ~~~, l'i\,#i1~>'~L It was moved by Mr. Barton, seconded by Mr. Gwynn and unanimously ca rried that the following Right-of-way all:\W,beacoepted am the Clerk be instructed to have all .' ...,.9:.~,~,~,.:p.!a(l~~on r~qord. Right-of-way deed to the NS' of Lots 1,3,4,5,5,7,8,9;10 Na.sau Park a.~ t:ne W 5' of Lot 1 . " Nassa u Park and'5~ located din theNW cor. of Lot 2 Nassau Mr.~Yllnsl:lconded the motion,whioh on roll call oarried' uXl/iXl :I11tously. 3d "., .T.""'..,'''""",~",,, > ,. .~, ")",,,. "',""""'. 64.0 """~~;,,,,,,,,,,,:!~,~,,,-"',,",,~,~,,,,,,,,-,''''~~''''''" '<:',..:.'-. '~.' . >C',' -. , 6ir'~'~'''~-- rl '1> / ( ., c 4f ,j}!">"" ~;1!;;"~ !:l , .i1t 'r :;W:;". .. 1 'f.fr," ~\ "";;,~~-""""".'c",,,,..,,~., ~" COUNCIL CRAtmER - November 23, 1936 Mr..~aiton reported mOr~lights were being demanded in different parts' of the residential section of town, and suggested that the Light Committee take a tour of investi- gation in order to make necessary recommendations, in this re~rd, atfext meeting. Mr. '(}enton recommended that the curbing adjacent to the Sea crest. Hotel be levelled and smoothed off, as he stated its .uni'inished condition had been responsible for a fall sustained by one of our tourists. It was agreed to have Mr. Baker'S crew complete this job am also finish rocking the railroad crossing at N.R. Seoond street. The Clerk presented nominating petitions of candidatea to be voted on for the offices of Counoilmen in the approac~- ing election, whereupon the following resolution was intro- duced: .. WHEREAS Article 12, Section 75 of the City Charter of Delray Beach, Florida, fixes the first 'l'uesday after the first Monday in December as the date for holding the City eleotion in each and every year, and WHEREAS J.M. sabath and F.W. Wodischek have filed their petitions, signed by the required number of qualified voters, as candid,ates for the office of Councilman-at-Large, Group :If, and WHEREAS.T.K. Gwynn, },J.T. KnQx, .T.V. MoGrew md W.W. Newbury Mveffled their re spect ive pe1:1tions, signed by the required .number of, qualified voters, as candidates for the office of Councilman-at-Large, Group 2, NOW THEREFORE, ~E IT RESOLvED by the City Council of the City of Delray BeaCh, Florida, that the above mentioned petitioners be declared the reg~lar qual- ified candidates for the respective officers to whioh they aspire ,.and ,-";:'_:..,h_G".,.:"'_'" '.",.-." BE. IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT T~A. Rawls be appointed as Clerk, and W.O. Winn, G,W. Mayberry and W.A.. .Tacobs be appointed Inspectors to hold said election in Fire- men'sH/illo,n Tuesday, December 8th, 19~6, between the of' 8l.00. A.M. . and sundown. ""'BE;1T/FURTEER RESOll~D that,the+ 01 tyCle:dt. )>e.., " .,. .'. ...., ','~. allthor~:z;ed to pay sa id e:\,ect ion board the sUlll of $4~()'6'",c;, eaoh an.d furnish one. m,.e a1 for. the ir serv.ices. BEIT!~THER R E~()~Yl$b,~h at the.. C1erlt be, author- <tied to have ballots prepared and printed, bearing <the names of;the above candidates.