12-07-36 Adjourned
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Deoember 7, 1956
1'm Council met in adjourned session at 7:50 P.M.
tor the purpose ot prepuing the ballot box. and taking
UP other items ot business requiring aotion at this tie.
~e Mayor. City Attorney. and. all msmbers of the Council
were present. '
The Oi ty Clerk presented to the Oouncil the re-
quired number of offioial ballots, a list ot the registered
voters. showing tm condit10n.of the poll taxes as checked
by ;r.h Grier. fJupervisor of Begistration. tally ,sheets
and other :requ1i'ed paraphernalia for "the holding oftl:8
general e]e ot10n in '!he Oity on Deoember 8th, 1956.
A.fter the ba110t s. 118 t ot voters e to.., were
examined by the Coullo 11 and fOUnd to be in the proper .form
, and order. it was mOved by Mr.. ;$arton that the officia1
ballots, 11st of registered voters and other eleotion
~aphe:rnal1a be approved and plaoed in tre ba:l.lot box.
and that the, ballot bOlt be loeked~.]lealed and delivered
to the Clerk of tm Election'Board w1th instructions as
to holding said genera~ munioipal e]e ction in complianoe
with the laws of the 81Bte of Florida. the .Charter of tre
Oity of Delray Beach. and ordinancetl pertaining to tha
holding ot suoh municipal ele cUons. Said motion vas
seoonded by lb.... Genton. and on roll oall. unan imous1y
carried. '
'. The Oi ty Clerk then read a cOIlll1unication from
the Florida League of Municipalities, invi ting City
otficials to the annual meting of tre League to be held
at Daytona BeaCh on Decernb'er 10th and 11th.
Atter diacussion it was moved by Mr. Barten
that )Jayor ~dshaw and tha Oity 4ttat'lleY be delegjlted
to re'flresent'tm City at this meeting of the League.
Mr. Gwynn 'seconded the motion. and on roll call the vote
was a~t:9l1o'irs: 'Mr.. Barmn yes, :J(r. Foote ye s. !fr. Genton
yes, ~~z&wynn yes. Mr. Hill yes. b motion liaS de-
clared, carried.
. , ,b matte:n 01' purcl1lsing bonds or interest . .
ooupons: to be used for "lax-paying purposes then came up " ....
...,,"to~clj,se~s!on... Jb.\", BYl"dt a dv1s ing.,that.tb,e,,; Bon.dhold,era...~"" "~'-'i~i
Comil!Utee;l:'wss: doub'ttul as to whether that el'l\llmittee had':!f.;J(
t~.~ '. uD4,e,.. thier present deposit agreemnt. to sell \~;:r~)
,CQUP tne;iiianner suggested. b. Mayor ,and certain".'
-mem, the;Counol1 favored tre 1dea 01' pur,cbasing ;r;;
,. ,
,.. 'v;;,~..~~"'....:-;
COUNCIL CHAMBER - December 7, 1936
bonds to sell at forty cents in preferenoe to the use
of interest coupons at tlienty-tive cents. The Mayor
reported that bonds could be purolBsed for around 38i
oents. whereupon it was moved by Mr. Hill that the Mayor
be author13ed to lOCa 18 and'purchiise a block of ten
thousand City of Delray bonds. complete with ell coupons
attache d, for a price not to exceed 38i cents. to be used
for taxpaying purposes. Mr. BartOn seconded the motion,
whioh on roll call, carried umnimously.
A '!asis for charges to property owners. outside
the City limits. for f:lre. police and garbage collection
services was tenta tively discussed. The CoUnc il favored
tm recommendation of the City Attorney, that these charges
be based on the assessed valuation placed onsl1ch pro";
perties by the Tax Assessor. tm cmrgEl toe qual the oper-
ating levy and to be paid annually on November 1st, each
year. No definite action was taken in establishing such
charges. at this tillB, however.
Counc ilme.n a;.yllJ2 reported that his committee
had accepted the tOllol1ng bid of Harry Breze tor pain......
ing the furniture in the ~~ach pavilio~.
'pray jq1l on 24 oho.irs and 16 benches. 58
pieces in all, . for a prioe 01'$45.00. same
to be delivered am returned at the Oity's
'J1he Mayor presented samples of metal street
markers. asking mEmbers of' the Gounc 11 whether they tav-
ored the idea ot using these at the Federal HiShway cross-
ing.] r I '1. ':l'b.e, ,CotmOll oonsi4ered the cost of' approx-
imately thirty-siX dollars to be high. and the Mayor re- '
oommended that tmygive the matter further oonsideration
until next meeting.
Mr. Byrd reported the County intended coming
into town with a small street oiling projeot and asked
the Cha1:J!oman ot the Street Committee to instruot Mr~
Baker to have AtJan tic "tvenue c]eaned oft between the
Federal' Highway and the bridge. This. Ur. Foote agreed
to do. ..
The Clerk read a letter from the Bureau of'
Entomology and Pant Quarant im. in Washington. in' reSElra " .. #f,tr
,.:tci~s,and1'l:r eradt~t1on" in' Delray, of1'er1n~to"~kf!!~av;a;1Jl"""..
able siloh information as had beellcompi1ed:,'on control;,i , ' "" "'. ,',
Prfhledure, Mr...tr4, reported. Kf'l'e!nis ~ll1,b llS~beis :_81"$: ;;,' ,'if
making ,a oonoertec!l effort to interest the.. proper. author- '. "J~".
itfesin<'the situation here. and':reco!D\llendedth8.tithe , :'*~:I
(lottnoil' a1s,o make a plea to theseau.~orihes'in::the hope:,~
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comTon CHAMBER - December 7, 1936
that suttioient influenc' may be brought to bear in tbIJ
matter to have an investigator appointed" am stationed
a t De~ay tor tb:l purpose of go ing in to the me. tter thor-
oughly. making experiments and laying tl:E groundwork for
a Federal appropriation tor a llecessary eradication pro-
jeot. It was therefore moved by Mr. Barton that the Clerk
be instrocted to write suoh a letter along the lines re-
oOllllliended, aak1ng that a man be sent to this City for study
and research work in connection with sandfly eradica tion.
Mr. Foote called theCounoil's attention to a
motion passed at last Oouncil meeting Whereby it WaS
agreed to canoel certain street liens and baok taxes on
Blocks 150 and 138 in exohange for right-of-1IaYs abutting
on said blocks and on"t;he Iilcean :eeCtch. . He reported tbat
this motion had been mal!e tiecauae ot the Oouno l1!s
impression that no right-of-ways existed or had been given
by the owners tar the oonstruction of streets; and tb:lre...
tore the liens were ullIOlleOtillle. but investigation had.
revealed that a twenty toot street along the North and "
Gouth lines ot tb:l property had been liedicated; also
Oanal StX'&et on the East. and that the City held quit-
oleim 4eed to twenty-five teet along the}'il!lst ,line otsaid
property far street P1J1'poseB; therefore he believed the
tormer aotion of tmCOt111O 11 should be rescinded. inas-
muoh as he felt the members had no authority to canoel
legally levied asse sEent s. It was therefore moved by
JI:r. Bin that the motion i]1 regard to this matter be re.-
sotnded and the deeds retul'neli to Mr. Gleason with an
.xplanatio~a~, to the Couno il' s position in the me. ttel'..
Mr. Gwynn seconded the motion. whioh on roll oall carried
~e.Clerk requested the purohase of a new 16!O.
typewriter, s;te.ting the old one was worn out and oould
not be repaired$at1stactorily. TheOle.rk was theretore
instruoted to get the best possible trade-in tor said
machine on a new typewriter. reporting same at next
Mr. W.".Newbury. OotunlaIlder ot the J\mer1can
I.$gion. pJ."8.sented a plea for adiitiona:l. street lighting
in the vi cini ty ot the ~gion Ha11. explaining that in
o~rtainou~oor manoeu'Vers of the Boy Soouts. the bOYS'
l,,,,es .wer.e endazgered by p&sl1ling motor oars. alongthilt "
t1ark.str~I!l'hJt Wll.11l ag~ed totske this into. oonsid.~.. ....
a'(il'orlw~~'tliif'~li~'POmmltte~ 'makes.. U'sdoil'tempXat'$~'f'!'~,,!,''',,:,>
tour otinspllotion aIld~re-allocation and addi tionot} ." "
street lights. _
'(1o'UllOl"~tlnBarton :reported tMl"e bad be.m</<>
oomplaint l"egal"ding a sign :reoently place4 on the E:o~th. .
(e" .
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COUNCIL CElMBER - Deoember 7. 1936
Highway. without permit. and the Police D!lpartment was
authorized to have same removed, it being a Violation
of the City's sign~regulating ordinance.
There being no further business to ocme betore
the rre eUng , it was regularly moved. seconded and oarried
that' Council adjourn.
~. a.J2 .w. rho--o<rr
1ty Clerk
G. (3\ tl~
h"esident of Couno1