12-14-36 Regular "......^.,'--"...""""'."""""....,"'r.~,._.,~~...,.,"""""'~'" 0,) 64rt COUNCIL CHAMBER Deoember 14. 1936 . ,The CouIJI)l1 met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. with the folloWing msilbers present;' Mr. Barton, Mr. Foote, lh-. ~nton, Mr. Gwynn and ..... Hill. The minuteS oftm regular meeting 01' November 23rd and the adjoumed meeting 01' Deoember 7th were regularly approved as read. A letter of thinks from J .L. Troup aoknowledging the City's donation 10 the Red Cwss drive was read and ordered fl1e d. A ooll!.limnication from Stanley Whyte requesting a stre01l 11ght within 150 feet ,01' his Dell Park residence Was refe1'1'6d t.o t18 Ljght Committee for invest1s;s.t1on. Mr. Footel:lrought up the matter of revising the schedtlleof el1argelil adopted November 9th. for connecting to the Lairry Street seWer l1ne~ stating he considered a reduction of two ififths in the rates previously outlined \ would be equitable ,$d would be aoceptable to the \I l3eaore st Hpt eland 0 the l' ap pl1cants for this service. '!'he Clerk presented an. ,al!El nded resolution in oorp ora ting , ohfl;rges made on this buis. Whereupon it was moved by Mr. 9wynn that.aid. ;resolution, as !ollows be adopted: JAmemed)..,JlESOLUTION 167 ORDINANCEBQOK4 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF .j DEIJlA,Y Bl!;,&.CH. . PALM BEAClf.;COUNTY; FLORID&, ADOPT- ING A SCHEDULE OF RATES.'n) BE CHA.RGEl1l FOR CONNEOT- ION 'ID THE LDWBY STBEE'l' SEWER LINE. "":~~ Mr. Barton seoonded tm motiOn !oradopP1on wh10h on roll call. carried unanimously. Old bUS1nessbaving 'been oompleted, tile Couneil proceeded to canvass the returp,s of t18 general City election heJd Deoember S.and the adoption 01' the' following resolution was 1I10vell. by Mr. Bar1x>n: WHEREAS, the City .Clerk lias presented to the.,(>, ,u ,1';~t,~,\gq.p,J.'lC :\.1. .cel.J.a C~,Ol1,.r.~.Itl1.J..'\;& .~!!!.4fl/.~~".l:lY., th.\.. ,,,~i.l')~,..;,,,,,\' " ~r~:e~;.J. t~t;~~:~~iori:fi:i~;~ni~~b~i~; ~~ 'i"{~~lJ:.!~;\tF Del1'aY Beaoh on Delil.ember8th, 1956; aDif ., "' tt ~A.S, saideleotion(retu:rns .sh6WC!d vot~,. , to ha'Velbeen cast as follOws fortt8ca.Dd1date";~ '. ;"/"';"1' .',,"; :'," "','-l. <" ,_:." ,.:..:t:' "\:~'; c':,' . , , (.,. <;:f"1 jf,. \/ -. ~'. ".,..., ,- .,.....-."_.~...".,."",'.,~,!'",'-.""..,-."...-.."_"f'.~'~,.", 648 COUNOIL CHAMBER - December 14, 1936. - 1C C:9~CI~"A~J:#tGE F. VI. Wodischek J_.M. Sabath OOUNCIllIAN-AT-LARGE J .K. Gwynn W.W. NeWbury M. T. Knox J .V. McGrew 'GrouP 1 144 votes 141 if Gro u1?:2 III votelS 103 jt 56 it 14 fI NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Oitr COUNCIL, OF 1'HE CITY OF .DEmAY BEAOH, Florida, that F .'.Wed iSoneck is deola:redto be the duly ele otedC(luM1lman"e. t"'LI!l~ge mGroupl and J .K.Glf3'UD. is hereby deolared to bel thel duly eleoted Counoilman-at-Large in Group 2 for the ensuing term 01' two years. !he motion-to adopt ~id oanvassing resolution was selconded by Mr. Gettton. and on roll call. unanimously carried. 'lhe following resolution was then offelred by Mr. Gwynn who moved its adoption. ' WHEREAS, Honorable El-B. Foote has for t18 pa.t four years serVed tm OitytJ:lJ,1!le.J.rIlY Beaoh, Flo:rlda, as one of i~, lI).o.~t~:tX:!i'f.l~nd1n$CityOounoilmen.... rendering servioes Of'greatvalue to the C1ty,md WHEREAS. tll8 sa:\.dHonorableE.J!!.Foote bas f~ the past two tears presidedov'er the City COtUlc) 11 alii its President, and during his said terl!llil bas won the respect and admiration of his fellow members of tl:lll CityOounep. and the entire puUio, by his fa:lr end impartial handling of all questions coming before tle City. council; and ~. '!'he said Honorable E.B. Foote, although relquestedbY ttanY oitizeDS of t18 City 01' Delray Belloh to. run agaiP- for, t18 office 01 City. Councilman . stated that it will be imposSible for him to do SOl THEBEl"ORl!:, BE IT RESOLVED. By ts, City OouP-C):l.l tha.ttbey do he.re go. on .record as l'ecognizmgthe-' 9utste.nding servioesrEJ:l,del1'l:ld brO~l1l1C)i}.I!1811 E.B...;;.' "'Y'o5fe dtir1:dg" nste~'b~';of~'ClJ~'f-!'~;'v):rt",,~1'l'j:c.f~it1;~. 1lI1partid and fair Dian:ner..i;tl.wh~~:hhe~@:Pref.li~,~~t' oVelr the many l18etugs of t18 Oi~Y,ooune$.l.enll,~\rj~', ..,... ......" BE IT FURTBER~q1'~D. .'lhat.\th~"tRSS;?lIQ~~~.~.~~~;I{~jJ'.\~40'1 IDUE.B. ~oote as 8)lI).ell).bElroftblf\,~1'J7C::Ounei11l:!:.~;r.,"j", : bea great loss to the Oityo1' De~y~aoh;.;,>'";""",, ' '1;.' /~.. ,,7 ',~~:~~i~;, : . .:~~'...;.".)-" ,/.,;'" I -'^:~''''''""",.-.,.:.,,,,,......,..~... ~:.-""",,"'-;"""" . "''''''''''',''-.'--' ,... 649 ~j ~~ COUNCIL CHA.MBER .. December 14,,193.6- BE"I'l'~FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Council does herebyextend to tm Honorable E.B. FOote i t8 s mOelre wish for a very happy rest end woo tion from City a1'1'airs. and will welc01lll baok at all times tm said E.B. Foote with them in the solving of the ::t'utu're..: =t tlle Oi ty problems. ' ' Mr. Barton seconded the motion for adoption. which was ca rr1e d Unan fiilo1.1s1y. Mr. Foote repl:led by tbanking thel Counoil for tM apprec1a tion and goOd will e~pre8sed. assuring tl:ll memoers 01' his continued interest in Cityaf1'airs and stating the City ?t>uld be belst served 11' the OoUl).01l oontinued to maintain a spirit 01' harmony and oooper- ation 6lIlong the mEmbers 01' its bcdy. Thelre be 1iJg no furtm r busine ss to come before the meeting, Council was regularly adjourned sine die. fh/{SfiM'~~ . 1 Y Osr' . APPROVED: ~' "... ,.,...e;.(d.~ ,~s1den t aECottM 1 Omb,r ')-; ~);, :;r<::"7"<'"'"''''':'',,,,,'7~'''''':'''''':''''''''''''';.''":';'~'.''C''''' --:~) \' 66'0 .",.,....,~..'."".......',.",,:~ COUNCIL CHAMBER Deoembelr 14. 1936 Me$$1'8. J.K.Gwynn end F.W. WOdisohek. recently eleoted.City C0UD31lmen. were dulyswom in by the Mayor. after whioh the new Counoil convened in regular session at 8:30 P,M. Mr. Gwynn stated, that because of his seniority in offioe as Coul1O ilman, Mr. Hill Should suooeed )(r. Foote as Prelsldent of the CoW1011 and therefore moved that he be nominated to fill that offioe. JIr. Bar1nn seconded the motion whioh Clurield umnimoualy. It wa13 moved by Mr. Barton, Seloondedby Mr~ WodiSohek and un- animoul!Ily OlJl)rr1ed that nominations .be olollled. )(r. Hill was tb9reupon declared eleoted as President 01' the Cl';ty Counoil far the ensuing y~r. After elxprelu:l.ng thanlm to hiS fellow..coune:l.l.. men for the honor bestowed on him, PreSident Hill oalled the meeting 10 order and prooeeded with the regular transaotion of new business. '1.'be Clerk read a oommun.. ication from Mrs~;ranel B. Swanson requesting that .n aocumulation 01' debris and grass be cleaned off tm b'each in front 01' her property. The Mayar explained that ef1'orts were being concentrated 011 keeping the bathitlE! beaoh olean where the greatest nUllflel' of :{:eople congrel- gatedl and that probably tm 1'103l'.thend 01' the bela.oh hEl,d been neglected. If there was any outlltand1ng need 01' ...' olesn,.up on thil! parti ou..].ar seotion 01' the Beaoh. he said Mr. Baker would take care at it, but tnat the City, on thel other hand. could not undertake to keep the grass out and t18 Beaoh olean for the entirestretoh lying inside the City 111111 ts. It WIlS moved by )1).-. Gwynn that the C1El1'k be instructed to write, advising )l).-s. Swanson as to thiS. explaining to her the City's praotice in this relgard. )(r. Santon seconded the motion whioh carried umnimoualy. letters werel relad from Crawford and. -Ulen ;J'ohnsoD of Birmingham, ~bama. urging the City Council 10 take immed1a te steps towards a sandfly errld 1ca tion progrem. It was moved by Mr. Gwynn seoonded by Mr. Santon and unen~ously carried that tm Clerk reply to said let1iElrl!l. . . adviSing tbat . tile City had ~U'eaciytakeJ:l stepstothi~.<>).y end ;", aJ.s 0 reo 0IIlIIIl ndi ng tI:lat, t~.~~ ,g~,Il:fi,~1,!!!!.,.~i~.J!,~~~~~,~,'~'~j;,,~ . requests to the any already sent to,'lfiIS11.ingli(lna.p,'llo~....tl~!.~'E"~;~' 1t1es aaking aid on suoh a projec1; in this looality. '(;!'l;'.;~' . ...... ' .. . ". .,;':'~~; ::r;T;:--~':;,;':':.:;.B::-:; Oonwetit1ve bids forthe.inSUl'aJ:loe.of, tbeLa.F~~~~':!~f;. Fire tr,uok for the ensuing ~al' nresubmitte4. by L.J.:>,;t;;\"; Nichols and B.G. Bostwiok. Aftl:lr discussion this matter';}" r.:'.,:........,:..".. ::-<:' '...,'~<.::gi:.~~{>"'..l ,_~.j":?'1".""~CV'.=",-"'':':~~''.~'-'''~=;~''''~~,",:''~~~."''''''..""" ,.,... '. 65i~~ "~'9 "... ,^', ~ .~". .~ cotmcn CHAMBER -December 14. 193& was referreld to the Finance Committee for recommendation. .An application 01' W.F.Hodges, for tm position of City Aud1 tor waS presented by the Clerk. By motion. regularly made, selconded and carrie d. action in this matter was deferred until latelr in the meeting when :regular annual appointments sllo1.lld be made. A Pe.rt1al Sat1s:Diction 01' Judgment from the Calmgrove Security Company Was pr esent ed by the Oi ty Attorney, '/dlo explained this was offered as a receip~ for monelYs cOlleloteld from tm 1~6 tax levy made for these people; whereupon it was moved by Mr. Gwynn that tm Clerk be authorized to ~ytl:e amount of $900..00 ' oOlleoted on the CalmgroveJ"uilgment, delscribet in Case No,,238~ CiVil. in tilel United States Distriot Court. Miami D1v:\.sion. aooepting said Parti!ll Satis;t'a.ot1on ot Judgment as relceipt tor said payment. Mr. Gen'lx>n seconded tm motion, whioh op- roll call, oarried unan- imousl y . :..t. 'tJ A report signed by C.Y. Byrd and D.M. Bra4shaw, delegates to the annUal meeting 01' the Florida league of Munio1palities. was read in. full, the City ~ttorney ex,.,. pla1ning in detail the different matters discussed bytm lea gue. fl'e also re40mmende d t ba t t hel ole rk. May"or and members of t18CoUDilll study 12l.e City's preselnt cbirt(lr with a view to maR: ing reooll1IIenc1ations ohang 1ng certain features 01' I3!me. wh10h changes should be sUbmitted at tm next ~eltitg 01' the Legislature. A. requt st:1'rom Dick wilson that the City give. him pe1!ll.ission 'Ix> apply to the state Belverage Commissiop- for a Club l1oenJl8 to sell oooktaile and otmr drinks at the Goi1'eourse was submitted 10 t18' Counoil. Mr.. Wod- isohek enqUired as to whO was to PaY for the 11 Clen8e permitting such sale or liquors. Sld upon being assured that such oost would bel assulIB d by t18 Manager, Mr. Wilson. be mond that tl:e Counoil grant tm requested permission. Mr. Genton seconded the motion, which on roll call, oarried unanimously'. The City Clerk, by motion :regularly made. sec- onded and carrie d, was.authori zed to purobaee Il. new 140 inoh typewri ter fOr a prioe of $85,,00 turning in tbe present maoh1ne on said trade. 11:1'.. lUll then sugges'Wd tbat..the, ~un~~~l"'e.ndt"",,,,,'~.~~i>!. Mayor :J1,ceei wUh thel busiIll ss 01' .the annUfllap~1!l~t " ,. ments. '..' . Jlator commended tm present sta1'f.ot<:!I~,( (lmploye~ '.fOr their work in the pa at and.l'~,C()mmen<l~<l< .'.. the.ir reappoin 1ment . as a whOle, for t~ensU1~.~~J:,;< whe;r:'8upon it was moved by Mr. Gwynn.thattl:lesa1cl cil'Y emplo3"ees bel re,:,employed for the tollowi'llg }'ea,r at their present Sfllaries. Mr. Wodisohek obj&cted to this manner, 'if ',.,q<, ..',;;~~t;'~,: > :'.: ':~\,iti~~::,}~ " ,./,,:;." .~ """","",'<"i'.""'- ~"_.~=~~"">,~""".-~._,..~",.,,.~,, u,..~,_,,"<,_..,.,....,. _.".c..C_""""""'",,"~.,.c_~,,_.,..., ,._ '-". ." C:;J 9," t ""'.,.,.....:<".,_..,.",,,.~..<....,.---.,,, .~..r'o/'l~ 652. GGUNCILCH!-MBER 14. 1936u of appointme nt. stating he be l1e-ged eaoh shOuld be voted on individually. Mr. Barton seoonded. Mr. Gwynn's motion however, and on roll call tm vote was as follows: Mr. Barton yes. Mr. Gelnton yes, Mr. Gwynn yes, Mr. Hill yea, Mr. Wodlsoheck, no. Thl:l motion was deolared oarried. On motion of)ho. WOdiBOheck. seloonded by Mr. Gwynn, and on roll oall' unanimously carried, Miss Jane Hagerman was appointed as assistant clerk at a salary 01' sixty dollars per month as provided for in the budget" '!'he Mayor tmn announoeld the following Oommi ttele appointmmts for tl:e following year. FlNANOE OOMMITTEE; (F1nanoe &I Real Esta te ) C.W. Hill, Cbairman J .K. Gwynn Arthur Barton Arthur Barton, Ohairman J~K~ Gw~ V.A. Genton ,:" LIGHT COMMITTEE: (Lights. Park, Golf) 'It'' \; ORDINANCE OOMMITTEE: F. W. Wodis cihek. Chai nnan Arth ur Barton V.A. Gelnton Snum'l'S, WATER &I FIRE: J ~K. Gwynn. Ohairman O~ W. Hill . V.A. GentoD V;A. Gelnton, Ohairman C.W. Hill F.W. Wodisohek SANI'i'ATION COMMITTEE: (!'ubl1o Health &I Sanitation) It was moveld by Mr. Ba):'ton. seoonded ~y Mr. Wod1sohek.' .and unanimously oarrield. that the 'Mayor 's appo1ntn:ents be approved. The Ml:lyor urged the Light Conmittee to get to_ gether iml!El diately and deoide as to needed street lights. Counoilman WOdlsohek elnquired as to whelther our budget provisions pemitted tlE addition 01' more streelt lights aJild the Mayor 1nfoIllle d him the. t the Cit y could add a lim;\.ted number, but could not afford a wholesale addition 01'.11 ghts. ~.lftI,yor reported also that the PolioeDepart- ""=:~~~=-itl:~+~:~n~n: .diel~a~.1:X:~i~~~~~d~~~~;nd'd~~ tl/.~l1:lUS1~1!ISn:e..,.npar~i>>Bjr.roars on side-streets ra,her' :.'~.'~.'..'." tlum on. Atlanttio 4venue. .... ..~ Barton. :It was moved by Mr. Genton, seconded by )ho.: ;"/ft".3 eJul on roll call, unanimously oarrie d. thatb11.ls:" : ,..;;.,,,'.,....., '-:,,~..;!., -"""....'..r.'.....'!'I':'!..,.~~~ 653 .." COUNCIL CHAMBER 14, 1936 numbered 1717 to 1768 baving been O.K'd by the Finance Committee, bel returned 10 the Council and ordered paid. It was regularly moved. seconded and carried that Council adjourn. 11[fUW,{l~ i ty Cle rk. 'I APPROVED: ~J_ . Ollal1f6e l' "