12-28-36 Regular ~~-''''''''''~!'''':~'''=~-~.'''''~~''':'''':-"'' ~'''''-''~P"~'''~-~'''''~ _,~.._, _.,.""~ 654 ~ 1's COUNCIL CHAMBER Deoember 28. 193& I I "'.' .' . JIr. Gent on. .Ol:lllrmm ot the san! tary.Coirlm.ttee, '. ,.,'., .....,....-c.:.':'-':.,".".:..-.....,.. .....-:,.;.- ,.,:.::....-:.,.,.,...: ..... ....,,'.'-:.. ...' . .'.' ":,-' .,/,-"'..,,".,....--:, .::0.:.''-'":''' ..', .:.,.;..,...'.'.-",,'.,..,,;,.:..,.,:___.\,:....;j,A':,. reoolll1!le:o:cled thepr1nt!ng ot a supply o:t bOpk1et!J': con,,:, ta1niJig.tbl m\Ul1c1pal plumb iJig ordinance; as. tl:le, Q~t1,'l!I / supply had been e:li:haulISted and 1t was rfecessary' that. ; k'<, "....,i """,' ~;c~1"+~""";~j'~~i"'~"",_-"""'''''''''~-m:~''''"~,_""_,.',,,_,, -'''''''''--''''"'',:.r.''''' \ ~ {~'" \~ f'l ... '--4 4 .. . ",,',"", "f~\. ;- ,-t;;<' ,~,,)'j',"~>--:~''''''';':'"''':::'':'::''-': ,.j,-","" >;:~,/;;" . ~,:~ .. -"~~ COUNCIL CHAMBER .. December 28, 1958 eaoh plumber be furnishe d with a copy ot same. In liJie with the recommemation, it Was moved by Mr. WOdischek, seoonded by Mr. Genton, and lUlllllimously carried that the Plumbing Insreotor be authorized to order 100 of said booklets fbr use of the Plunbing Inspeot(1onDe- P/!lr1ment, at a price of $22.75. The Olerk reported paynent of $6,297.50 bond interest to L'Engle and Sben4s, Attorneys, iJi partial oompliance to peremptory writ of mandamul!l, Common Law Case 6101; eIld cancellation of surrendered ooupons as follows: Bopd NOll. 641-845 -l:I.5-l20 123-150 151,.160 181..195 211..235 241,.,250 251-510 336..410 436-441 450-480 501..525 COUll No. 20 21 " . . " " " " It " " lfatur1t.y 4/1/36 0 $27.50 10/1/36" " " " " It. " " . .. . " It" " It " " " " Totll'" ea 157.50 6~.OQ 226.~ 220.00 687.5€) 687.50.. '. 8'15...00 d. 1,650.00" 660.,,00 i! l6~.ooj 8511.50 .; . .....aB7.5Qu., 6,29'1'.fiQii: It was moved by Mr. Gent on, that the Clerk's action in paying am cancelling sald ooupons be approved. Mr. : i' Wodisol:l$k seconded tl:le motion, \\bich on roll oall, carrie!!' unanimOusly. t The Clerk submi tted a report of gasoline oonsump,. tlon tor 'the month of November, after which discussion arose as to tl:l$ advisability of purohasing a pol~e Oar. Mr. .Hill stated 00 believed, in :tairness to the Polioe :Derar1:ment,the Oity should furnish suoh a oar, to be used for police duty only. JIr. Wodisohek moved that we . . write asking tar bids from automobile dealers on a oar !:; , suitable for polioe use." Mr. Genton seoonded the'motlo~,f.i, whioh on roll eall oarried unanimously. Mr. Wodischek.H further recommended tha t a re~QI.'d of the mlleagebeita~' - 1. ~~.~:;c;,tr't~:t~:~l;:~/~e ~;~;l~q,'~~JM',,~ ' tanks at a regular time oonvenientto :Jir.'<B:ll...,k"e. ..1'.... ~~:ea~h:t . :;',d,:::.,>j.,.;~' ,< 0;. > ":::~ .~"r:Jl~;J:\ . JIr. ,Barton, Chair1llUl or the Light,~€leIllllli1lB'el:;!. i _ reported tl'ath1scio_1t~e., togetoor d,ttt\'~(:KnllH; ;i, had made a survey ot 'too street lights' 1n""~owni 'tlla . 1<"" number of lights.had been replaoed and sh1fted'lii:14;:eJ.ev':a!' . . "'i."'" ,'" ,,;; :::~ ;., ''', ;;":_,~;:.~~MJ~~/: f~,{ ,', :'f~-,;':' J: " ,.'j.:;',>:>." ,.-.-.".:.', . --,.'i: .,. ::~,\ . :.:;- : ":';'~".A.(';:,:::\i';_:::['~~"'!::h:~.:l;,.:.,:' ~t~:i:'~y~;'i:M'~~~~;~::;!~f:,:~t:;(X"_':/ ":i. ,:.:'1 '."-""""""''''''''''>'?'''';'~'.'''~-'''',,,.;,,.,~~-.~,,,~..",~..~.,~~-~,,,,,m"7."" ,~,,-:",-.~.,.,,_,,~-~,,,,,,,,~,~"~"--""''-''~'.-''C^:-",,,.,-,,'''^.""-'.~,-""",","'._~""_.~F"",,, ., " "".""""""'..-..-.."""'-.......,..",.---....,-..,. ......,~""''' ^t ~ COUNCIL CHAMBER - D20ember 28, 19U i i , /' ft" & new lights added. He believed the present arrangement was as near sati&factory as it was possible to make it. tiN Galvin enquired if anything had been done to provide for caution or traffic lights on the Federal Highway, stating the orossing was beoomiJig more dangerous every day. It was explained that tre1'fic lights were impraoticable unle ss three of tJ::e se, were used, and the oost of approximately $1,000.00 was more than theClty oould af1'ord this year. Complaint was made regarding a sign recen:tly ereotecl on the Federal Highway wi thout fA permi t and Mr. Baker was instructed to remove all suoh signs erected without permission. Mayor Bradshaw submitted sample. of s.treat marking bu ttons . 'purchaeabJe fran Bar.vioe Foundry of Wft.hit8.! .' .' Kansas, for eight oents eaoh, reoommending the"UrohE'se of' one hundred of' such but toms to mark a STOP Sign '. pedestrian lane at the Corner 01' the ;l!'edex:al H1ghway74. d . 4.tlantio.venue. In' line with thls reo ommen da ti 0n. it was moved by Mr. Barton, seconde4 by 11I:. Gwynn, and . unanimously oarried tha t the Clerk be authorized to make: said purohase of one hundred of the se. . I i I I >>/f . ~ ,;:",','~:;":i'i{~<'"".;,' ...i:',,",' ...., The Mayor commended Mr. W.O. Winn . for his cc:)iJ!.i11~' and detailed audit report recently submitted andMr~~Jfirill.1t assured tll! Counoil he would be glad to go into qetallsi.r~( of ape with the individual members at any tim 1f'the,.';'''' so desired, explaining anything they dld not .fullY:;':l1ildei'- stand, The City Attorney suggested that oertain l'ec~mmei:1(t ations contained in the audit ltCollllD9nts" be oompl1ed'wi~b,~, '!'he City Attomey again reminded the Oouncilmen of tm neoessity of studying the Charter for the PUrpose of reoommending oertaiJi ohanges to be made and submitted at next meeting of the legislature. It was also consid,. ered desirable that properties adjoining :D3lray Beaohba induoed to come into theOity at that tim as it was believed Jm utilities and servioes. they are asking of. the City ",0\11d be rendered more advantageously if these. . oUF:l.~iJig districts were part of the municipal corporat1o:p.~ lII:l;;i~yrd was instruoted to contaot these outlyingprop~r,~~ 01lIl~,~S and ascertain how they felt about suoh in,orp~S~'~~~ " ...'^.' '" J.!!.'s. Weir requested t]Jat the tree.b.etr1~~i"() ,.t~~9!'tli:.J1:~t oorner of'. the Federal Highway and<!(jp;~ . 'S~d.. .;p.(~c'17rder' to give an unobstruo ted<'viln~:;"Q1r"t:ti:!L way tAl!l'W~ , -, "'j':/)-: ',.....i -n;-:::;>--' ," .:' ~ '" ,;',;"., <"~,--".. ,"-~, "",,,"~' '~"""''<\'''''''''ll'"'''-''<!'''''I''!.",.", ""~'", .. '.":"":"""""<."C'..""""""".-,,,,..,,,, ," ,', "" "'~'~,F"'-- '" ':__" """,' .. ,',~ ~ ., ~ ,"__'" "~ft~ o;;:rk r:~J ~',1- ~b COUNCIL CHAMBER - December 28, 1936 ". ,r-- 'f '~".r 1'" II \' ""~ to over 40 oents and therefbre he had not felt privileged t.o purchase same. The need of some method of settling back taxes on a reasonable basis was stressed, and the Oity Attorney suggested that. probably t]:e Bondholders Conm1tttee woulQ. be favorable to the sale at City Tax Sale c.,r- t1.:f1oates pr1.or to 1932, at a prioe of twenty f1'V'e oents on the dolJar to be used exclusively for tb:l re- demption of taxes and settlel$ nt of improvement liens. It was regularly moved,. seconded and carried that Mr. Byrd communicate with tb:l BondhOlders Oommittee sub.. mitting such a proposition for thelr appro~l. It was moved by Mr. Genton, seoonded by Mr.. Barton, and unanimously carried, on roll call, that bills numbered 1769 to 1793, haviJig been O.K'd by the Finanee Committee, be returned to the 0011nol1 and ordered paid.. It was regularly moved and~seodnded that Counoil adjourn. ,"'~ " APl':ROVED I &))]Jy . . Pres . ent of City Counoil -,.. l C<