02-13-07 Minutes Spec/WS
FEBRUARY 13, 2007
A Special/Workshop Meeting of the City Commission of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, was
called to order by Mayor Jeff Perlman in the City Commission Chambers at City Hall at 6:00 p.m.,
Tuesday, February 13, 2007.
Roll call showed:
Present - Commissioner Rita Ellis
Commissioner Jon Levinson
Commissioner Brenda B. Montague
Mayor Jeff Perlman
Absent - Commissioner Fred B. Fetzer
Also present were - David T. Harden, City Manager
Douglas Smith, Assistant city Manager
Susan Ruby, City Attorney
Chevelle D. Nubin, City Clerk
Mayor Perlman called for a moment of silence in memory of Austin Miller, from Atlantic High
School, and Sumner Domesek, who was a Delray Beach Police Department volunteer.
Mayor Perlman called the meeting to order and announced that it had been called for the purpose of
considering the following items:
DECISION/SANTA FE SALON: Consider an appeal of the Site Plan Review and
Appearance Board's decision regarding the Santa Fe Salon, located at the southwest comer of
NE 2nd Street and NE 4th Avenue.
Susan Ruby, City Attorney, stated the appeal of the Site Plan Review and Appearance Board
(SPRAB) decision concerning the Santa Fe Salon was quasi judicial, and has been carried
over from the City Commission Meeting of February 6, 2007. All those sworn in at that
time, are still sworn in. George Brewer, the applicant, and staff have agreed on the
conditions which were outlined in the appeal. The Commission would now decide on the
new Board order.
The City Attorney stated, for the record and clarity purposes; the conditions are listed in
Exhibit "A", and the ones that are struck through do not count any more, the ones that are
underscored are added, and the ones that do not have any strikethroughs or underscores are
conditions, as well. .
Mayor Perlman read the Board Order. It was the consensus of the Commission the
conditions were met on both requirements.
Susan Ruby, City Attorney, stated based on the consensus, that the Commission approve the
appeal and adopt the conditions set forth in Exhibit "A".
Commissioner Ellis moved to approve the Board Order as presented, seconded by
Commissioner Montague. Upon roll call, the Commission voted as follows: Mr. Levinson -
Yes; Mrs. Montague - Yes; Mayor Perlman - Yes; and Mrs. Ellis - Yes. Said motion passed
PCS, LLC: Consider the First Amendment to the lease agreement with New Cingular
Wireless, PCS, LLC providing for an increased monthly rental fee from $1,700.00 to $1,850.00
per month and to change the annual escalator back to 3.00% for the use of the Police
Department radio tower.
Amanda Solomon, Telecommunications Systems Manager, brought back the final offer from
Cingular Wireless, PCS, LLC, and recommended approval. Cingular agreed to the increased
monthly rental fee of $1,850.00 per month and agreed to change the annual escalator back to
three percent (3%) for the use of the Police Department Tower. Ms. Solomon noted, with
the merging of four (4) of the largest carriers, the demand of tower space is decreasing.
Mrs. Ellis moved to approve the first amendment to lease the agreement with Cingular
Wireless, seconded by Mrs. Montague. Upon roll call, the Commission voted as follows:
Mrs. Montague - Yes; Mayor Perlman - Yes; and Mrs. Ellis - Yes; Mr. Levinson - Yes;. Said
motion passed 4-0.
FEBRUARY 13, 2007
3. PROPOSAL FOR FEDERAL LOBBYING SERVICES: Consider the federal lobbying
proposals from Alcalde and Fay, Artemis Strategies, Marlowe and Company, and Governance
Inc. / Ben Barnes Group and provide direction on whether to pursue an agreement with one of
the firms and the list of priority issues for federal lobbying.
Doug Smith, Assistant City Manager, presented the item and noted Marlowe and Company
would not be present at the meeting due to flight difficulties. Alcalde & Fay, Artemis
Strategies, and Governance Inc. / Ben Barnes Group were present to speak, and would be
allowed fifteen (15) minutes for each presentation.
L. A. "Skip" Bafalis from Alcalde & Fay, provided an overview of Alcalde's services and
Ari Storch, Co-Chair and Co-Founder of Artemis Strategies, and Jim Dornan, Senior Vice-
President of Artemis Strategies and proposed team leader, provided the presentation and
overview of their firm.
Scott C. Maddox, representing Governance Inc. / Ben Barnes Group provided background
information on his firm, and the services which could be provided.
Discussion ensued among the Commission concerning the benefits of each firm, and which
would best suit the needs of the City of Delray Beach.
Mrs. Ellis moved to retain the firms of Artemis Strategies and Alcalde & Fay on a monthly
basis, seconded by Mrs. Montague. Upon roll call, the Commission voted as follows: Mayor
Perlman - Yes; Mrs. Ellis - Yes; Mr. Levinson - Yes; Mrs. Montague - Yes. Said motion
passed 4-0.
Mayor Perlman adjourned the Special Meeting at 7:17 p.m.
1. Proposed Police and Firefighters' Pension Ordinance regulating investments
Susan Ruby, City Attorney, presented the item and introduced James W. Linn, the City's
Pension Attorney from Lewis, Longman & Walker, P.A., who had drafted the ordinance
governing Police/Fire Pension Plans and the existing investment policy of the Police and
FEBRUARY 13, 2007
Fire Pension Board. The Police and Fire Pension Board did not want any limitations as
presented in the ordinance.
It was the consensus of the Commission to draft the ordinance with the proper language to
benefit both the City and the Police and Fire Pension Board.
2. Additional recommendations re: Historic Preservation Design Guidelines - REG Architects.
John Carleen from Urban Design Studio and Rick Gonzalez from REG Architects Interior
Planners, Inc., presented a PowerPoint presentation concerning the recommendations of the
Historic Preservation Design Guidelines. Four (4) case studies were conducted; one (1) in
the Nassau Historic District, two (2) in the Marina Historic District, and one (1) in the Del-
Ida Historic District. The four (4) case studies presented illustrated how the proposed
regulations and incentives might impact additions to contributing structures, replacement of
non-contributing structures, and new conforming infill construction. Incentives had been
developed to provide flexibility to those houses that are contributing or conforming.
Ordinance No. 68-06 is still under advisement in order to provide the Historic Preservation
Board the opportunity to make recommendations.
It was the consensus of the Commission to not stop the process of the original ordinance,
and to run a second amendment concurrendy in order to get the bulk of the ordinance
enacted. The Historic Preservation Board would be receiving additional information which
should be presented during the two (2) City Commission meetings in March.
3. Pineapple Grove Main Street. Inc. Funding Request
Gene Fisher, President of Pineapple Grove Main Street, Inc. requested funding assistance
for their annual administrative costs. A detailed administrative budget was submitted. It was
anticipated there was an approximate shortfall in the administrative budget of $18,714.00. It
was noted, a letter had been sent to Pineapple Grove Main Street, Inc. at the beginning of
last year's budget process instructing them to submit a funding application for Fiscal Year
2006-2007 if they were going to request funding, but none was received.
It was the consensus of the Commission to support Pineapple Grove Main Street, Inc., and
to encourage them to also speak with the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) and
the Downtown Development Authority (DDA) for additional assistance.
FEBRUARY 13, 2007
4. Regulation of Smoking on the Municipal Beach
David T. Harden, City Manager presented the item, and requested further direction from the
Commission as to how large of an area should be set aside for smoking, were two areas
enough or should there be more, and how much effort should be put into enforcement of
these regulations. Ocean Rescue was asked to recommend areas where smoking would be
It was the consensus of the Commission to put Smoking Designated A~a signs between two
(2) of the entry points onto the beach, along with convenient receptacles.
Mayor Perlman adjourned the Workshop at 9:33 p.m.
\~\~~. ~~~
City Clerk
A1TEST~ l ~
The undersigned is the City Clerk of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, and the information
provided herein is the Minutes of the Special/Workshop Meeting of the City Commission held on
Tuesday, February 13, 2007 which Minutes were formally approved and adopted by the City
Commission on February 20, 2007
~ ~L~ . ~~~.0
City Clerk
NOTE TO READER: If the Minutes you have received are not completed as indicated above,
this means they are not the official Minutes of the City Commission. They will become the official
Minutes only after review and approval, which may involve amendments, additions or deletions to
the Minutes as set forth above.
FEBRUARY 13, 2007
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