01-09-35 Special ~;.~:- ---.. I' . ) ~t '~\' .2. ~. COIDICIL CHAMBER + January 9. 1935 >,'(,k'i~', .. . ,. .'. -ii;fjt'!! '.'''', The; Counoil met innspeoial sessicm at 10.:00 A,M~ upon eall ot',t ~yor..whQstated the PurpoSlilof the meeting;,yas mainly to formula'll. pla;ns.:f'orhastening the finaI} work on the' ~!jla<;~ casino, and to oonsi4 the employment of a life.;.guard and a motorcyole patrolman f'or theWi'~ ~e.son. , . -"~;. The matter of a life-guard 'Ras f'1rst taken uP. and a:f.'ter oonsid of applioants, it waS' moved by Mr.. .Tones, seoondedby Mr. Hill that,)': Hallenbeok be employed on,proba,tion f'or a period of two weeks., begilln January 10th; with the understanding that he be hired per~nentlY:f.'~' . w;inter season at a salary of' $50..00 a man:f;'i( provid1ngheP:L~ves~~~~ and satisfactory on trial.. On roll call tile motion oarriedtmanimo.' c_, -, ._.,,_-,:,-:i,,",::' ,. ... TherEl yms some further di scussion as po the duties t~ be ,requ~l oftl1e lif'e-guard &:0, and it was mutually agreed thatliisi:t1ours blf/,'" a'A.~"to, 6 P..~I that he be required to keep the Beao.1ic+eanaI;l~,:t9;),. ~ndej:>orders of the Pavilion Manager;. also thlit he.:r,'ema.iD. str~2,E:~y;Y his post and not loaf or lie around on the Beaoh during his hours on'" " 'Ii Mr. Johnston mOVed the adoption of the f'ollowing ],'U:l.,es.ariil,~,~ tio:ns whioh the life-guard and pool manager Sf).alli~,~~i~ta:~!.>.:I>ei!:Qb . . 'bywhe Publio in the. use of the beaoh andpook:taoiYitieaj':. . .... ,..,', ,.,..-:.... - ,;,,',:..t-'. ,_.J '-":>', 1. Please park oars between the lifie' ',. ..' \.. i :Ij '(_>\~J": ~'i"'.>;"", 3. :J;~~ Do not park in f"ront or steps. . :,~;:,,;:;'~' Please keep ohildren off the 'to'ps of',the, umbrella's:l!in ".' '.' , "'/"},_~);{-<.!:':' .', ..... . '.:_,.: :,;,,:_,:':>:,'+:~.:i;:-':.- ,::;:,"';!~:"-:_:>".,,:_:/~;F\~':~'f Do not permit ohildren to playwUh life-sa'ling~q~;jf' '. . . ". .'. .'. ...,.,;?t',,'::'" '-. ,- ;:':'::,:._.::,';':':.~':,';,":~:~:~'::::');';~:,.':'~~~~'i'~ Do not let ohildren overturnehairs"or,:Pl!iy'Wit'h sh>'''' " . . ._ ':, .'.::::-.. :,}-:,.-' .;,,::'.:',:~:,,:,;~:'-~\,':~'{E;~:~'-. ::'_ _.. ,:' .- ..":::~~d~'~ Do not take ohairs from the pav1iion;;;,;:,o~, benoheS' doq~ the beaoh. ; .' ".,.;i, i,': i.- , ;:,':,J~J'~:: Please throw all t1ll.'ash in garbage cans, near p.vil10ni(i! keep beadh olean. 'Tt,,: " '., . . "..f""-" 4. 5. 6. 7. ,,',-, 8. Please do not play ball on the beaoh~,: () :'i);::I,:':: ~, 9. . Keep trunks abOVe the navel. 10., Dog~not permitted,on., the beaoh., 11. COIOredme.id,s not allowed aoo ompaniedby their . COUNCIL CHAMBER - January 9, 1935 ;':J,'. Mr. Jones seoonded the motion, whioh carried unanimously on :roii7tl~ ~':~".o:" '; :(:,:,,~t;'Fi:;~ Mr. Geo. Carr addressed the Counoil, stating tlm Governmen tp~"" to build dikes toreplaoe Canal Bank removed by dred~. adjaoenttoe~~.( 10w-1Y:ing land in Osoeola Park, to. prevent thefloodingof,said'll1"9P'l:\':t1f during high water. This would be done, he ~1donly wnere requ&:atedib the property 'owners hut first the U.S. Engineer's Depar_nt requir'eli',,\; CitY's..:t:ermission to 06nstruottheSEJ dikes. over oertain City s.t.'.:r....ee..ts.7a......t' that point.. After disoussion of' the proposition, it was nnved!!llyMr~:K that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute a' conveyaneegranll.~' Government permiSSion to oonstruot aU:le across the following desor-ib' lands:' """'-:-",.c",,, , ',~>'i,,~-_,,;, .' . . "":'.~'" Those portfons or Osoeola Avenue;" Blaokmer Street tiIld the aUey on the afouth side or Blook 13, e.ll.inOsoeole.P81'k,'~, a subdivision or Seotion 21, Twp 46SRange .4;3E, Palm Bl;Iach,;; County, Florida, embraoed in a zone :rorty-:r~'f'El (45) feetw1.~,~' measured at right angles wand lying West o;f Wld immediately.' adjoining the Westerly R/W line ot the Intraooastal Waterway.....' fr om.Taoksonville to Miami, Florida, as.that ri.ght-ot-waY:line i ;1'. is shown in Deed Book 17. at Page 17 A of. the ,public reoords of i i . . , said Palm Beadh County. . '. d ~., *~ Mr. Hill seoonded the motion, and on roll oall.tbev()te'w~ as ' ' tollows: Mr. Foote ~s, Mr. Gwynn yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Johnston no, ; ~, Mr. .Tones ~s. Carried. . , ;; , ..'4 '" ,- .~t'B~,jIl Mr. Byrd questioned Mr. Carr as to the possibility of getting the :1' U.S. Engineer's Departnent to dig tap di tohes through..... SEmti10n 16 lying', ' i' , . :,;:, ,:;" , ' I.Y., '" , , ' , ,},~tl..': i,~J\'; -','!!:'\-.",')< ~ l2. 13. 14. 15. 16. .. 17. If. ~, 'V!" ~\ - ,- ."',."....~.'..""-_..".". ''-''.'','Y':'''''"."""",.-''' .. ,', --."":"", ~ '" " ~"42(J. , Colored maids not parmi tted on the beaoh ohildren. "t J"i unless attending'!-, I~ ;" ,.,."....., When sWimming, pJsaSEJ swim between therope.s so that yo~ iJ. may get the f'ttll protection o:rrered by the Beaoh. ~f" :f.f. Do not sw1m' beyond ropes, as you are endangering your"'''.; ~' life and others." Please obey the lire-guard 'Rhen he motions you to oome out of the water. PJsaSEJ Obey life-guard's oHers as he is under orders himself. J'K ll~ r;; it il '.It:' ':J.; ,i Found artia1es must be turrad in to the Pool manager. ,')e,;: ;. ":)::/ "'{ii _'<< >'1 ~:: . {'I '>If' ft' ~. ,;if. "",.. ",<,",";,.,,,.,.,~.,_.~.>.,,..,,,,,-,,-",",,,, 42'2 COUNCIL CHUffiER - January 9j 1935 for the winter season and :reoomnJendell Diok Post for the position, at a salary of $125.00 per month, the City to furnish the gas and 011. ' There was oonsiderable disoussion of the subjeot, some of the qounoil- men advising the ppstponement of same until another meeting, others exprelllsing disapproval of employing anyone outside the munioipality" No aotion was taken in the matter however.. A letter of oomplaint f'rom the Seaorest Hotel wi th regard to oharge for ourrent oooupational lioense was :referred to the Clerk and City Attorney for reply. It was regularly moved; seoonded and oarried that Council adjourn to meet next Monday night in regular session. !Mrl 9 W' e..~, Ci t Clerk . APP, ROVED: , ~ &./~. President of the- Council. . . ..