01-14-35 Regular ~. ..q <r' '" -'4'2]' COUNCIL CHAMBER January 14, 1935 The Counoil met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. Councilmen Foote, Gwynn, Hill and Jores were present. The minutes of the. last regular meeting and the speoial n:eetingsheld Deoember27th .,.,......; and January 9th WElye read. The Clerk was ordered to expunge from the minutes of Deoember 24th, the re1'erenoe made to the County supplying oil 1'01' repair 01' Rlwd. street, after whioh the minutes were regularly approved as oorreoted. Under the he ad of oommuni oa ti ons, a le tte l' was read from Lot L. Smith requast.ing that oertain nursery stoc'Js: growing dm Sea- breeze Avenue, a dedioa ted street O:L the City be removed. It was moved by Mr. Gwynn the t the Stree t Commi ttee ins peot the pro- perty and make neoessary reoommendations to the Counoil with re- gard to this matter. Mr. Hill seoonded the motion, whioh on roll oall oarried unanimously. 1.1 11 ri Hillman Carver addre ssed the Counoil wi th regard to his appli- oation filed with the Clerk :Lor pressing and dry'"'oleaning license. He sta ted too t he illEdd a ye ar' s le ase on b uil di ng 10 oa ted at 157 N.E. 4th Avenue, whereupon Mr. Gwynn moved that itinerant merohant',s " ordinanoe be vaived and regular lioense granted applicant, provid- 'f ing his establishment conf'ormed at all times with the Fire ordinanoe'; regulations governing dry-oleaning plants. Mr. Hill seoondedthe "i,"";!,' motion, which on roll oall carried unanimously. ' , , ,~ ,:i': f ~ A Mr. DavidSOn appeared before the Counoil askiug for license ,l to oP'ln a Dodge and Plymouth car agenoy and garage. He produoed a ! :two ye ar lease on the Nagle Building, Corner Dixie Highway and 1st;, .;; Street, and stated that same had been painted and repaired ready: for oooupanoy. The Counoil requested Mr. Davidson to make his ap-.l plioation for salesroom only, at this time, and the garage appli- oation later, to allow the Ordinance Committee t1m:3' to' make aertain1 amendments in the lioense ordinanoe affeoting garage businesses., 1 This, applioant agreed to do, and Mr. Hill moved that itinerant me 1'+ it chant's ordinanoe be waived and regular liaense granted applicant . "', for automobile salesroom. Mr:Ji. Jones seoonded the motion, whioh on' roll crall, carried unanimously. The appl;i.oation of Wm. W. Jackson of Ft. Lauderdale for lioense to oarry on a quiok-finish photography busin&ss on the beaoh was,,' .' , presented, and'it was moved b'y Mr. Hill that license beIlPt'"granted...',~, Mr.J"ones seoonded the motion, and on roll oall, the votEi was as, ", '.~ ~Ollows: Mr. Foote no, Mil. Gwynn yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. .Tones yes. '1 Carried. ' '. ."4".,2...,1' i ; 1 ~"" > COUNCIL CHAMBER January 14, 1935 .-q-' , ./ The applioation f'or W.F. Kraus, elated Deoember 28th for liquor vendor's lioense was reoeived and ordered filed for future a~tion. , g . i i , , , 1 The application of Joe Reynolds for beer lioense was upon i I motiO'n' of Mr.H111, sedonded by Mr. Gwynn andunanimO'uslye:arrie,d,i J ordered granted. j , An offer frcm Mr. F.H. Hl;litmeyer to purohase Lot 7, Bleok ?" I Ooean Park frO'm the City for a prioe of $15.00 per foot, wes upon' i motion' of Mr. Gwynn, seoonded by Mr. Hill and unanimously oarried, ,.1,' rejeoted. ; I A letter from L.H. Harvey off'ering to' bid on a Mint and , I repair job on water tank was ordered filed, no suoh VA:lrk being oont- . templated by the City at the present time. , i A letter from Jess C. Johnson reque sting oonsideration of ~rl'1 attaol:ed bill amounting to $1,633,,02 for arohi teotural servioe en, ",~ Projeot 50-97 was read and discussed, but, no aotion tak,en. in the,' ..,,; ;....'11 matter. Mr. Jones moved tlmdl sallE be referred to a spenal oO'mmit!.te)~; to' investigate and make report at next meet;ing. Mr. Hill seoonded, ;' this motion whioh on 1'0.11 o all, oarried unanimously. :the Cha, ill' ap-i"..i I pointed the Couno 11 a Committee as a whole, Mr. Jones mO' ~otas ' j,i ohairman of same, in this matt,er. ' .,.,' 'I' perty, d~o~f~:~ ~; ;;'Nfi~;hsi;~,;e~:1*tt~I~~1 ~~e~~~ ~;s:0~;~r~1 the S 130.1' of N 206.1' ef Etsi SBt Sec. 5; fomarly leaatedwi t ~n i the limits of the City 0'1' Delray for $114.00, the bare amount 0'1' t ~'~"; taxes without interest and fees was presented by the Clerk. Inas~l!",! :~o~h::er6~~~;i~gS d ~~r~~~~, m:~~h~K ~:v6~~; ~:i~~l;o~n t:ey::e~~~! j only, this was oO'nsi,dered a fair.()ffer frcm Mr. Hirth, and 1twasl:! moved by Mr.Gftynn that the Couno11 authorize the C~rk to remit. th,e f , int:eref;lt and f"ees amounting to $89.30, and aocept $1l4.o00 oash'in); : full settlement of abeve-mentioned taxes, this money tOe be placed! . I in the operating General FUnd of the City. Mr" Jenes seoonded thel ,1 . motion, whioh on roll call earried unanimously. ! 1; , ,I I ; ( ~ Bids 'Rere opened as 1'ollows for the oomplewion O'f the, pain;t:!l on the Beaoh oasino, inoluding inside and outside surfaoe s, ins idei .XII trim and floors as per speoifioations on file in the City Clerk's .II .""".'.".*"'''l.'t i I, j i ;11 \ ill J' f~ i . l1' 1 ,L. : i I:, i . . .q .T,W. We.shburn, R"M. Huet, Pee Wee Baggett, John I'. Thieme, $83.50 10'1.00 11,7.50 165.00 ~ ~ i? ,,~;..,.._"-- "'42~ COUNCIL CHAMBER - January 14, 1935 It was moved by Mr. Jones that oontraot be awarded lowest bidder, J . W. Washburn. Mr. Hill sa oonded tlie moti on and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Foote yes" Mr. Gwynn not voting, Mr. Hill yeS, Mr, Jones yes. Carried, The applioations of Mrs. Mary Cooke and Clara Hitt for widow's expptions were refeJ,"red to the Finanoe Committee for report. It was moved ii'y Mr. Hill, that the Clerk pay the $250.00 note and $20.00 inEllerest due Chas. Carrington Jan. Srd, 1935. The motion was seoonded by. Mr. Gwynn and on roll O'all earrie.d unanimously The "following ordinanoe was then introduoed and plaoed on its first reading, in full. Ordinanoe No. 133. Ord. Book 4. AN ORDINANCE BY 'rIlE CITY COUNCIt OF THE CITY OF DE!.RAY BEACH, FLORIDA, PRESCRIBING THAT CERTAIN 'l;'AXES .LEVIED BE PAID IN CASH, A1m J;'RESCRIBING THAT CERTAIN ,OTHER DELINQ,UENT TAXES BE PAID IN BONre OF ~AID, CITY OF DEL- RAY BEACH, FLORIDA.; AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CO]WLIECT HEREWITH; DECLARING AN EMEJ/GENCY AND PROVID- ING THAT THIS OBDIWANCE SHALL BECOME EFFECTIVE IMMI!rD:- IATELY UFON ITS PASll'fAGE: AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. It was :regularly moved, seoonded and oarrifl d tha t the ordinanoe be passed on its "first reading. "", The ordinanoe reoitingthat it was an emergenoy ordinano~,. .',' it was moved by Mr. Hill, seqronded by Mr. J"l?nes and unanimOUslY".:,.; oarried, that the ~ules be ,waived an. d the ordlnanoe plaoed on i.,tS.S.. "....'.,i Cel. nd reading and f~nal passage." Said ordinanoe was re~d in fu+l(,. < .,J:"i' tf).e seoond time, and Mr. Hill moved that. same be ado pted and passedy< as ,read. ,Mr. Gwynn seconded the motion, W:hioh,on roll calloarJ!ied;;;~ unanimously' '~"",!, t> ., . .., The following ordinanoe was also presented by the Clerk and read in full: I 3 ~ ' AN ORDINANCE O}i' THE CITY OF JJELRAY BEACH PRjj;SCRIBING ".,~<:.. ,', """""_,,.,,,. ">"'._ ..,:._.,',,', " :.".," .... .. . - ",..' .."-.-,,;.,....,.'.,,....,;,_...,, ,. .:", "", ..'y,'."....,..."...._,_.,... ,";"-".,.-. -.'V ,',' ,.0.: <'". :-"....",..: ..... .../,.<:,:': ':"';" ....: ........ ..-",<J.::'.:';'" "">.~.:..,....<-:,,. A STANDARD OF WEIGHTS ,AND MEASURES; PRESCRIBINGANIF' REqULATINGTHE SALEOF>OOMMODITIES BY WEIGHTS ANDMEAS... URES, ANI)PRESCBnjfNG A PENALTY FOR TEE SELLING'BY lW.SE WEIGHTS OR MEASURES. ' . ..:, .. ! ~:;~';_"_~,,,,~,,~,,,,,,",",,~,,"-c" ,,-~..,. '_0 ~' ~':i'; , ..q. , ,~ :,. Con. No. 10 5 5 25 10 20 25 ,-T,'"""_."""'""""'_''-.,..,' ""4'2 COUNCIL CFi)MRRR - January 14, 1935 It was regularly moved by Mr., Gwynn, sa oonded by Mr. Hill and unainously oarried that the ordinaooe De passed on its first reading. GaSoline oonsumption reports were prerented by the Clerk and ordered filed. Redua t10n in the oost of' plumbing permits was again dis- oussed and the matter referred to the Ordinanoe Commi ttee for reoomlIl'l"ndati on to the Council. Mr. Jaoobs reported that he had taken tJ:e oath of of':f.'ioe aB Munioipal Judge on January seoond and suggested that the rregular hour for Court appearanoes be recorded in the$ minutes, 'Rhereupon it was moved by Mr. Hill that, munUipal oourt be held' daily ea.ohll1fefili:~aYdexqepu(;holddiif.YSicya(t::ln.oOl'.Ailll;'''J ,}, . . until o hanged by tJ:e Counoil. Mr. JOnes seoonded theHIlIOtio~', whioh on roll oall carried unanimously. The Clerk reported payment to L'Engle &: Shands of the L following desoril'l'ed intere st ooupons speoially levied for; al:l\ounllbec(f ing to $3,675.00.all of whioh oovered past-due interest cDn bonds;,:; held by the Bondholders Proteotive Assooiation. '. 'i:i! COUPONS TAKEN UPIl'Z" CITY OF IlELRAY BEACH, JANUARY,.l*W '2nd; 1935..".,.".,',"".".,I:r,",..(';," ,::i2;:<;i? " 'Issue, Maturity Bond Nos. Amt. COU.'T~Y;' I.B. 1930 '1/1/30. 13 to 22 $15~OO$~c;lt~1 " ',t:.:".1t 7/1/30. l3 to 17 15.00 7~f! 1/1/33 16 to 20 30.OG 15~~~ $37~~,() <');1 687!.~ NQ. Coup. 20 21 I.B. 1920 19 I.B. 1923 15 10/1/33 27..50 I.B. 1926 501-525 .- ~ ':~ 2 2 15 n n 526-535 27.50 15 n n 551-570 27..50 15 n n 651-6'75 27.50 "]:5 n n 408 ",::,-" iX..:;j;j.I+':k~l:..t:: 15 n n 409-4l0 n 15 n n 436-437 n. 550~9 :~<:i.: 68'li.5 :{j '2~5 ,'" ,t,',~ , 55~0 .~<<?' 5~~Q !' ,,' };v}....': ..,'t.1/-?~; 275;..0 . ,-,; , !1;~^y\.\;:f'~i0~" ;;:~~i~1 (::, ,<'\.~,':'i:'.::;:,:irJrj~;:~}::i:;:,::: ,~;,>_ ."~,;:-',-,}:'~1f,~ ~ co, -i \ "''''--.' "....'.. '.. ""-4'2' COUNCIL C'HAMm;m - January 14, 1935 ~ No .. Cou. No. Coup. Issue Maturity Bond Nos. Amt. Cou. Total 2 15 I.B. 1926, 10/1/33 438W439 27. 50 55,00 3 15 It It 440-442 It -82.50---'-- 25 15 It " 451-475 " 68!7 . 50 5 15 " " 476-480 " ,137.50 '$3,675.00 III ~ 0,- Mr. .Tones IIDved that the aotion 01" tf).e City Clerk be approved. Mr. Hill ee:oonded the motion and on roll oall the vote was as 1"ollowsl Mr.. Foote yes, Mr. Gwynn yes, Mr. :Hill,yt!Js, Mr. .Tcnes yes. Carried. Bills numbered 395 to 468, having been O.K. td by the FinaImoe Committee 'Rere, by motion regularly m:tde, seoonded and oarried, referred baok to the Counoil and ordered paid. It \W:l.S :regularly moved, seoonded, and carried ttfat Council adjourn. m cUL IA), Ch~' City Clerk. . ,.,:' APPROVED: d, . -- 1;. 13. ~ President of the Counoil. ,