02-04-35 Adjourned Regular "~"4~2 " COUNCIL CillMBER . ~ February 4th, 1935 The., Counoil. met: in adjourned regular session at, 7 :30 P.M. with ellanoilmen Gwynn, Hill, Johnston and Jones present. Mr. Foote was absent. In the absence of the President, it was moved by Mr. Hill, seoonded by Mr. Gwynn and unanimously oarried that Mr. Jones aot as Chairman of the lDgeting. ~ The minutes 01' tre meetings held January 14th and 28th were read and upon motion regularly made, seoonded and carried, approved. The application of Mr. J. Leslie Brown for license to operate "Sandoway East Hotel" was presented by the Clerk, and upon motion of Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Hill and unani- mously carried it was ordered that i1';ineran t me3r0bants' lioense ordinanoe be waived and re gular I ioense granted Mr.. Brown~ The applioation 01' A.J. Adams 1'01' exemption of ooou];a'" tional lioense in the operation of his ~rage business, on ,the Si/:punds of. world war disab ili ty was I'ead by the Clerk.~ This Was disoussed and lioense 0 rdinance referred to in regard to same, after whioh it was regularly moved, seoonded and uti an- iIttously oarried that applioat ion be re jeoted, inasmuoh as the oity's ordinance gOV"erning license made no provision for suoh exempt ion. ~ ','.Ji Mr. Wm~ W. Jaokson appeared bef'ore the CounoilaSking ,.,., reoonsideration a'f his application for lioense to oo'ndoot a quicR;+ finish photography business on the beaoh. A ]:etition f'rom a' number of local property owners aSking that lioense be granted Mr. Jaokson was 6,150 presented and a:fter a short disoussion it was moved by Mr. Hill that the itinerant merohants' ordinance be waived and regular lioense granted applioant. The motion was seoonddd by Mr. Gwynn and on roll call Wlanimously carried. A letter from R.G. Lynn with further re ference to the desirability of' lowering the oity's water main to the fulllilellth r quired by the .GovetI1IlEnt was read by the, Cle:r:k ancl mterrecl"to.. the Water Committee. On motion regUlarly made, seoonded and carried the fol- lowing building ]:ermits we re ordered granted. . ! i 1 I ! ""..'".:t',.-.,,< i;'" ~ COUNCIL CHAMBER - February 4th, 1935 .-9 PerIni t No. 268 Permit No. 269 John Taoka berry E .M. Wilson 43 Written report of' the CoIllIilittee appointed for investi- gation of' the bill submitted by Mr. .Tess Johnson for arohi- teotural sM'vioes ,on pro jeot 50-9'7 was re ad by t-h& Cllerk-.-'Pre report re oomnended tha t said bill be not allawed, and on motion of Mr. Johnston, seoonded by Mr. Gwynn, and unaimously oarried, the oommittee's report was reoeived and ordered filed together with Mr. Johnson's bill amou~ting to $1,633.02. The Clerk reported p;iyment to the Palm Beaoh Company of the following interest ooupons oovering ourrent interest due on the Old Town of' Delray Beaoh Bond Issue of' 1925. Coupons numbered 21 due January 1, 1935 far $30.00,ea. detaohed :from Bonds 8 to 24inolusive (17 bonds) $510.0Ct Also payment to the mme people of interest ooupons , due on City of Delray's 1925 General ImprovellBnt Issue held by Palm Beach Company and specially levied for in this City'S tax levy of 1933.....1934, as follows: ' Coupons numbered 18 due 1st May; 1934 for $30.0Q eaoh~ detaohed f'rom Bonds 14 to 32 inol. (19 bonds)- $51aO.00 The CJ.e.rk also reported ];aying to' L' 'iEngle &: Shands; out ", of monies in the Speoial Aooount colleoted for them,- the fO'llow....' 1ng desoribed ooupons. fr> DATE OF ISSUE BOND NOS. Coupons No. Maturi ty i. 6 1/1/20 13~22 as 1/1/33 Y,-'..<< 7/1/25 16-20 15 1/1/30 7/1/23 16-20 14. 7/1/30 7/1/~ 16-20 15 1/1/31 '7/1/~ 16-20 16 7/1/3l 7/1/23 16-20 17 1/1/32 7/l/23 16-20 l8 7/1/32 7/1/23 l6-20 20 7/1/3S 1/1/20 . 18-22 21 7/1/30 1/1/20 13-22 22 1/1/31 1/1/20 13-22 25 7/1/31 3/l/27 77 '1 9/1./30 ' 3/1/27 77 8 3/1/31 3/1/2'1 '17 9 9/1/31 Amoun t $150~OO 100 ' 00 100~00 . 150.00 150.00 150.0CilJ 150.00 150'.00 ' 75.00 ~' 150.00 :;;;;; - 150.00';: ,2'1""50"" ,". :J;. 27'.50 2'1.50 $~,. 557.. 5Cl, ~;.~" t.}'l':' I I i,- fI,' """ .(j 1j? 00 -,", .tf~ , ' COUNCIL CHAMBER - February 4th, 1935 The City Attorney explaine d that he had advocated the Payment of these past-due oalpons out of the Speoial Aooalnt beoause tl:& Ci ty has previously taken in the bonds, minus said ooupons, and imsmuoh as the Bondholders' Committee did! not , objeotr heoonsidered it alivisabletoeall in andoanoeJ:..-theS&-.'''''.l. mi ssing ooupons. 1fr. Hill moved that ;;he Clerk's aotion in i paying said, coupons be a pproved and all ooupons 0 anoelle d. Mr. Jones seoonded the motion and on roll oall the vote was unanimous~ ,) I , Several Ie tters offering bond sat 26t an d 27 oen ts were read and disoussed and finally referred to the Finance Committee for reoOlllIlJ3"ndation. Mr.. Sterling addressed the Counoil at length regarding the exisi;ing sand-fly pest and roggested that the City take steps to ol).tain €pvernlll9nt aid in eliminating sdd-f'lie s and mosquitoes. In complian oe with M'i.Sterling's suggesti. on, Mr. Hill moved that the Clerk write a letter to Dr. HUll, inviting him to meet at same oonvenient time with the City Counoil 1"01" the purpose of going more thorou@lly into this matter and work- ing out a plan for rel1e-f. Mr. Johnston seconded the motion, whioh on roll call oarried unanimously. Otdinance No. 135. Ordinanoe Book 4. It was suggested by the City Attorney, and members or the: COunoil that the sewer, or any other oontemp1ated F.E.R..A. jeots be forwarded to headquarters immediately as all stioh re- lief' projeotsapP'lioations had been ordered in by Februa,r'y llth. The' following ordinanoe was then introduoed and p1aoed on its first reading in f'Ull. AN ORDINANCE OF THE arTY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DElBAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AMIDlDIID AN ORDINANCE PASSED ON THE 24TH DAY OF .TANUARY, A.D. 1927, "FIXING OOCUPATIONAL TAXES AND LICENSES TO BE CHARGED THE VARIOUS PERSOm, FIRMS OR CORPORA- TIONS l!\NGAGED IN OR MANAGING ANY BUSINESS, PRO- _, FESSION OR OCCUPATION IN THE CITY OF DELRAY, FroRI Iltt.~i . , ,"J,;'l <t:;;" '4 I ," . ,""" It was regular1y lIDved by Mr. Gwynn, seoonded b'y Mr..}l ! H1llt and :manimously carned; that tle ordinanoe be,pas~d"on,iit~,. :,. t. 1'irst readJ.ng. ,.. ",t I Thefollq~1ng o.rdinanoe was also introduced. anCl P1ao~d 1< i 'on its first readJ.ng, in fUll. ,'A;", ,\ , n f 1 "<t: ""',""1':"""7",,,,^,:,,,,,,,~,,"~"...,,",'''''''' ~""..' ,..,,.,,,,~,"~ '"'.' -'''','"''''''''''''''''''''',"''''''''':'' ".'''''.'',','',', ""~",.",, ~ " ~ . ~" . ""'?S" 4. comrCIL CHAMBER", February 4th, 1935 Ordinance No. 136. Ordinance Book 4. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DEIRAY BEACH, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, REPEAL- ING ORDINANCE NO. 113, THE SAM!!:' BEING "AN ORDINANCE PLACR-TG A-LHENSE ON,' DESIGNA1l'J:1i&AJifDDE8GRHHNG ITINERANT M&RCHANTS AND ALSO ALLOWING THE ISSUANCE OF AN ITINERANT MERCHANT'S LICENSE TO THE DISCRE- TION OF THE CITY COUNCIL." '1: It was lIDVed by Mr. Hill that the ordinanoe be :passed on its f'irst reading. Mr. Gwynn seoonded the motion and on roll oall the vote was as 1'ollows: Mr. Gwynn yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Johnston no, Mr. Jone s yes. Carrie d. The following o:f'dinanoe was then offered by the Clerk. Ordinanoe No. 134. Ordinance Book 4. ;1 .!" :,,~?:;,i ,{"t f~i J,J \. _.,' ~ f The ordinanoe heving been read in full the seoond time, 1'1 Was upon motion of Mr. Johnston ordered adopted as read.,Mr~ ,",r Hill seoond:ed tb3 motion and on roll call the vote was ut)animous~ 'lrf ',"lei , It was moved by Mr. Hill that liquor vend~ts 110ensebe ,1;; iSl},ued W,F. Kraus in acoordanoe with his apPlicati. on date~:pa, Oelllb, ",.,.e.t.'I..,t.. 29;' 1934. Mr. Johnston seoonded 11:00 mo tton and on rollcall tl:l$J,~;,i' vote wllls unanimous. ,..".>.1';'[ The matter of nursersr stook growing on Seabreeze Avenue ct; i was discussed and referred to the Chairman of the Street Committee' for :further reoommendation. I The Clerk, again brought up \ilia matter of:raduetio:n ,In:the 1 oharges made tor plumbing permits. This matter was mferredllol the ordinanoe committee for reoOlllIlltindation+ , " .. , ' ' .. _, ,', , " _, ' ,~i:"~::i;':,:,_<:,:,i:-:,t Permission wlIS grantell<~~ have ,the Moncrow,OalOuJa..:t.;j,ng.. "'. ;~i"i':;''''i,f''.''.'''. t. maohine in the .City OJerk's o:ffiee overhauled anil repaireli.,by a/,ycf eo~petent repair Dml. ' " . ""1 ,;:~ ; h,,-..' ~:" j" ',' I The ClerK: reported aoceptan oe; for payment o:f' taxes, of'l;Ii~: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF DEL BAY BEACH I'RErSCRIBING A STAN'DARD Qll' WEIG BTS AND M&ASURES; PRESCRIBING .AND REqUIATING ~ SALK OF COMMODITIES ;SYWEIGHTS .!ND M&AsoRES AND PRESCRIBING A PENAl['Y FOR THE SELLING BY FALSE lJEIGBTS'])R mASURES. "" "'0 "~J/'~ ....." ! ~ COUNCIL CHAMBER - February 4th, 1935 11 ; { $!~~~: .J 35.14 I 35.14 I 35.14 ! 35.14 ' , 35.14 ! 35.14 I. ~~*H -, 457.20 1;1 The aotion of the Clerk in this matter was, by motion i j ~~~1:. ::::::: ~,:: :~:.::::::::, ':::~::.:..t~:j.',..,.l' and. oeoup;ttiona1 lioenses took place. By IlIOtion of Mr.Hil.l~'" ~/ the tax oollaotor was ordered to proceed at onae with ooneotronl~; 01", said personal tax, aM :t:nstruoted to turn sam,e overtchCi.tYJt"f'.'., Attorney for levy if necessary. The mo. tion was seoond efr'by Mr..I'."..'...".. .Tol,mston and on roll call unanimously carried. ' ., .i}; ;0;. "", .~:_! 'lbere waB oonsiderab1e disoussion regardiI8 the,dnoo:n- , , venience of buses stopping at the bus station on Atlantio Avenue/i' but no aotion was taken in this matter. .,', , ,}. , f-\ following Certifioate s 01" Indebtedness issue,d to Clint Moore for the paving of nixie Boulevard in Southridge. <:> Certificate " " 2 7 8 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 40 " " " " " " " " " " , , , ia, l , ;'" Cottno;t1man Gwynn brought up the matter of hiring a mritor' I oyole patrolman, stat ing the Mayor had recon:mended suoh ac:t;ton, , in view of recent oomplaints of' breaking and entering in vafious parts 01" the City. The mat:ter wasdisoussed; but no aotion tak .. It was IIIOved o.y Mr.. Iiill~ seoonded by Mr. Gwynn and un8ll t, mottsly oarried that bills numbered 470 to las incl. bi!tyi,ngbeen O.K. td by the Finance Committee be referred baok to thifCoonc11 and ordered paid. It was regularly lIDved, seoomed and oarried,.t:l:ls,;I1,.COIlIl,c;ti.' adjourn. ;'.' APl'ROVED: iJ ,,&,(:3, "J:t~ ,President: of theCounoilo ..