02-11-35 Regular
4" ~
February 11th, 1935.
The Council met inregul8.J1' session at 7:30 P. M. with Councilmen
Foote, Qwynn and Jones present. Counc ilmen Johnston and Hill
were absent.
Upon motion regularly made, seconded and carried it was moved that
the minutes of the regular meeting held February 4th and the speoial
meeting held February 7th, be approved.
Mrs. Matilda Illsleyoame before the Council with referenoe to a
telegram reoeived, Ordering the removal of her lunoh room from Lot
Two Block One Ocean Park. She desired to know if a lioense would
be granted her to continue to operate her busine ss in its present
location, should she be suceessful in obtaining a lease on said
lot. It was suggested that Bhe proceed with her arrangements and
make application to the Counc il for lioense as desired.
, i
Sherman Rhoden introduced a Mr. Andrew Sohauder who made the':'~
Council a proposition, offering to present a Miss. Thelma How€Jin~<'\;;
a speo ial SWimming exhibi tion Sunday, February 17th, for 60% of' the+,,?,':?
gate reoeipts, It was moved by Mr. J,ones that the application~ p..i~
granted on a 60-40% basis as requested, with the un der s tar:! ding ", '~,
that the expense of said exhibition be borne entirely by Mr.,
Schauder. The motion was seconded by Mr. Gwynn and on roll call,',""
unanimously carried. '''I
Mr. John Adams appeared before the Counoil in the interest of tf).e
purohaser of the Nt of Block 127, asking that a oertain dedicated
alley, through t]]a t port ion of sai d blook be abandoned by the City,
the same to revert baok to the owners of the Nt of said Blook127.
Mr. C. Y. Byrd, owner of the property lying immediately south,
having given written consent to this abandonment, it was moved by
Mr. Gwynn, that Resolution No. 157, Ordinanoe Book 4 vaoating sei d
property for publio use, be adopted. Mr. Jones seoonded themQtion,
whioh on roll oall carried unanimously. '
Mr. Lot L. Smith addressed the Council with referenoe to de linq'uent'
taxes on Lots 13 and 14, Blook 65 and, the Presbyterian manse looated;
in Seotion Eight, both properties .of the Presbytf3rian Gh~roh,.,;,H~ .
oonsidered the Churoh should be exeinpt'._~a.t least a PID:r'ttQ~?'I'/.i,:,
these taxes he said, and suggested a Committee investigatet~"~tfe
and make necessary reoommendations to the Counc il wi th regard';'tQ~'":"';{
same. The Chairman ordered the Finanoe Committee to oonfer ,with Mr.:;
Smith in the matter and make these recommendations.
Reverend Graef asked the Council for privilege of using the NQrth :
end of the Ci ty Park Sunday afternoon Maroh 3rd for speciaLeXElroises
in oonneotion with the rreeting hereof the Lutheran young"'''p~o;re.;f aniL,
, i":,~:;;,>p' .:;:~ll:;:;'r~'
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Council Chamber - February 11th, 1935.
it was moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. G~ynn and unanimously
carried, that this privilege be granted the Lutheran Church.
Mr. Davis, representing the Orange State Amusement Company asked
for license to bring in his carnival for the week beginning Feb.
25th. The Council suggested that no action be taken in this
matter until some time with a full representation of the Council
was present, and it was agreed to consider ;"1'. Davis' application
at a speoial council meeting Wednesday morning, February 13th.
A letter from the Board of Publi c Instructi on, asking that oertain
lots appearing on our tax 1'0 1 be stricken from same, as they had
been held as school property since 1902, 51Tas referred to the Finance
Committee for investigation al'd recommend.ation.
A letter from the Federal Housing Administration asking for copies
of building and zoning ordinances of the Ci~T of Delray Beach was
referred to the Cle rk for reply.
The application of Mrs. Elizabeth Chisholm for widow's exemption
was by motion regularly made, seconded and carried, referred to
the Finance Committee :for recoml'lendatioJ!ll; said appli oation to
apply to tax levy of 1935-1936.
There was considerable discusE:ion with regard to wooden shack on
Lot 13 Block 28 colored town, ereoted without permit and contrary
to regulations and it was finally moved by ~1r. Jones that the
buildi '-,g inspeotor instruot the ovmer to remove sa id bUilding
property wi thin ten days. Mr. Gwynn seconded the motion, whioh
toll call carried unanimously.
The question of lioenses and delinquent personal tax came up and
Mr. B~~d stated that it had been necessary to levy in only two
instances the taxes having been paid in all other cases. The
Clerk also reported 100% collection on current oocupational licenses
There was some discussion regarding the City's water main across
the canal, also the matter of removal' of shrubbery growing on Sea-
breeze Avenue. In tile latter oase, it was moved by Mr. Jones that
the Clerk be ir'stl'ucted to notify Mr. Zook that unless said shrubbery,
was removed within thirty days, the City will move same. The motion'
was seconded by Mr. Gwynn, and on roll oall unanimously carried.
Mr. Foote reported that it was his intention to send City trucks to
Ojus for a oouple of loads of oold patch for needed repairs onN.E.
Fourth ",-venue and other City Streets; also that the immediate mark-
ing of parking area a t Beaoh was oontempla ted. .
It was moved that all bills O.K. 'd by the Finance Committee be paid;
ViZI Nos. 500 to 516.
It was, moved by Mr. Gwynn, seoonded by
to meet in regularly adjourned session
February 13th.
Mr. Jones tha tCouno 11 adjourn"S
at 9:00 A. M. Wednesday, '
~cU' W.~ '." ".'
City Cl~
President of the Counoil~