02-13-35 Regular Adjourned ~, t't ~ ~, ." :'i ~ 4J CO'lWC IL CHAMBER February 13th, 1935. The City Council met in regular adjourned session at 9:00 o'clock, Wedne sday morning, February 13th, 1935. Council men Foote, Gwynn, Hill, Johnston and Jones were present. The application of LeRoy Diggans to malre appraisement and assess- ment of buildings located in the City was read, and after dis- cussion, the letter was ordered filed for future referenoe. A lengthy disoussion was had as to the advisability of immediately preparing the assessment roll and Mr. Foote appointed a Committee of Mr. Hill, Mr. Jones and the City Attorney to go to West Palm Beach Saturday, Februar~ 16th, and make a complete examination of the County books, and assessment rolls with Mr. Owens and deter- mine the advisability of makin': a carrplete copy of same for the purpose of setting up the City roll in the same manner. 'l'he City Attorney reported that no personal property 'had been found belonging to 1. J. Sinks on which to levy for delinquent"" personal tax,and said tax was ordered oanoelled by motion of Co~o~~.j~ The applioation of Mr. Davis for license to bring his carnival'to the City was pre sen ted to the Counc i1. After cons iderable dis":' oussion as to the advisabili ty of Ie tting such amusements oometo the City, Mr. Jones moved that applicant be not granted a license, which motion was seoonded by Mr. Hill and on roll call, those voting yes were Mr. Hill, Mr. Foote, Mr. Johes and Mr. Gwynn. Those voting no were Mr. Johnston. The motion was declaredoarried. Mr. Johnston discussed Mrs. Illsley's oanplaint as to the telegram which she received requesting removal of her building from the Hobart lot located on the Beach. After considerable disoussion, the Couno il deoided to take no ao tion in the matter. Mr. Job.!;1ston a.sked that no action be taken by the Counoil in the granting;'iicense to Mrs. Illsley to operate or make repairs to said buildings until: suoh time as he was present. No action was taken on this request" 'v' ;,~'~' ," Mr. Foote oalled to the attenti~n of the Council the advisability of making oertain repairs and also purchasing neoessary equipment fortl1e beach pavilion. Mr. Johnston moved tha t,the Park Committee pur~has~ rive bridge tables, twen tyol:l.airs, foot,emat and:tr,ames forrUIE!S ana, regulations in pavilion also tOha":ecwiHdow -t-.. . , , Council Chamber - February 13th, 1935. If shades repaired and hung to fi t windows. Said moticm was seconded by Mr. Hill and on roll call the vote was unanimous in favor of the motion. Mr; Johnston moved that the Park Committee be authorized tohave-'" two doors in the bathing pavilion cut and made into halfdoors; also to have vent windows in shower rooms properly repaired and to have handles put on dressing-room doors. Mr. Hill seoonded the motion, and on roll call, the vote was unanimous in favor of the motion. ,..,-,-*" Mr. Troup appeared before the Council asking that they furnish him for use at the oemetery, one hundred feet of hose and also the neoessary amount of fertilizer to take care of the plarrIB and shrubbery there. Mr. Hill moved that three sacks of tankage fertilizer of one hundred pounds each be purchased and tha.t one hundred feet of rubber hose in twenty-five foot lengths be pur- ohased by the Park Committee and delivered to Mr. Troup at City cemetery, Friday, February 15th. This motion was seconded by Mr. Johnston and on roll oall the vote was unanimous in favor of the motion. ~ " Mr. Johnston moved that Council adjourn to meet in regular ad- journed session at 9:00 A. M. Monday, February 18th. The motion was seconded by Mr. Gwynn and on roll call unanimously oarried..' VlA-oJI ~. uJ. APPROVED: ~ &,f6,~ President of the Counoil. ~; ~. "4'3 , -;.j I _ __,J I J ! ,