02-25-35 Regular "-'''''''.'..'':''"'r iWJJ ~" COUNCIL CHAMBER Feb1'Wlry 25. 1935 ~. f:t T1le council"" in reguJ.ar$esslen at 7:30 P.JI. 111 tb tile ""81' and thB :r.11.wingCGll1n~llIIIIUl present: Mr.. Foeto., Mr. Gwynn; Mr. ;rohneton and Mr. JO.IJ. Mr. Hill was absent. 'fb8 mindes o:r the _etmgs held Febrtar" 1111h. 13th: and 18tll1 were read end on motion l'8sularly male, seoonud am: o~1ed, I apPl'8Y8d., I Mr. Os-n ap~819d betere the Ceuno1l. ml1uaaUng that 1:1.0"" I tee tor arohltee~s be reduced t~ 115.08 to 110.00. This ... i i:E!;::'a?=*..:::~}..:~n~' :ev.i:, ;~:i..S~:S,i.;:;:,~~,;~:, rumenell by JIr. lones. .undea by JIr' GW1JU1 that 'the Heese be ~- " duced to 110.QO, On :rell crall. these Toting yes were vr. F.ot., , JIr.. Gwynn and Mr. ;roms. Mr. ;rohnstft passed. \Jhe mot.1on .as i.olared oarried, . The appl1caUo.. of Itr. ;r.hn Yo. Hall tor 1;ax exemp~:t..n oD aoo.unt ot dis!lbllUY byll\1l!L"ortune was read bT the C.l'k$'ldre,- ttrred t. "the FinenoeCoJlm1Uee and city A't~y co.Y:..' Byrd tor co siclerat 1en.teget1ler 1fi tb. ~~her exempUen appl.1ca tifts. A petition f'rG1I1 a n1Dllber et ])alrs,. :B$aohe1tiz8118 asIJin8aa~ double ppkiDf! et nses,'.1i1$oks an4 other Teh1cles on Atlan"\lic ' J.Tenue be prohibited. w. pl"esea"ted" A leag ~,.oul5e1..J18J1811ed as '0 _thoa.to"J' "J.:leTi~..Jigo.,:. Uon onth$ 1lla1n-'~Sl'1~ ...... n..s s"h,ted ~. b~1! o!!l~"1;" hall lIloTediU.l1- j,t.Uon 11a tt..A;l"l....pHe~:r. .. .._,ell~~.rj~.~', bT.l1mi,*..~g thlt blU.. <<dUll t\U:'the"J' -.. or. ~prlf.eJ&11."!i, JIr..;rolm&Jton JIlOve.d _t ,UeS'tree1; COIlllll11;tee b,e uth"~zecl"t~'~y! e~8ht or ten leads .r. _aU ,~,k ap:re ad in the JJ.J8" beekQf;1ll@;' UOJ.d8 Bo.:i.141!lg. Sf> '1ihat'~k. 111lsht unload t~ 1Dri.ad'.~i.OI( AU_nUe 'ATenu.. ftLe mttUl!lJ1 ..as stcoJdeIl ~ Mr.. Gwynn,.'" ~Jt1':'" -..1" oarl'ie4 on ~J:1 ollli. '. ' TWo 101;1I$:ts .,:trem het;l,c1.-s .~ D&11'.y be_se:ailUrj::n8as:~ .' paymenlle of d.l1:jqu.nt1Jl~n eeupona were 1'8tenad 1a ttifl, Clil"J'lt and au,. AU"'." fer ~p:U.... ' J ..... .... . .., ,,;,," "",.~..",~-tL:',:.<~i!it0:~,<:iiJihi'{i~:k.t A ,].et'ter t'r8ll1J".B'. :~.' ,Np111~ "to ..,. "lJ,.t:l:~ ~,~e;,~~ C':I...y Clerk wi tit rett1"eJ1c.to 81"..c'lloetion o:r SP<lf'11ea,was~"")aD4: .ml'ed filed for future rete:J:eDOe. "'cO'" \ ~ " 4~. "'" ...~, COUNCIL OHAMB'ER - Feb:t"\1lU!y 25, 1935. l'; Mr. 1'ohnStoll l"8'ported the purchase e~ beach oaa1~ equiplllllDt and 1l.be oompJetionot several ."ther _an label:' i~s al1,thor!zed at previeus ~eet1ng 0t the Oounoll,He 1Ias ~ankd tuther autJ1or1 ty ti purobase twenty teld1ng _"tal o!:lid:te tria JIr. OuYel:' tor the C'alfino.. Jho. J"ehnftton .lso l"8'pftted "t;J1e .... pleyment Gt Mr. :tarey to keep the be~oh dean. .- ' 1 i I I , :~ ~ .' JIr. Feete breU$b,t up the matter ot the Ci1l1's g8.J'~1IIt tn..k. staUng tllliit it was necessary to either parella.' a ...., IIIl!ftor e1" llliive _e rebuilt and: it was sugge$tltd tJi.at the CbaS:1'"'- "':::..t the SeDUary C01lll1Uee lave 1Ir. ,uOhie A.dOal.ok 1'0 ....er 1lIl4r,1lliId!'eaa prioe on tIr,e ",building ot 8alI1e. .. City 4t._y 1'$perted: attip .. tb8" CGart a.se with IIlss HagermIljn. tlJr aami:tBUOD or the C_Dty.tne...:t',ta 1'8'O,.r4I1j.ps eto..! . and deS~d:, 'hi k,nllllr it the COlt. .o1:J.~.,h" him te..ntinue thlS W\!n"Jt. 'l'huwas d18Cllllfftd at length me it was t11'l811YiIDved: by IIi". J"ohn.ten tJi.lilt the City C1*rk be, ..... ,..:red 1lD emPloy __'7'1. to l1elP her get tec'~er. :in proper tOrJll{.,8 and inm-.Uon n.es,sary in tDe p1'8':P8raUoncltw:ae 1931S 8S8&8Sl11en't. Ifr. 1'ones ::Beeended the me1lion which em r~.l .' oaU oarriad mumilaCllll81y. '!j' !lbe Jlte.t.t,tr o. t deunll_nt.,', tjp;es on 1Ih,.,. e, C.~ty P:r;e;, ~'";':~."'.'. ter!anCkC'oh properUes ega1n oame up ter di8 cuahn nil it;>. ' , W!iS mn&ll.b~ Jho. J"olmBtO'n~..t the eh~b. "~ted exe.lll:~~B . 1'1' or to., ,8son th, ..DIliln.... p~I*r'y ~,' rei. t~,,' t~_ ...,.. ...sa a.. OClU~.. ,d'~'.' . bY.' tb8"., Churcht pr, eV.iifild S'lNrVllr', that in "lie t\l."hre f:tbe:BO. " ".. i. '..'.. rented or ,... ftr ~y Gther t.lUm ehu:I:'Oh purp..s, J1r. :r.'fllS!,! _o<uleed _he I18U~, and on roll caU ... vete qs U%IIlJt1>>lUt .,.t..'. 1n f"aw~ ot' the mot1on, "'.i'II..' ."1~l'eg~r,. d t. LOt,., 15. and :1.' Ble.' Ok.,.. 65. ~'Gl1Ii..,,~,~..,.,. "1:'\'; the e-.au:nity Church, it _s a~a lIT t.~ 0".011 to ....1> "...' 1; del1JJqllent ~d ~nent taxes en 1Ihe88 10ts Pl"1W14ecl ,.ld P:l:OI;1if"I' i8erte:red ter sale and U14 UPIIJl. ' eer1,1elSt talr oash ."b"'<,.:..,;.:..,..i\1.~,?,~;;' pr_.eds et suoh sale to be expended tflr e:r:peJ:l8e O't ale, A,lJtj? in hll .~ all Clt;.ysp8C1.J. allSe-_..n t lieu aDl...1l.J1e re*:r.pd'j , imp.Yements ,et' .hurch ~d lIlI!n.. bulldings~ .144 eanoeU.U,., or ~ _ntioacl taxes 1lo lie made wu...er property 18 .0:14,., , I \ j 1 1 ; I I 1 ( \. :'Oi, '.. '~.'><,::i. ';\' JIr, J"eh:u1ion -Tell. the, 8clollU.n e:t tOt :t.ll."iM:~~~;-;r llUen: BE I~ RESOLVlQ); By tbe- .C:S.ty COl1ul1et the Oitrof, 'a~l ,~..eh lfler1da. __t the ,q!n q""'~k ~,9- Tre!ilill:rer U.here~ lseil'l. t1"8D8ter FiIm-, BD....littdlneJ1~,..s1X' iUiel '25/1QtJ\lt.tt~,.., ',' , ,','., (.-.a5) 1'1_ em aepes1il in t.. e..bd :r.aUs~'1; ~",,::'r.': 'est ,PaJlll B.ach. in a fI1ndtlesls.a"4t<t !is "C:~1'.1!lmHl'~4lt""~"1 "flpto181 Dlpl',n_eBt li'lmd"; be 1 t tllnher ...1ye4 ,,' f, }'I; :; II . ( ! I 1.0,.1 >".;:J -1"-. ,y ~ (.1: '-y.<"..';I'" ""I COUNCIL OITA~ - Febl'Wl1"Y 25., 1~5 _tth1s"lranster be in the natunt eta t_pu..J' transrer _d a lo",n trom the lrGeDeral BeDel li'!md" _ the "$:pto- 1&1 Impr~ent Fund". ' , 1Ir. XOMS seconded the motion, and en 1'811 0&11 the met:1Cl1n was carried unan1l11Ously. Mi-. GWlDn reported the the rest :no. in the Oity Park were 1npoo:t" concl1t$on; tbat' the 1I1ndows had been bn.n .t, al.1OW1ng ref'll.se W blp in and t11,l up the drains, end .....a tat the PartkOO8l1l1"1;tee beaunCllJ:'ize4 te lieve glass _a nt-e soreening PItt in the 1I'1n40w8. . mClUon was s:e:co!ll!ed by Mr. Xones ani on 1'.11 eall tUllm1mOl'lsly earnec'h' ~ <::t.ir sug~ 8ested 1;}ll~t tbeyals'e bring in an e~~w at But ..ting.~ tie Ol\).t ot painting :rer1l1t1;ons and _tat delU"S in the blail4ing _ prevent t'u;tther rust1 ng. . .!,," .. Bu1lting Permit No. 2'78 ot S.A. War.,.. tor the ereot1_ fit a reddenoe.,on LOt 5. Las Pallllll.s was upon meUon _~17 _48; se-conded andct;1'J"la4, gran_4. ,,', A d1Efoua:1on -c.oll: ~lle With :regard" peDRitt1JJg , ,',,'..,, shin81e root's 1n the 01ty, eIldit ~s statJri the F~ Chiet' W~i';~;')", in a pOlSit$on t. 1m-on all .nquiZ\tu",... ttt *€J1Ja.t1ona in,l"e-" ,:;'~ gard te SIllll8. !he aleI'll: 19J\orted eaJ,leeUati on' ot'tJ1e rollewjug Bond # 66,,1927 SpitUal IJap1'O.....n t beue" 1Iurned 1n b1' Xohn A4ams 1n payment or taxes. Btl'Ul#176 "1tal Gen_al IapreV'ement lane" turned in by ;res XDlmsen tfiYr taxee. .us. the .o.eptanee et ... tellew1ng S811thri agePa1i1 ng c.:t"Ut:l; oates ter taxes, 1II11eh.~ lIeing held un-oanoelJ.ed by the c~tY' .. III lien against 8pec1t1cally bene:rl1lte4 preptrt1;es; Cer1l1:r1oatU Ne.. 20 te 39 and 42 lit1med 1ntorlll~n'!'> .:r IDJel'ltatlGna). .g181i~:tttr~ Cepet>aUen nxes. Cert"f:l.afl'*it).'~\i;~; N... 4, 9; 13; 37, <\ 38. ao.ept<<d in pa,mtnt e:r lite Le1l'18,t".,~,\,,;~ ~"8 ~gUlaJl"11 _ved, seo"ed anI! can1ed U:lat, the aet!.!I.,.t~l')..ii q1e':tk in aceeptanae ot a"l:leJ9'e eertit'1oates anlt eancrellatlo.(J:r'Tl:'~~i lIeappreV'ed. " ' ,."'..,..';'.1;;'1'~~"";~~~p' . ....->:"<i,'_:,"-,.'>.'; "be f'ollowing o:t'dhance we. then of'fer" byth~,C1i:irk-~i~i,,,j,. , ..m.'"re, ,..,.4. ..1Jt tull: O:r41n~oe, Ne.. UIL or,tU.nfU1oe Bt..k"",4~! ".,~.. ,..01U)~..' BJ'ftllr <tIn COUNOU OJ!' !I.'EE aITY OF DEIiRAT QA.Cm, PAPlBJ!J.t~Ji.qQU!'f.!'~'~;;;;. .....,...-' 44" ~, 'L,-;.: COUNCIL CHAl.mll:R -- :Febl'l:1ary 25. 193"5 ~ FLORIDA, BEP.E"ALING ORmNANCE NO. 113. '!'HE SAD .l3EING"AN ORDI... NANCE PlACING A LIOENSE ON, DESIGNATING AND DESCRIBING I'l'lNl!:lWl'l' ", DRCHANTS AND A.tSO ALIDWI:NG TIlE ISSUANCE OJ!' AN I'l'INlm.4.N'l' m:aOJfAN'l"~' LICENSE TO THE DISCBE'I'lON OF TIlE CITY COUNCIL".. . It,was .....4 by Mr. Gwynn. _00nde4 by Mr. ;rom8 UII una~metlsly c.r:ted 1hat the ordInance be adepted era its seo81l4 :reading. It was; mved by Ih'.;rehnstliln tbat tile t>>Jil:lmm lid, 1::_ Ordinanoe Cemm1ttee be authorized to pteoure a copy a! Miam1Beaci.t,.". 1",1Ile'ranllllle~_nt IS ordinanoe. The lliotiGn w.s SIl"colllled'b" JI1o... 3"......., and on re~l' oall umttIlDDttsl.y o.r:ted, '.'.. ''',# ~ It .as DlGVe4 by M1". ;rohnat..n, sU.J)lled l,. M1".. Qw)'DD u'fP, wuuall11Qusly 8a:n>1ed that bU18 Nos. 51'1 te 5.', l:aviq .been ap}Xl!tJ~1l by the rinanee CCIIlIlIliUee be :re'llurned till the 00tln011 and erdered pH.d! It was :regularly mved, seoended and oarr:l:ed tba"t CClQn~ oil adjaarn. '~~..w'. f-A ~J? 01 y , k.'" ., ' APPROVED: 0 ~4.1~.t~.tJ:di,%5.. ' ·