03-11-35 Regular ~. .e. ,;-< , ,~ J "'~"""""'..""""'" ~,.,'..,. &D" o 11 :it l", '~ comroIL CEAMBER , Ilaroh 11.' 1935 The Ooono 1l1l8't in ~ gul ar session at 7: 30 P.M. w i 1ih the Meyor and OOODo1lmenFoote, GTIyntl, ;rohnston and 1anea present. ':Mr. Hill was absent. The minutes or the meeting ot February 25th were read and on motion :regu1arly lII!lde, seconded and can1ed, approved. A request f'ar oocupational license by M;os. Matilda B.! Ulsley was read by theOle:rJ\: and applieation tor pa1'lllit to I enlarge her restaurant locat"d on Lot 2, Slock 1, Ocean Park, was presented bytbe Buildin~ InsPeotor, toge1;her w1thplans and speCi1'ications of' the propOlJed :repairs. the contemplated fmprovements est~ted at appro:z:1m/il.tely $600.00 were discussed at 1engtl1, 1t befng finally /lDved by:Mr. GWYnn tba t license enC! building permit be granted providing :repairs al'lt made aocording to ttJ.e plans and speci1'ioations submitted, and that the owner or agent 01' the property sign the pppl1cation also, Mr. .TQnes seoonded the motion,' and on roll oall the vote w~ as 1'ollows: Mr. Foote yes, :Mr.. Gwynn yes, :Mr. Johnston JUt" Jh'. ;roms yells:. Carried. ' , On motion regularly made. seconded and unanimou81.y oarned, parmi t No" 280 was ~ranw d Mr. Int, Babrr to re-:root with wood shiXlgles. his ,hCXlse at 175N... Seventh A"V8lltl8',' A letter troD! J6ra.. Jl'1~n<le A.&fhleckser at Mf_i win ',:l re:t~en~ to Itllawingber, "<<QW'S~B.:z:_pt1on on Proputy in' 0 1ll!Jlray Beaoh wlUt tee.cl to the Ooa:neiland raterre4 to the Fin- ance Oo!llmi ttee$'D d Oi t1' A. t 1lOrD!ll, y 1'0 l' :reply. -';((- h ~ppl1.at1on or Georgfanns. Phee:n1% 1'01' W1do~tsexeJaP-:) tion IRIS re1'e:tred to the F1n_eEl GOllIIIlittee 1'01' Ie co_eDllatlon. ~ " .. . .. ,', ~.".., A lstter from M1-lh M.C.K. St:er-ling :recollllll$ndat:n@ oer-- tainebanges'ltith regard to the sto.pping o:f'buse8 in Delray Belilch was, read by t11$ GJ,erk. Several ,or the coanoUml'ln. e:z:press~ ed the opinion tbat the P$sent parking plaoe c:reatada' t~1f:t~ hazard whioh S:!1C)111d be :te_died i1' pO;UJibls and M:t.JonEiB'(;fN; titiaUY mOVi)d tliat tl1ema"Uer be~re1'erred to the Street ,CciJlaf~. and the Ir8.1Or 1'or :recolllUltncla1;:tons. .. motion was feoQIlde4bt" ~. Gwynn and on roll call. UtteniDloa:s1y carried. . Jir'<tPort&r J!'aa~t appe_.d bef01'e' t11$ coari01l.t~jf~'i~~ bact cQnllracthd 1lO Pl1'ch$fe1'1'Om Mike BUnk lJmpertyh&'l1hgar,h~ a:rU1'Qot:l"rol1tage 1'acing GlU1~1 an4 he tlesSred to :!l:m'ltirtll8, ',:, 01t,. ~d be willing tQ enter into an agreellBl1t _re-bythe, ...'.' al.,might be h'~"lila4ett ,attllilil point; tlIe Oity suW1yingt._';:7{~Ji la'b.or, it' '!lit provi4eitb.e matel"1al.. ~i4Jwas d:1seuaaecl.,.-t l~ngll "t:!1tOO'llnc1,lstat1Xlg suOh a plan woa:ld N'QbI!lbly :recl$1"Veravorabl' l"""""""" ,. .') \... , . t\o ~ \ ~,., >'-'~'~''''''''',.""".,...,.~~'''':~~I'\' i! .....' 44e COUNCIL CHA:MBER .;.-, Ma1'"oh Ilth, 1935 oonsideration providing other property owners along the street agreed to OOD 'in on the prop_s1 "Uon; ot1lerWisa the short section of bulti1eading requeste'd ob,. Mr. J'earey would be o~ no be_fit '0 the City's Iftreet. It.. fi:ually Sllggeated the. t Mr. FeliU"EJY interView othe-r property 01ll1.rs along the Oanal -.1 th '8. vie w to making SOIl8 clefini te pro- position to th. OCllnoil in regard to $ame. rom. following ordinance wa$ offered by the Olerk and read in fUll: Ordinance No. 135. Ordinanee Book 4. AN oaMNANCE OF TEE CITY OOUNCIL OF TEE CI'l'Y OF DELRAY m:A0JI, FLORIDA, AMENDING AiN ORDINANCE PASSED ON mE 24WUY OF JANUARY. A.D~ U2'1, "FIXING OCCUPATIONAL TAXES AND LICENSES 'ID BE OHARGED THE VARIOUS PERSONS FIRMS OR' OORPORATIONS ENGADD IN OR MANAGING ANY BUSINESS, mOFESSION OR OOOUPATION IN THE OITY OF DELRAY, FLORIDA." fhe Ordinance ~ving been read the !Ileond time in tull, 1"t Wlil.$ mewed by Mr.' John$ton that saMe be ad:op.ted Itn its seconcUli reading. Mr., GlI;tnn seoonded the motion,which carried unanimously and tM' or4m~ce 1f8.S deelaxed adopted.' 'me Clerk _~'d the canee1lation ar ~he ~O:UO... lng dtrsoribed boDds PlU'dhe.sed from. Thos. M. Oook &: OomIlllt1 and retired by a'Qep~nce fqr ~e.H __ ___~ c Bl!n:I4s ntllllbered ~ to 42 o~l$l20 Gl!2f.EBAL BOND ISST.JE" 6~,BQnI1B' dUlil J"an. 1, 1930 lfith ' J"lUl, 1,1930 ant $Ubsequsnt CQl1pons attaohe4,. except coupon 26JD1$Sing froll1eaoh of U. ten bonds. OClUIlotlll' 20 and 21 bee.ring an endoneIllElnt or.I5.00 each paid ~YlOU8ly+ 'l.ba Clerk: ~r()llgh", ul' the mat_~ at: ,4elincptenttp:es on Ctltrta~n 01typ;ro~rtie",. aM Wae 1nst~Ctt.dto tllktt ,,~ it tUiyCO'QIlty texes api*e.ring _gainst theyaaht: bastn proptrty' 1:n BloCk 134. ' (. r'. " Co~.11men ;rone s,C~itman otthe, Suitary oolllllli'te..~",~~t sttlmtif;1;ed Ii llMceort150.00 h'0lll tblt Seni.. Gel.1"~t.o,<!'i!J;;;'r' b"'ild moW1' ~or g~b.gft 'rluk. Wi th:thi!t"ost ot new tire,s - . .,ac!..,d 1iOthiE!. alln8m"b~s ottl:le cr~ncll agreed a new,tJ!ttCil!k ..'. Ohae.~8 1iC111d be a more p;i!e.ct1oa).1:nV$ $_11', end 1 t1f$8,il1oved t, bYJrroi' J'ohnston that the Ol'la1t'JDaD ot thl!t~i1:ar3r croJJD1t.t,.' >;7' " "''' .<.:..", J" '. --,",'-' ,~ '.', ;' ,.. ."\ - ~"." ~,~,-'~'\"c.'C'~''''''"'1:i'''''r'''.,.....~ 41! 'fi, i I COUNCIL CHAMBER - March Ilth, ~935 ~ be author:f.zed to get ~ids on trucks, terms et.o. Mr. Gwyrm seconded the motion and on roll oall the vo"te ms unanimous in tavor ot the motI011. >> , , \, Y ~ A ducussion aros ,wIth :regard to de1.1nquent taxes and asseS81llfJnt's due on the property of the B1aoayne 'l'1"U&t CompeI1y", le"Jl!ltd by" the DeJ.toay" ~aoh 1Io1ors. and the Clerk asreod to Uc>k up the status o:t same with a view to attempt- ing to ool1&ot SOIll& or tb$se "Cues. It was moved by" Mr. irohnst(m that the Clerk be instruo.... ed to nl1>e ,a 1&tter ot th~k8to ,Mr" Senior $!ld Ifr. ~lleau tor tluU.l' eQ~peration in the matte:t" Of moving poles $!lel i:!llllta,ll- ing il~~ t()1'r1taP-ts attl:1e Beaoh. Mr. Gwynn _comed th~ moUonand on roll eall the vote was un8l11mOlls. It was repitrted that new windows and soreening had been put in at the CityPatk restrOom and that ten extra<,; foldttgoha!rs tor the \teaoh pavil.ion h'8:d been puroh&:sec1., ~..';~;M G1tylm aJ"so reported a oopyat lliami's. itinerant _rohants' ord.il. nanc=e had been prooured. 'l.Ile building inspeCltor p:resented an applicatIon tor PEl:l.'!llit to move a hallle t:L'O.lll Vif:lta OrfUlde SUbd1v1s10J!!, to 'the l'ltO,'P4t, rty ,beinSll., .oqu1re,.. ',d bY.., Mr, .', .tee:rey,T:f.z:~e N,~]!:.' .Oorner."., of Blook 12$. runtl1qlOOt North and South and 132' :last anet Wes', It was moved by Mr. J"l)hnston that ~mit be grante;cl subj.ot to the usual. condi tions required in ,the grantdng 'ot lllQVing pe:rmit's. ' bmoUon 'liaS ,.conclecl by Mr. Jones and on roll call unanimously Clll1'ried. 14'. .roms brought-up the _Uer.ofa urv1ce car tOl' use of'the Fire Ch:lfd'. stating the haM t of usin& tbe:&'1re; De~rtment 's FordBQ08ter f'ar building and e1e.~ical insplu.". 1I1ol1S by Mr.1Jookwasullw1se. 1'heF~1'$ Chief also :re:pl)r~ed this all be 1ng an objeo tionable. praotice, na.1iiD$ this. trQk, whieh carried all e.ergenoy f;lre-fighting equi.. j"t shouilll be s1latio.d at the :&'i:re Hall at all t:lmu. It ..-as stated that 110 tl1ll4s ..eJ'e avallal>~. tor the' purChase Of additional equip.. ment h~e,r. ( '\ \.j Q , It was moved by Mr,: .rom s tl1at 'b'-11s tlumlJered 550 to 594. ~ter ,_ing been O;K.'d'<bY 1He Fin.nee ,Oommittee be...1'e"~'"i' :terred baok' to the C01lncU "~d ordered paid. ' It was regUlarly moved, seooncled and oarried 'that' Council adjou~. .~"'. .1rl ~\:1~J aJ.eC;k!.r1~P ~( APPROVJ1}: cS J? t0n---t: , ' ,. ',' ~Eu;l;"lnt~1 ~ouno". .. .... ': ..' ....... .... ..:........_.:..........-..:.. ".' ._.., -'.' ". ...f.c"'......:;.,..:~/.... , '-\':'><" _::tjkt-~;,\, .I'~' ! , , ! i I '1 , , I 1935 FOB Faot. 1515.00 550.00 535.00 5'10.00 655.00 "'? .",.--- -~ ".--, COUNCIL ~~~ -- Maroh 16th, ~ Chessi s - SingJe 32%6 8 Ply 157" " "32:1:6 10 Ply, " " Dtmal 30%5 6 " " " "32%6 B " " " "32%6 10" " Chassis & Cab Single 32:1:6 8 Ply. " ft "32:1:6 10" .. ft Dual, 30%5 6 " ft ft " 32%6 8" " n " 32:1:6 10" " .. .. ft n "~"~"<""..,~ , ~ 605.00 645.00 625.00 660.00 745.00 lie li'rt. S.P. 1135.00 $65(1. n 690. .. 670. ft 705. " 790. .. '140. ft 780. n '160. " '195,; 880. Allowance on tl'Uok $50.00. 8l.eo3~on f'aotory price. uteI' t'Eue con81clere.t:ton or the abon. being alill the blds snbmitted to tlB t1ounoUliH WaS moved by 111'. Hill Ulat~ the e~f;y plU'chase f'or oash 1'rom :r.der~ Chevrolet C~:!1Y.\ tbe f'ollning desoribed t1'UC1l!. to".w1t: ChaSSis and Cabt ~l Wheel;' 32:1:6 B ply, tire" at 1660;0011 :factory Ficel Jess3~ d"acwnt,:p!l1S 1135.00 freiSht. Witll,' .': allowance ".,r 1f~.OO ror the CUy'S eld White b"11ok, and aD, otter'to 8811 it baQk to the qi ty 1'01' $25.00. 'lhia 1IlIlS tba "I lowest aDd best bid sullmitted tar the type or truok considered 1 Illostaui table tar the Cityts requmme:nts. JlJ:1'. J"ones seooiHled il., tlle motion whioh carried unanu.ulifly. ' It was f'l1rther m:lved 1IJ' Mi.-. Hill. seconlled by Mi.-. ,J"on~'~I': anI! un,anim0l1S1Y carde Ii tlu!t ~M.s truok be desi gnated a water.i:;,:'.: and sani tl'U'Y truok and be pn-ohased f'rom money in the Water'" '(',; Departme:nt :&'nnd. ",. _' " . '~ft The:Bl1ilding InspeotdF SUbm1tte4 to the Counoilfcir ;~f approv.al an8,J;tp;J.ioaUoDf'or- ~ild1D-g permit tl'Om the Nal3"."" Realty Co !il)4.Y' Uter due considentioa aDi( IDI1ch d1.80U..10:n '. as "to inbugemel1t on the Ooean Boulevard by said bu ild mg,'f i ~ was Il10vedbT Mr. Hill, SIlconfed by Mr. GWynil "Chat 1'e'que,stfril. bulld~B Pe'-.itbe grant~d Mi.-. .ON$i1.;l ,r1tlt tllelli:lllei'"t~"il1g I "/lIiat~El eny dU not re:Qogr.lil~... grant Bft!.<< ~m1-r: if' ~ t "n~~d' OD flhlil OceanB~l!lTe,rd nght;.:.of"wIilT."'" same i."noWi 'dedio~"ted;and that; the g~ty, did not waive oJ"je~:pa:!,'tl,i~;~i~~, ..:i rights in and to niddeil'fCatedr:l.gl1t"o1'-way or Ocean B~~v~rd.;il ~emotion was W18D1lllQu$ly oQr1ed.. L.t I C\. bo" 'f P 1< Ifh " C;(~:,\ .",.'.',\ x'~,;,:',_,-.:,_,}' ,-;~ ~.BU.1ld1n8I~fPect'r ". alm>' .P__ct;"t,o ,f;_"ce1ti'~~'~!i!'~'" that H~~~ Hi61ey had .'.o~d IS t_pol'ary bu1;};<<in8qn hi.prct..."t pl!l:J;'lI:rloeated on tliQY. 500' 9r ~.O,h J.ot F~(.h'~~. ~.~d I tbir <:~"ll.tQ1' 1nstnc'\li,OtUl in Xi'e$ardto Sl.'Ql[Q;,. .];t,1f.'a'~ed ,! .by ~.. ,;ro~n f$!1d Ifecodted ,.,. JIio. Gwynnthalll the :Bl1:tlding [ ,.1 "i' 'J o \ o ,.; '.,.1 + ;'. i~:f:. y ,$, .' '. .~ , :j:~,';