03-16-35 '1' I) ~ ~. O. ,1..' ; <<..: COUNCIL CHAMBER -- Maroh 16lflh. 1935 :tnepector grant 1;emporary pemit, allowing said "temporary buUding to remain t~~ 1'or a period of' siX months and in the even't, Mr. HigJ:.ey dld not apply 1'01' permit, that b:l be brought into oourt 1"or violati on of the building ordinance.. The motion was unanimously <<tarried. At this tillle Mr. JOhmrton asked to be exoused and le1't the mee ting. It was moved by Mr. Jones and SBoonded by Mr. Hill that the Fire Chief be 811thorized to pm'OhaSB neolSsary trame _terial to be ued' in the C'onstrtlotion ot lfOod IDa ts tor the bathhouse and :r;avUion. The motion was unlm1m~B;1,y oarried. 1t 'Was regularly moved, .conlfeli and carried that Counei 1 adjourn. VY1'~W.,~~,~ City C e~.;; ;' .'.; APPROVED: . Q . ~, ~~n(3ot'~noii.' " . ! I I . .. f ii:.'1;,