03-25-35 Regular '~'~~~"",'~1~1<'"''''','",'"",,,,/=,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,~''''~'''~W'''J'.:~,,,,~",,,.....~,~.:,:.,,.,.,:-..,,,,,,...-,.,...,,,,.,,...,-.- ,- __,n 'P'-"_n"_r~n_n nn"~,__, _ ~.~~'n~, '''i:OU. Jot, I, ~ r COUNCIL rn Am:n!:R Jlaroh 25, :t935 The counon me1; in regu!a~ se salon at 7130 P.M. with the Mayqr, Coanoiblen FC10tep G..,nn,' .Tolms'ton and ;Tones present. Counoilman Hill was absent. Q: 'fhe, minutes or the regn!ar meO'ting 01' Febru/U'y 25th and the special meeting held March 16th were :read and on motion regu- larly made, seoonded and carried, approved. A OOlll1llWl10ation tr()JI c:t tizems and bl1sine ss men 01' Ddray requesting the Counoil to pass a new itinerant merchants license ' ord:tnance waaread by the Olerk. It was moved by Mr. Johnston that this matter be tabled until a later date 1;,0 allow the peti- tioners and interested Plrties to eonter and make suitable reoom';' _DIlations to the C:ounoil. Mr. Gwynn S$coIllled the motion and on roll call the vote was unanimous in ta101' of the' motion. A petition was presented by the Reereat~on Club asking the Cquno11. ta permiSsion to raise Club fees f'or m&n to $2.00., ' This 1I1E1:~ter .as Il1I3CllIssed pro $ndeon by Ule C~nciJ. and,members 01' the 1fe ere ati on C:lubwho.re p:relJent, it being finallyinoved by Mr. JohnstO:n that permislJiqn be granted. The mo1iion was SElooncIed by Mr. Gwynn and on :0011 call "\Inanimou/tly oarrielh :'.,.' ,__,~:':~'p'~ Complaint was ente;recI by 14". Crego regarding the lqoS8:!fj!; paP01's8At1'Ubbiashbeing b~own !>>,"ound private lawns and p~mi.aes.:;;'/ f'ram..tl4a?:eiltgrctClllry s1x?res and b"\Islmss h~ues in the viefni~yS";' of' Swihflon and Atlantio AvenU$, and it was mOVed by 14". Johnston'~ that the 0b41nnanof' the S$ni tary COllllIIHtee oonrer with Roberts Grottery and other stores in, the vioinity wi th ~ Tiew t01'ltmedyine the Clondi tion. Mr. .Tones s&oondecI "the motion which on roll oil],l oarried: unanimously. A 14". EUgene Bf>tz of' Monroe, Michigan, e.ppetp"edb$fore,'. tb!r Counoil sflatins he was O!t':Der ot t:l:tteeu thouSllDd dOllail"sw01."~~; of De1.ray Bonds, and de.ired to know what was the present, POSS:l;";~;f, biJ,.1 ty for payment of' interest whioh hed been delinquent, tor the'~~' ~,st"fiveyears~ ~. Be,tz w,as aSsured he' wouldreolilive"the ,~lII9.i eonsiCIflre.t:1on as other'liondholde:t'si:t' proof' of' owtlersb::l:p""IlS~"''''''\,.,:~ satisf'aotonly presented to the Oounoll. This he agreed to, do.''!! 'Jhe City Attorney adVised 14". Beta to wrUe him ~ let,ter in que stic 1'O11ll ;regarding Delray's Bond situ~tion, whioh would be an8Wered~ii anll.:the desiredin:tormatton f'wtn1shed, to the bee'll.of his abllltl~;' ,.~:):. :~;-.;, / . . ~ .. .,.", '<) i , ~ I Q,"-' t' ~. " ~^"'""''''' 45 COUNCIL C'RUIRll:R - March 25, 1935 "Mr. R.C. MoNeill presented a plat of' Nassau Park ~b- ( division, on South Ocean Boulevard, being a re~subdivision ot ) what waS' previously, known all part .01' AsbmoyParlf He:l,ghtsJ "A.$'Ilel"'L- considerable disdussion it was mutually agreed to defer action I on the approval of fllid plat until e; later date. TlJe. fOllo'Ring resolutions presented QY the Clerk, were upon mo1lion 01' Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Johnston and unanimous'" ly carried, deolared tuiopted. RESOIDTION 1'10. 158. AUTHORIZING; DIRECTING AND ORDERING FLOJiIDA POWER &: LIGHT COMPANY TO DISCONTINUE Tl1K15l5 (3) OVERHEAD BRACKET TYPE STREET LIGHTS IN TIm 01'1'1' OF DELRAYBEACH,. FLORIDA, AND TO RE- CONN.ECT ~, (3) -"WHITE WAY" TYPE STBEET ' LIGHTS NOW INSrp~T,T:RD IN DRLRAY BEACH, FLORIDA,- THE SAID "WHI'l'EWA.:Y" '1'!PE STREET LIGETS roBE IlECO~CTED AND SERVE]!)' IN ACCORDANCE WIm THE JmNICIPAL ST.HE1:!JT LIGHTING AGRE1!MEl.'lTDAT. 'J;'1lE 'fiD DA~ OF A~T; l1l29, NOWm ;:J!'~TBE',l,'W.KI!il'l TIm enT OF DELBAY BEACEANDFLORI!l&POV/ER &: . LIGHT CO~J,NY, AND SUPPLm/lIltNTARY AGil:Im.mNTS T.BERE'.l'O;' IF ANY, AND CONSTI'.t'U'J.'uIG 'I'm: PASSAGE AND AllOPTION AND: THE DELIVERY OF A CER'J,'I:r.r;ED COpy .01" '!HIS RESODU'l'ION TO FLORIDA POWER &: LIGHT COMPANY. AS A WRITTEN NOTICE TO AND AN OnDER UPON THAT CoMPANY TO D:ISOONTINUE SAID OVER... BEAD BRAC:KET 'nP.E STREEt LIGHTS AND 'ro lIlECONNECT AND SERVE SAID ,qmom WAY" TYl'.B STREET LIGHTSOl'wJ!UI TEl!.' SAID AGRED4EN'I' AND SUPpT.~TARY AGREEMENTS THERETO; IE'ANY. , RESOIDTION N:O.. 139. DESIGNATING, IN PURSUANOE OF SECTIONS 3 AND 4 OF Tim. ~Ut'.I:''"'''l!I':'''N1IlARY STHEl!iT LIGHTING AGREl!ImNT DA.Q'!#D i'B1t9'PH'DAYOF J11L~. 1984;NOWINEFFl!:CT-",' BE'.L'lY.JSlSN'I'BE CITY AND FLOBIm POWER &: L,IG:a'1' COMPANY, CER'rAINST.ilEM LICUlTS T6 BE RESTOtED 1ro SmVICE; :nnmc31ING''l'm: CITY qI,~ TO DELIVEn A BEBTIFIED COPY OF THIS RESOLUTION TO FLORIDA POWER &: LIGHT COMPANY. . ...... "~";r,1'",,fH""':':;:-'~" ",', ", ""^"i':',;~~,:'"",,:.:,,~,,' ',,,"'...,-,, ~. -p"~",-" '""'~-5 COUNCIL CHAMBER -- Maroh 25, 1935 ,i) The Clerk presented th. f'ctllowing Hat of CaDoeiled Bond oouponll paid to L'Engle &: Shamll this month. 11; was moved by Mr. Johnston.' seconded by Mr. Gwynn end UDattimously carried 1;hat the Clerk's action in paying and oanoelling llaid ooupons be approved. ISlRle 4/l/26 " It .. It It It It It It 1926 G~. BOND ISSUE OF $900,000.00 COUPONS SlJRRDDERED MARCH lilt, 19115. Bond No. CD CouP. , Maturib 4 75' 97 1'7 10/1/34 "95,,:,99' '3 17 10/1/34 lCn.,.lQ5 102 1'7 10/1/34 Il1.,.120 5 1'7 It 181-183 83 17 It 191--192 16 17 It :).93' 17 17 It 194,.195 18 17 It 22:b-225 31 17 .. 226-235 78 17 It Amount $ ,,2f,50l, '137~~~\ ,13'1 ;50\ . 2'1r:t;;OO '. :l~~'fbo~' '5~O" .2"~~0 , ~~~OO'! 1.3"'~ 15M ' 2~5~OO . . ...' . ,," ~.'c, " _. $ 12io.Ol); ~. ':,', ;}t, -' , .~.'.., ~ -" r"','. ,~-- I ~i# c~~rll1iiD" J;91Wt-ei'h"pnllebt.eda _~f;I.1l"~PQrt,j;l~ierij;. t11e-~if~." Jlilii:ee1lli5pt~"';P~Q''t:10~'Or;"th''1(' ". ' ,ill. ;11~j;;7;j'$aj;'d're;' '}~ port "Sh",,!ng a Ioss'af"$S2.Zl'tClrtbe t:tU!'tle'bel''t!ii(h:t1;A~ tn' the, {. nmr. !he CounoillUe:o'U.sed tbe adv~abUtt1 of' IIll1kil1~ aneW t' c~ntraot .~by the pot:!. maraager would _!lefTe aU ",v:eDues~tl"'l HOClllle ;reIlPons~ble ~w an exP8.S8 in the'o~1"~t10nor thePQ01~'i Jrt) ao1f~o_ was 1laken 111 'the lllaUer howeve:r. !h. memberll, were ot f - oP1n~ott ~so tha t $C). Ohanae should .1>e me.de 111 "!ib#" e~eCltJ'11', 0.1 w1riDg arrange.nt a"C the C~no to reduoe the' coat at, OU1"..t~t :rent ,OJ;I the light meter egret the _sident at- the GOun()U atggelltQilf e4, that n18 IIl8tter be left i1i the bands ot the Light OOJlllllittee ,!:C, to. work out . to best advlll11tage,It waS"JIloved by Mr~J"oh118tC)llFl" ""oluted b;V Mr. GwY:nn and unmd_ullly oar:1'1&4 tha t tht~'blf >don~,t"'. COUncUman J"tlh118ton oa1le4 on tb.e other :mea~r~. tor >a4:~i; "He in 1'e'garci to mOving the new wh11le way poles a 1It,118' Be.ch,ti.~ r . :, :;::t:::e:~~ i~:!~i'::::o~~~gP=::ak::~l~B~:()~,.{i' b'Nke.a llT motor! 111s~ It was SIlggu1led by Mr. Gwynn~q:,otb.e1" "~;'''' _lIiber8 ot the Counoil tha1; 'thellfil poles be moved tQ1lhe, We.llt Si, ,... of' the sidewalk. . " ' '.P.I t'\ ;,.,.-- ~ . ,. '~. f i' ~""':"'-"'''''".:._'' ~ ~ t t i ~,,.. ~'i , '" "' w'~"~'-".}>5'~ COUNCIL CHAMBER -- Maroh 25, 1935 'lhe Clerk, b~ ing questioned as to delinquent taxes on Iots 8 & 9 Blook 84. stated 13m had wri tten Biscayne Trust, Com;pany regarding Salllt but had had no repi,y to her letter; wher.""'] lipon Mr. ;rohhlitton :llI:JTed thEi t the O"lerk notify thesepeople'-tliat-:7'. unless taxes were tak. en care of, foreclosure proceedings wau~!}J ..'.' be instituted by the City. Mr. Jones seconded the motion, wh~h':,: on roll oall oarriea: unanimously. l 2' 'j~t!t) The C1E!rk reperted that Erelinquent County taxes we!'E! ; t outstEUlding against a nUlllber of Ci1y-awnedproperties and dEls1Jt~lS: to know what tm Counoil w;I:shad to do liboutthese. She was i~-~i:f, structed to write the Clerk or the' Circuit Court regsuoding anY".i'~~' taxes Ulegally levi8'd, requesting that sae be canoelled.U,V' A bld rrom O.D. Priest was read offering to furnish'e,jji. r.',Q ok fo.r bU,lkBe a. ding purposes, _ ,'Bh e lett,er was ordered, riled ~o'.'I',':*"',,' future reference if' the City deoides to let this work out on\lti, ,"', tract. Mr. Foote suggested that the City bu1ld or purchase a", , barge to 1'!nish this work themse1VE!s; and in this connect1o~t<:,' Mr. Byr4 statE!d the County had an idle barge which might bE!'ustfa:}~: ''lfl)r ~11if work and U was suggested that Mr. Foote and MJi'. Bl!lk.:rt~ get in "tOUCh with County O"01illDissioner POlftum or ;rake BOYd1~,ant;~1: erton. to borrow or purchase sane frcm tm County. This 1l1'+'~.o..I' ,1.'".. ~eed to dO.. ' .....,\ijt' -- , . \ - ,..}.~; -:","r:lI'\; Counoilman.;rQIleS reportE!d "the'pa:r~ SEI of CheVrl)let:I}' truCk,' a:if authorizEli: btthe, Oopnell a. t their $. eting or, JIlUoOh'16,..' at a Ilet oost or *'31.. qe1)!g $1'1.4& under loW bid. The t3mOk', , ' QIiI del1ve:red Mon41l7 l8th,- and Mr. Baker bad the 014 buck bpdy/hJf, paInted an4 re-1!ned With oorrogatei iron and in servioe pyrn WEldnee/lay. '~,"' ~t lIU moved, SElco:nde4 and carried tba t bU.1.s JnumbereJ,'tf 596 to 619,. having bee)! O.K.'d by tba Fltnanoe Comm1 ttee,' bere"':l.,!,', te:rred bllOk to the Oounoil and ordered pa! a. ' ~,!; ~':_:li:: ii, i'~ . -'--YV;ta 21;)C1t~~T"'J.' !'f:,'..,~.'" "'-:-~:l] 't'i l.%i .,.. ;,.~ ''''''if: :l'~';,;{ t f};r~ .1", It WIIJI reguWly mond.seoonded am oarried that Counoil adjourn. APPaOVED: {l . .... ..6.A.Jr~ J?:!felil1dfult o~the'OOllnolJ;j " .