04-08-35 Regular
ANi! 8.' 1935
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Tbe' COllnc11:met; in regular liJession at 7:30 P.M. with
Couno1lmen Foote. Gwynn. J'oms and J'ohnston present. 'lh8
Mayor and Counci.lll1!ln H111'appeared later dttring tbe 118"t- ,;
1ng. h Cit.y Attorney was a::bsent.
The minutes of' "the last regular lIlI!Jet1ng helcl Ma1'oh 25th
were read llnd !'ipproved on 1Il0t.1on regularly made, seconded
and oarried.
An a.p,plication t'rom the WOlll8n's Club ask1ng :that ];er-
mission and free lioense be grantedOpa Looka Zoo for a iay's
exhibit,ion in Del:ray Beaoh was mad by the Clen. Inasmuoh 'li,
!'is a peroentage Of the P1'$ceeds were being dona'ted to t~
W(lII!8ll's 01ttb, it was moved by Mr. J"olinstonJthat tbe reque~
be grante4. Mr. .TClm s seconded the motion" which on roll
call oarried unan:l1llOtte1y.
. .PJill1oaUon of' Mabel Nathan for Widow's eXEmption
on 1934 taxes was upon Illot1on regularly made. seconded and
oarried. re ferred to the Finance OOlllmi ttee ror reoonmandat$on.
Upon being qnutl.o.d. COundlman J'ohXlatonJ'ftllll>rte.
thlt pro(1ts on the sllt_ing pool.c9noessions toda'lle, ~unt...,
ed to tM..,f30aC<<lording to reoordS kept 1:or the put s1xIllonths
by t,hlit manager of' tile pool. Mr.J'Ohnston stated . had no
.I'OJiIJDEIndations to ll1eke regarding the f\1ture leasing of' the
pooil. 'Ih.. waS 130118 diBeussion along this lim but no action
Was taken in the matter.
Dr. W.O. W;l.lliems apJilsazed before the Council asking,tl$t
hil!l 1934 taxell on tile Sl 0:1' Block 140, East of CaqlRoadfb&
redl.lCled on....tI11J,'d. ahting tl111t tbe Government R/W 1'orc~aJit "
widening had .bsorbed that much 01' 8eidup:o:perllyo In'eompl1!'ince.,
.. th Dr. W1l1iellirs' reqwat. it, Was moved by Mr. ,~ that ,the
City ~leJ'k get IiJOp1es o1'cm,rnlDllnt Pilats,lIhow;l.ng the,CanaJii., . ..'
r1Sht-01'..way tbrOugh De!;ray"'8.~. end make prOper'ex$ll1p"'~~~',>",,<;
due Dr,. ,W111;1._s and other property owners on p:I:'Opel'ty deea:.e,,~~4
1'or Canal I1ght,,01'-way. the motion waw S8'conded by Mr. 1U:LJ::"\;:i~;:,
and unlUl;lllOllfIly oarried. :,:;~;
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Dr. Williams aI.so sulmi tted a te~tative proposi tion Hi]
where. . bY. oer t.ain deli nq,u.en t..t axe s, 0 we II b, Y"him wo uldb ecan 0611ed't.'.i.....'.,'I.
in return for his consent to a right-ot-way in front of' his '., :;
Canal property, for a publio street. (Dhe matter was tisoussed ;;j
by members of' the Co~noil and it was finally moved by Mr. ,Uil
G'Ry:nn that the C"i tyClerk and F"ina,nce COnIIBittee work out a defi~~
n,.ite' proposi tion w~-th Dr. ,Williams for ,oons1de ration b1l' the}!.l,.'.,..;
Counoil II. tits next IlIeEl:ting. Mr. Johnston seoonded the motion Ii;
whiOh oarried unanimoulfly. ."
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Two rela,ted agreements I1"'ovicHng for ct;he oon~t1'l1.otiO!lt
of a private boat slip and the bulkheading of oertain l?ro~rty 1:
on the oan,aI. owned by Louis l!r'. Voorb9is was pm sentell and re ad ,,"
by the Clerk. It was moVed by Mr. Jones that the C1erk+ anll
Mayor be, authorized anddireoted to exeoute and deliver said<,
(lon1lraots. The motion:wasseoOndedb"1 Mr.HiU and on :roll. c~. '.
the,"tot'e was as f'OllOwllt Mlt.Foote ~S'~1". Gwynn no..J,b:!iwa;c>l:ljf"
ston no, Mr. Jones ~If, Mr. HiLl ~s. ~ motion was :d.eol~f$If!, "
oarried. ' " ;-!
COUNCIL CHAMBER -- .Lpr:tl 8, 1935
",', ',_ ....,.', " .... ',' ".,_";'_~,-.--\C;;7:;~~,i;"f-.
Conncil:iD.an 'GWylfI). reported that Prot'esao:t'Landfn:,~II;;;
re(ueated tha1i paiKingSPMe bereSEl:r,V'ed on the EastS'id~of
Swinton Avenue1.'01'thep;ll"IUng 01.' 80)11)01 busses. and 111''':.lIs
~egul~r1.y lIloved; Seo(1l1ded .fI.nd ca:rr1edllba:1i Mr. Baker be in;"
st1'tlPlled W IlIU'k Off the des1re:df!pace as designated by Mr_
Mr..r9bns'Conobjectedto~e ptesent praotice R':e:.
working out&lZinquent water b1Us, stating t;b.at this priv11eg
was b$ing ab,sed by SOllll', and moved that 11'11 such applioations
110 WOrk, befloPP1'Oved and passed upon by the CounoH ,in re gular
$essionf b,etore permUsion be g:ranted" '!'he m.otion Whioh was
'$eoonded by M:t'. Jonelt, oarried unan~ously.
oa'motton af' Mr. aill, seoonded by Mr. lJwtnn and',
UD.lU1i1nQ~lyaa:r~ed, Bui).dingPerm:it NO. 296 "a. granted '!VII!~
VI,l:lO!!ltle11'Q:l.Ut~0t1on 0.1' a re~dEmce on his pl"oJerty on the
,Q"08!Ut. Boulevard. ,',,'
- . .~ 1
7be1l'ir&' Cl1ief J!'eqt1e ate d a domtio:n frOm tl:le Coo no ifl
110. hfllP>'ElefraY Et:xpfifnses, of' i'ir&'lIl$n attemting, the Fi;re Co~,",ntioJ
~~;a12~et6~:~:1I~~~~::r~~~~ee~.::e :. t~~~~~~ti~~d) ~
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$25.00 for Fire College at;tenCla:nce. the moUon wasseOOMed-tt+-.
by Mr. GWynn and on roll call unanimously earried. Lei! I
~ need of' a Zoning Ordinancre was 8'Ressed When 1t HI ,I I
was reported that oertain objectionable buUding features nHI
were being permitted. Mr. F0,ote stated the only way to, regu.;..IIW
lateSSlll5' was by passage of' a zoning ordinanoe. After' con...' ,!'rf
S.iderable. diacussion it" .as finaUy moved by Mr. .Tohnst.on.,.,' II U.',ll.'
that there ,be a speoial meeting of the Coun411 i'!lesday night. fit,
April 16th., ror oonsideration and passage of a %loning Ord1nanp:.tll
and thet the Publio be invi"ted. through 1lhe DeIray NIt_',to ! 1;;
attend this meeting. Mr. Hill seoonded the motion whiohoar-!!Ul
ried unanimously.
COUNCIL CHAMBER -- April 8,' 1935
,~ in!
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The Mayor in'troq:ue:ed a lorg discus/U,on :relW'ding :re""pil!
11'"et, app rop:%!, ia t1, on ,f'U. nd s.... t he.m,an,.ne,' rot. ilia ',k insa. PP.l1,c.a, ti.o.".n.,......:ro,',... t"l..',
same &0. and it was suggested l)ythe Pr'ea14enfi that the Mayo I
investigate furth$1" anCf Elscr8aotain tlut propel!" prooedure to.ado '
in f,1l1 ~g .' da ta a,n d, ap .,PI, yi.ng f'.O"r, rel".1e, .'.f,.,m .on,.,e, y 1'0 rlo o'al p.,~.'.'.".:#..,.".c.' .....'1,..,......1, ':'
Uwas :regu1ar~y~lfd', S$:o,onded and c:arrted that: "
Bills numbered 620 to 6Ui; having been O.K. 'Ii by t.he li'inanoe
Committee. be :referred back to the CouncU and ordered paid. I.,!
It was :regularly l1J)"9'ed.. $fj(l:onEYed and>, o~r1'1ed that
Counc:t:t. adjourn and meftt~ 7:30 P...M. 'l!Uesa~. A'prU. 16jrhfo
oOillJlderation 01' the proposed Zon1ng Ordinance.'
C) .
Ci ty Clerk.
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Pre:t:~e~io'Aht~' ,..