04-22-35 Regular "'~,..",...-. ~ 459 COUNCIL CHAMBER <')t April 22nd, ]9 35. t The Counoil met in regular sessian at 7:30 P. M. with the Mayor and all members of the Coune il present. ....._ The minutes of the meetings held April 8th and 16th were read, and on motion regularly made seoonded and oarried, approved. Applioations of J. W. Meroer, David Sims and J. E. MoNair, to work out water bills were presented by the Clerk, and it was moved by Mr. Jones that same be referred to the Chairman of the Water Committee for reoommendation to the Counoil at its next meeting. . The motion was seoonded by Mr. Johnston and on roml oall unanimously oarried. ~ Mr. George Carr addressed too Oounoil at length in regard to method and oost of furnishing a zoning map for the City; also the preparation of applioation far government permit to estab- lish bulkhead lines along the F. E. C. Intraooastal Canal right of way. After disoussi on it was moved by Mr. Jone s that we. aooept Mr. Carr's proposi hon to do the neoessary engineering and seoure government permit for ellltablishIilent of bulkhead lines on both sides of Canal through the City Limits for a ' prioe of $150.00. Mr. Hill seocnded the motion whioh on roll oall oarried unanimously. It was regularly moved and oarried that the Street Oommittee be appointad to work with Mr. Carr in the seouring of said perm! t. Mr. carr's proposal to furnish a zoning maPluitable for publi.., oat,ion and reproduotion purposes, was upon mllltion of Mr. Jones, seoonded by Mr. Johnston and unanimously oarried, ordered re- ferred to the Finanoe Oommi tteefor reoommendation baok to the' Counoil. " I ,.-.4 I I j I I I , Mr. Carr submitted for the Council's oonsideration Government . applioation, end plans pertaining there to marked "Proposed ,Bulkhead in oonjunotion with slip adjaoent to Intracoastal Waterway at Delray Beaoh, Florida, Applioation by L. E.. Voorheis, Aprll l7th, 1935" for a War Department permit to oonstruct a bulkhead around a boat slip and to dredge said boat slip, the dredged materials to be deposited shoreward on the property of the applioant, said boat slip and bulkhead to be oonstruo1;Elilq!).,,\ Lot 19, Blook 1~7 ofBle.nk~N1oholsSUbdivislbn' of Delri:i:Y"'~'e'(:i:cni'i"t.", Florida, ,adjaoent to the Intraooastal Waterwav (Florida East Coast Canal). ' .'" :'i*1Y;~'- ~ Inasmuoh as the work oontemplateddid not interfere with any" plans for work whioh the City:,/iuthorities now have in view, it was IlIOved by Mr. Hill that. the<qwncil waive all objeotions thereto. ,The motion was seoondedby,Ml'. Jones and on roll oall oarried, unaniinously.\,,' ' ;'<~'1\;,;:. ';,C"C':','.,, "",~"'~-""'''''-''''''''''''.'''''''''''''-'''''-'' "'" Counoil Chamber - .pril 22nd, 1935 Cont. "" Mr. R. C. MoNeill presented a plat of Nassau Park Subdivision, being a re-subdivision of the property formerly known as Asbury Park Heights. After examimfltian it was moved by Mr. Johnston that the submitted plat be aocepted and approved and th~ Mayor and Clerk be authorized to affix their signatures thereto. Mr. Hill seoonded the motion, which oarried unani- mou sly. The Municipal Judge reported -that he woold be absent from the 'Oi ty' on the 24th and 25th of the' month, whereupon the Mayor agreed to aot as JUdge during Mr. Jacob's absence. It was reported that Mr. Carrington had agreed to disoount interest on the City's two hundred and fifty dollar note he holds provided the Ci ty would payoff the note at this tiIll9, whereupon Mr. Johnston moved that note be paid and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to aooept satisfaotion of Mortgage. Mr. Hill seconded t~emotion whioh an roll oall uarried unan- imously. ,~ The Building Inspeotor submitted applioation for permit rrom Naeoo Realty Company ror additional oonstruotion on their property in Blook 133 to oost approximately $300.00. Mr. Gwynn moved that applioation be granted but the motion was lost for want of a seoond. It was then moved by Mr. Johnston, that if application be amended to ocmply with second fire zone re- quirements that the Fire Chief be authorized to issue the re~ quested permit. Mr. Hill seoanded the motion whioh on roll oal~ oarried unanimously. The BUilding Inspeotor was instruQted to make permit on the soreen oonstruction over the patio to .. read "temporary". 'I}; On motion of Mr. ,Hill, .seoonded by Mr. Gwynn and unanimously oarried, permi t No. 303 was gran ted Reynard Realty Company for oonstruotion of a $11,000.00 residenoe on Lot 2 Blook EPalm Beaoh Shore Aores. There was 8 short disoussion in regard to widening and improv- ing Andrews Street and in oonnection With this, Mr. Johnston moved that the Chairman of the Street Committee be instl'uoted ' to get estimates and gigures as to the probable cost of pro- Viding a twenty foot passable right-of-way along North Andrews Street. Mr. Gwynnseoonded the lIIOtic:n and on roll oall the vote was as follows: Mr. Foote pass, Mr. Gwynn yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Johnston pass, Mr. Jones yes. The motion was oarried. It was moved by Mr. Johnston that the servioes of the Guard at the'beach and Mr. Larey bediscon,tinuedafter' rirst of May. JKr. Hill seoonded the motion, whioh on roll oarried unanimously. It was moved by Mr. Johnston that Mrs . Sophia Frey be g~anted free oonnection and water servioe at her home. Mr. Hill . seoonded the motion whioh on roll oall ,oarried unanimously; -Couno ilman Johns ton sta tedthat rigl;i;I1:"'Of-:Wl1Y deeds had not bee n .~ 46<< ............... ". '-';"""'''''~'''''"'''''''-'-''''''.''''~ . 461 C' Counoil Chamber - April 22nd, 1935 Can t. :;.J obtained by the Ci ty for the laying of sidewalks in front of the old Putnam property on North Swinton Avenue, therefore the sidewalks were on private property, but that the present owners were Willing to deed to the City a seventeen foot strip on the East side of said property for right-of-way purposes provided the City, in return, would oancel assessments for this sidewalk improvement. It was stated that several suoh instanoes 4ad oocured throughout the City and that this was a fair and suitable oompromise to make wi th prOperty ()WllerS fjf sucli'.oa13es:...,---- It was moved by Mr. Johnston, seoonded by Mr. Hill and unani- mOUSly oarried that the Ci ty oanoel sidewalk assessments in return for right-of-way deeds ~ property onwhioh sidewalk paving is la id, A verbal offer from Dootor Tuoker to purohase Lot 20 Blook 100 for $500.00 oash was disoussed and it was moved by Mr. Johnston that the following resolution be adopted in regard to ssme: BE IT RESOLVED by the Ci ty Counc 11 of the City 0 f Delray Beach, :Florida, that the offer of Doctor 'l'Uoker 110 purohase Lot 20.. , Blook One Hundred, City of Delrsy Beaoh, Florida, for the oash purohase prioe of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00), be acoepted and approved, and .'-~ <? BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that said sille of the above desoribed real estate be made SUbject to all unpaidmunioipal taxes and' assessments, and also sUbjeot to all State, County and Covern- mental taxes and assessments; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and the Ci ty Clerk SJi'e hereby authorized and instructed to execute a Speoial Warranty deed in the name of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, oonvey- ing said real estate to the said Dootor C. D. Tuoker for the oash oonsideration of F1VtrHundredDbllars ($990.00), said oash oonsideration being the highe13t and bestbidInade for ,. said property, d:ter due considerati en.) The motion was secanded by Mr. Jones, and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Foote ho, Mr. Gwynn yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Johnston yes, Mr. Jones yes. ' Carried. The Mayor brought up the matter of C. W. A. projeots, stating } that at this time a short term projeot of six or eight weekst. was required. All members of the Counoil were of the opinion, .'" ,\' . that the Sewer Projeot was the logioal one to start work on and i', it was ntoved by Mr. Hill that the Sanitary Committee be appOint.... J/' . " , . "".,'(t' ed to work Wl th the Mayor and C. W. A. "Offi oials on thlS pro- .".,,>/f, jeot. Mr. Gwynn seoonded the motionwhioh oarried unanimousfy';"" ,.,,~ . ~, Right-of-way deed to the lJi ty from Lothar Hotfman to the N.17 'i,;, of Blook 148, and deed from H. J. Sterling to Blook 37, deeded for playground and munioipal purposes were Presented, and on motion of Mr. Johnston, seoonded by Mr. Jones these were aooe;tl1;ed and, "'dered placed on record. R"orJ.,J ..Jpr 1I~ 3S"( ,.J J'" .,;,,' t} '.~'"",....".,..,.."."^:.","",:,,,.,..,,,.,.,,,,....,....,~~ 4~ ~ Counoil Chamber - April 22nd, 1935 Cont. ~ Mr. Hill brought up the matter of appraisals on bUildings and improvements in the City, preparatory to ~ setting up the 1935 tax roll. .ith the assistance of one Councilman, he stated, an~appraiser had agreed to do this work at a prioe of twenty-five oents an appraisal. After discussion, it was moved by Mr. Hill that we em!)loythe Diggans Realty Cdmpany to appraise all buildings ani ot lE r improvemen ts on real estate looated in Delray Beaoh at a oost of twenty-five oents per appraisal, oompensation for same to be applied in payment of past due, ourrent and future taxes on real estate located on ~t .Four .Blook One Hunared Five vested in the name of Winifred Diggans. Mr. Jones seoonded the motion, whioh on roll call oarried unanimously. .. The Clerk reported a balanoe of $1,397.96 in the O.T.D.B. Bond Fund, whereupon it was regularly moved, seoonded and carried that the Clerk write the Palm Beaoh Company and ' enquire what oonsideration in the way or interest would be allowed i.f the City paid off Beaoh Bond No.8, due J-qly first, 1936, at this time. The Clerk reported oanoellation of Bonds numbered 95 to 99 inolusiYe, with all unpaid ooupons attaohed exoept No. 17, (gOO M 5i%General Improvement Issue of 1926). Alsopaymeny to L'Engle and Shands of current interest ooupons No. 17 off bonds 251 to 3l0, 402 to 407, 409 to 410, 436 to 442, 451 to 480, and 501 to 535, (gOO M 5t% General Improve- ment Issue of 1926) amounting to $3,850.00. ' And to Palm Beaoh Company of CoupC>n .No. 19 off bonds 17 to 29, {80 M6% General Improvement Issue of 1925) amounting to $390.00. It was moved by Mr. Hin that the Clerk's aotion in paying and oanoelling said bonds and ooupons be approved. ' Mr. Gwynn seoonded the motion, whioh on roll oall oarried unanimou sly. The City Attorney reported briefly on his trip and meeting with the League of Munioipalities at Tallahassee, the various bills the league proposes to introduoe in the le8islature eto., stating that the league was doing good work, which should be of great benefit to small towns and oities like Delray Beaoh, and he considered the organization merited the finanoial suppor;tof suoh oities and toWlis. It was moved by Mi'. Johns that the City send a $25.00 danaticn to the ]"loriOO League of MUnioJpalities in reoogni tion of the benefi t and servioe they are rendering. Mr. Jones seoonded the motion, whioh on roll oall aa~ied unan~ously. It was regUlarly moved, seocnded oand carried that bills ~ '~""!:'.'''''''''''~>:'''''''"'''i'''''l''''''''~5,~ t> Couno 11 Chamber - April 22nd, 1935 Cont. ''1l numbered 643 to 652 and 654 to 670, having been apgroved by the Finanoe Committee, be referred baok to the ounoil and ordered paid. It was regularly moved, seconded and oarried that Counoil adjourn. .<'>-: " YfOL w,~~ Ci ty Cler . APPROVED: &.f3.~ President of the Oounoil. I, cq v 463