05-27-35 Regular
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May 27th, 1935.
The Council met in regular session at 7:30 P. M. with the Mayor
and all members of the Council present.
The minutes of the meeting hela May 13th were read, and on motion
regularly made, seoonded and oarried, approved.
The Clerk read oommunications between the City Attorney and Mr.
yeoman's, president of Zook Nurseries in regard to the dike t~e
Government proposes to extend along the East line of Canal ~igh~~
of-way, South from the Atlantio Avenue bridge through Seotion 16.
It was generally oonoeded by the Counoil that the City had no
further action to take in the matter, and Mr. Byrd agreed to
answer Mr. Yeoman' sle tter aooordingly.
A letter from Doctor Tuoker offering a price of $650.00 for
warranty deed and olear title to the awning shop property was
read and it was moved by Mr. Jones that Dootor Tuoker's offer be
aooepted, and the following resolu tion adopted in regard to' same:
. . {
BE IT RESOLVED by, the City Counoil of the City of Delray Beaoh,:'
Florida, that the offer of Doctor Tuoker to purchase Lot, 20 Bloo).c
One Hund;f.'ed,. City of Delray Beach, Florida, for the oash purohase
prioe of Si<r Hundred' and Fifty Dollars ($650.00), be aooeptedand
approved, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the above desoribed real estate is'
oonveyed to purohaser, free and olear of all County and State
taxes, and all Munioipal taxes and improvement liens, and
BE IT FUR,THERRE80LVED tbat the Mayor and the City Cjerk are
hereby authorized and instructed to execute a Speoial Warranty
deed in the name of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, oonveying
said real estate to the said Dootor C. D. Tuoker for the oash
oonsideration of Six Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($650.00), said
oash oonsideration being the highest and best bid made for said
pro~rty, after due oonsideration.
Mr. Gwynn seoonded t!).e motion, and on roll oall the vote was as
follows: Mr. Foote no, Mr. Gwynn yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr;.Johnst
yes, Mr. Jones yes. The. !notion was Clar't'ied'.
A written request was read from Mr. Chas. C. Turner asking tba t
the City doria te money in support of the local Diamond Bal); Team,
and it waS moved by Mr. Johnston that we donat,e $25.00 to this
o rgan illlla ti on;
It wasals,ol'e9orilvJended and moved by Counoilmtili Gwynn tba t a $25.00
donationbemB,de<to the looal Boy ScouritfLto,~id in defraying
Council Meeting May 27th, 1935.
the expense of a trip to Tennessee which the Troop intend making
in June. Mr. Johnston seconded the motion, and on roll oall the
vote was unanimous in favor of the motion.
There was a brief disoussion in regard to establishing zone limits
for Delray Beach oolored people, and it was moved by Mr. Jones
that the Chair appoint a oommittee of the Counoil to meet with
oertain of the, (Jolored people for ,the purpose():f' wCJrking out!;L_"'M'__
plan Whereby zone limits may be established dividing the colored
and white sections in the City. Mr. Johnston seconded the motion,
whioh on roll call oarried unanimously. Councilmen Hill, Jones
and Johnston were appointed on this committee.
It was also moved by Mr. Johnston that Block 37 be designated as
acoloTed playground, and that, with the oonsent of the donor,
it be named Sterling Park. Mr. Gwynn seconded the motion, wh'1oh
on roll call carried unanimously.
Applications for the management of Delray Beach Casino were reoeived?)
and read as follows:
IV. D. Hollenbeok
K. E. Holloway
Frank Ryan
Gilbert J. Davis
F. P. & Inez Morgan
Frahkli n E. Hagerman
R. L. Smith
Viotor Croft
, Unsigned applioation
Mr. Gwynn said the committees most interested in this appointment
were the Park, Sanitary and Finanoe Committee and he therefore
moved that the Chairman 'of these three be appointed a oommittee
to investigate all applioations, and report baok to the Counoil
wi th it s. recomme nda t ion. Mr. Hill se con de d the mo t i on, w hi dh on
ro~lcall oarried unan imou sly.
A letter was read from MIS Frank Pasohal request'ing partial re-
fund on two ~onth's pool tioket due to dissatisfaction with
service. It was stated that the dissatisfaotion arose beoause
of the refusal of ,the attendan.t to allow fami:tY,servioe on an
individual ticket and it was moved by Mr. Gwynn that this'lady1s
money be refunded and the Clerk write a le tter explaining the
matter to Mrl':I'.Pasohal. Mr. Hill seoonded the motion, whioh on
ron 0 all oarl'i~d unaIl imou sl y .
The following applioations to work out water bills were allowed
by regular motion of the Counoil: W. H. Brown, W. A. Larey, J.
J. Simmons. W. C. Turnbull's applioation was not allowed.
Counc ilman Johnston reported that another whi teway ligh t had
been deliberatly broken on the Beaoh by unknQWI:l;parties, 'and
reoommended .that the Counoil grant the .Mayor.cauthor~ty to, hiJlle
someone. to. wa..tcli for suoh offenders. IntJ:ifa0.cregilffiiit:;was;:
,~','j-;'<;' ~-',;:;i,,';,::"':" -, """",:, ;' , ' _ ,,:-" ::",:; :,,',':"::-'::' -'J>-~,:" :,L_:" ,,',,:'-:':' '<>:
moved by Mr.,'G:i'1:y);:m,that the. City offE;lr ,af:\;:ell;.?6l:;118;r~,r\l,vy,aId;~or
" """", Jr/i,,',':-(Li),' , .-,"' ; - ',_'_; ;', ".':;<_,:'.~;"'''',>),'ii..~~t,?:;~~ffi~~_:t~~~;~;'Zl)R:!f~;z<;)t~'~<:1~::t~:"'-:~_::/,':/
""'..<.W", ,....,~'~,.,.~."'"
Council Chamber - l[ay 27th, 1935.
informa tion leading to the arrest and c anviction of anyone
destroying publio property in Delray, especially on the Beaoh,
and that a notice be inserted in the Delray Beach News to this
effeot and also posted on the Beach pavilion. Mr. Jones seoonded
the motion, which on roll call oarried unanimously.
The Building Inspeotor presented the following applioations for
building permits, whioh were by motions regularly made, seoonded
and oarried, granted:
No. 316 C. C. Hunt: Remodelling and making addition to his
home on Lot 16 Blook 3 Dell Park, at a cost of $3,000
No. 318 Eliza Pryor: Ereotion of 4 houses on front of her
property in Blook 21 @ a oost of $500.00 eaoh.
The BUilding Inspector was also authorized to have oertain forma
printed to be used in oonneotion with building permit applioations.
It was moved by Mr. Hill, in conneotion with the proposed zoning
ordinanoe and building oode, that a nommi ttee be appointed as"-'~
follows to draw up and present to the Counoil, for approva1, a
workable building oode: Mr. Samuel Ogren, Chairman, 1. J. Sinks, F.H,L;..
John I. Thieme and L. W. 'ook.
It wasllloved by Mr. Johns ton that the City Clerk prepare a list,
as submitted by the heads of the different City departments, show-
ing the various two-week periods desired by the regular City
employees for this year's vaoation. Mr. Hill seoonded the motion
whioh on roll oall oarried unanimously.
Mr. Johnston stated that 'the Citizens Golf dommittee had made a
drive and obtained over a thousand dollars ~rom Delray Beach '
people towards imprOvement of the Golf Course and asked the City's"
help in hauling marl to the course. The Council agreed to donate
the use of eity truoks and drivers f'orthis' purpose at s,uoh times
as Mr. Baker oould best spare them.' "
Various new laws and proposed bills were disoussed by the Mayor
and Counoil, partioularly House Bill 1390 and Senate Bill 790.
The Counoil eXpressed themselves as opposed to these two bills
and Mr. Jones'moved that the Mayor, City Clerk and City Attorney
be instruotedto send wires to the President of the ,Senate and to
the Representatives protesting the passage of sallle.Mr. ,Hill
seoonded the motion, whioh on rolU oall oarried unanimously.
Tl;1e Clerk reported the PUb~:\.fl,l,1:tjfg~1C,~st of a neW supply. of, ~dy:er:-, "
Using booklets and in oonneotion with same the Chair appointed
the Finanoe Committee to work with Mr. Hand in the prepare. ti on
of data and outs for these booklets.
The Clerk reported oanoellation of Bonds numbered ,45 to 50 in-
olusive, with all unpaid ooupons attaohed of the'900M 5i%
General Improvement"lI3ssue of' 1926, and it was moved by'.Mr.,Jone s,
seoonde<fby Mr. Johhston and unanimously carried th!it'the1~Clerk's
aotion be approved. " ' :~rli;;'::i{ I
: :'~~;;' '>;0;; I
Council Chamber - May 27th, 1935.
The following requests for widow's exemption on 1934 taxes were
by motion regularly made, seconded and unanimously oarried not
allowed for the reason that sadd applioations were not made prior
to making the 1934 assessment:
Mrs. R. H. Butler
Mabel Nathan
Mrs. Mary Cook
Mrs. Madge N. Grant
Jonnie B. Samuels
Mrs. R. B. Hitt
Mrs. Elizabeth Chisholm
Georgianna Phoeni~
Irene Burrows
The Mayor addressed the Council stating he was desirous of haVing
oertain bills affeoting Delray Beaoh I s Charter passed by the
LegiSlature - one to re-distriot the City and another abolishing
the eleqtion of a Mayor by the people and providing for his
eleotion by the Council from one of their membership; also making
the offioe of Chief of Polioe eleotive by the people. Thls was
disoussed pro and oon, most of the Counoil expressing their approval
of these Changes but stating they believed more time should be
taken in the preparation of suoh bills than would now be permitted
before the close of the Legislature. It was finally roved by 1[1'.
Hill that the Mayor's reoommendations be oarried out, but this motion
was lost for want of a second.
On motion of Mr. Jones, seoonded by Mr. Hill and unanimously
oarried, the following deed was orderedaooepted and plaoed on
record: RjW deed from D. 1. MOrrison to City of Delray ,Beaoh.
Mr. Foote stated A. J. Hillard wished to buy the, c~ty's old White
truok and would probably supply forty piling at $:(.20 eaoh in '
exohange for same.
The Committee then adjourned to 0 cnsider the SWimming pool
applications and upon its return to the Counoil Chamber, it was
moved by Mr. Johnston, Chairman, that ~r. K. E,.HQ1~()way be
employed as managei.!:-of the pool, 'In assume lI1isd]:lctiesJune 1st;.
Mr. Gwynn seoonded the motion, which an roll oall oarried
It was moved by M;r.GwynIl that bills
by the Finance Committee be returned
numbered 5il5 t(r-714~ 'O'~K'~'d '
by the ,Counoil and ordered
It waS regularly moved, seconded and oarried tl1ai;
il adjourn.
Council Chamber - May 27th, 1935.
President of the Counoil.
(l-J . ~~._c-
Ci ty Cler .