06-10-35 Regular
June 10"th, 1935
The Council met in re gular session at 7 :00 P.M. with I
the Mayor and Councilmen Gwynn, Hill,. Johnston, and"Jone-s"pl'ef&nt'r-'~-
Mr. Foote was absent. UD\moilman Jolmston aoted alif Chairman, I
Pro Tem, in the absenoe of Mr. Foote.
, I
The minute s of the meeting held May 27th were Ie ad,
and after amending the building oode oommi ttee to inolude the
name of F.H. Link, too minutes were ordered approved as oorreoted.
The Clerk read a la tter from the manager of' the Florida
sta"te Fire COllege solioiting the services of the Fire Chief to
disouss eleotrioal hazllllrds along with the demonstration of.."too
Eleotrioal Board. Chief' Cook stated re had also been :r1El,lluested
by New Smyrna to give this demonstra tion. It was regulEl.:rly moved
-by Mr. Jones, S9conded by Mr. Gwynn and unanimously oarrie'a: that
these requests be granted and Mr. Cook be allowed laaveo! absenoe
during Fire College week provided he oould arrange to have, tbe
assistant ohief take his plaoe and- sleep at 1ihe fire station~
during that time.
It was moved by Mr. Hill tha.t permit No'. 320 be granted
,A:"E. Gason :for the ereotion of a gara~e anCl filIing station o:r:i
the Soutbwest eorner of Blook 108. 'I1:be' motion was seoonl1ed by
Mr. Jones anCl on 1'0-11 oall the vote ViaS as follows: Mr. ,Gwynn yes,
Mr'. Hill yes, Mr. Johnston yes, and Mr. Jones yeS. Carn'ed'"
By motion-regularly made, seoonded and unaniirlouslY
oarried, permit No'" 321 was granted Arthur Gove ,for alter'ations
land additions to his property on Lot 24 Bl~ek 5; DeU:Park, pro- ,
viq,ing the front line of his house oonformed wi th neighborin~ res!""'
denoEls and his garage be ret baok the full five feet from lot l:lne,
required by ordinanoe. '
The Chairman of tbB Sanitary Committee reported that
fif'teen laborers began work on Friday on the Sewer projeot.
It was moved by Mr. Hill, Seoonded by Mr. .Toneatha:t
the follOWing appl1ea ti ons to work out 'Rater b:tllsbe allowed:
.Tas. Free'~l L.E. Carver, C.B~ Banks, ,Q;,:I;+, Martin,; and Meroer.
Mr. Frank nest applipation Was nC)t alloWed."",
Mr. Jore s stated there 1Illis agi ta t10n aIllOng tal'! Ill!lr-
COUNCIL CHAMBER -- June 10th, 1935
ohants for the passage of an Itinerant Merol:ants Lioense Ordi-
nanoe, and he moved that the Counoil meet in speoial session
next Tuesday at 8:00 P.M. for disoussion of this particular
matter. Mr. Gwynn seoonded the IIDtion whioh oarried unanimously.
It was ordered that the n:erohants and oitizens be notified and in.;.
vited to attend this meet'ing, through the n:edium of the Delray'.
Beaoh News.
The neoessi ty of drawing up a oontraot for the new manager
of the swimming pool was emphasiz~d. The Chairman of the Parks
Commi ttee and the City Attorney agreed to pre pare BUoh a oon-
traot for 'submission to the Counoil.
Mr. Jones moved that Bills numbered 715 to 731; hav~/l).g
been O.K.'d by the Finanoe Committee, be returned to the CoUncil
and ordered paid.
The Fire Chief" asked instruotion of the COllnoil regard-
ing'the sale of fire works wi thin the City 11mi ts this ;;ear, and
it was moved by Mr. Jones that the City abide by the ordinanoe
barring sale of fireworks wi thin the aity limits. Mr. Hill
seoonded the motion, and on roll oall the vote was as follows:
Mr. G1fYnI1 ye::r, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Johnston yes; and Mr. Jones yea.
, ,
A letter f'rom Shet'if"f' Lawrence asking f'orthe fi,Illtnoial
assistanoe ~f the City- in the re-esta15lishmen t 01' a Fiuglll'/Prini>.
BureaU for the County was read; bu t aotion was deferred in this
matter until next meeting.
It was re~llirly moved, seoonded and oarried that Council
Yn o-L' W"~!MM,*
'City Clerk.
~ 0 ~)
Pres.i dent
Council. Pro 'Tam) ;