06-18-35 Special .,......"._._'__:c~..^"'..._',.,._'_.~__~~ , ~ COUNCIL CHAMBER June 18, 1935 i ,..-j The Counoil met in spe oia;l se ssion at 8: 00 P.M. with the following members present: Mr. Gwynn, Mr. Hill, Mr. Johnston and Mr. Jones. Mr. Foote was: absent. 'j ':',. Permit 11325 to .Toe Prie s"j; for house and garage on Lots 26 &: 27, Blook 7; Osoeola Park~ i I I 4 I , The following building permits were granted by motions regUlarly made. reoonded and oarried: ' Permit 11324 to F.W. PixIE;Y; J,':'room dwelling<.on Lots 5 and 6;' Bldek 118. Permit #527 to Reynard R~aHY C9., :for o~banas on his-property;' Lot 2,' Block E,' Shore ; Aores,; , , " c' 6t" Mr. JohnSton, who aoteda:s Chairman,' }1ro Tem,' tmn ann nc..,. ed, tf).at, the meeting !:ad be,en ealled for, the PUrpose of allowin. c tl1e nerOhan,ts and oit izen$ at ,DeJ1'ay Beaoh to express tf).~~r,Vi"~"i oro:t':t'er sUggestions as to the aaoption of an Itinere.ntMerClha:r,r~ Lioense Ordinanoe for t:his City. ' 'c, II i ,{t Mr. Cbas. Tu:rner ,Mr. Abraham Geqrge, Mr. Zuckerman, Mrl. Weinerman, Mr. Ho:Uarn and, other m:trahants of the town WI'1:rEl P~"'i I"l$nt and a;r.l expressed themSelves as being in f'avor of' thi:l'ado)?H t:ton of snoh an, ordinancE!. It was:, f'iria!:l;y re gulltrly, moved and! c .' . ... .' .'. ." ..... ...... '.' .'. ..... .f oa.rrie<l thl;l:t t:he OrdinanCe Cql!lmit;tee and City Atto:rney draw up,; an Itf:ner,ant :MeroJ:lfl;tits Lie'enSe Ordinanoe fOr adoption at a futilre meeting of the Counoil, sevei'al of the me:rohants agreeing to 1 ,!ss1st the oommittee by proouring oopias ot like wdinances from; other nearby oities. ' i> , I I , ~Clg ~ .~~:. ,,; , it'" "l&1'k~" "4",14>'"", . .01'. . .... t' . i,; . \\ !'~ 'lihe:re being no furthet business, $etipg a<<l!lourned. ,'" , ~ .c"'/ ., .. ,,' . '.Tem) ~it.> ..". ,0 . thE! Counoil." . if