06-24-35 Regular
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June 24th, 1935.
Council met in regular session at 7 :30 P. M. with the Mayor
the following members of the Counc il present: Mr. Gwynn,
Hill, Mr. Johnston, and Mr. Jones. Mr. Foote was absent.
The minutes of the last regular meeting and the special meeting
held June 18th were read and by motion regUlarly made, seoonded
and carried, approved.
A letter was read from George W. Carr, with referenoe to the
City's applioation for bulkhead permit through Delray Beach,
whioh letter recommended that no bulkhead oonstruotion be per-
formed until said permit had been granted by the Engineering
Department. The matter was disoussed, but beoause of the exist-
ing emergency and the neoessity of proteoting Canal Street and
the bridge approaoh it was moved by Mr. Gwynn that the City
oomplete the twenty feet of bulkhead immediately South of the
bridge but that all further operat!ans be disoontinued until
permit is granted. Mr. Hill seconded the motion, whioh carried
unanimously. The Clerk was ordered to advise interested parties
of the oontents of Mr. Carr's letter.
A formal demand from E. B. Whitoomb asking that levy be made in
our 1935-1936 budget to oover bond' interest due him, on the same
pro-rata basis as the Bondholders Committee and the Palm Beach
Company was reoeived and ordered filed for future consideration,
when the budget is prepared in September.
Mr. Joyoe, representing the State Liquidator, appeam-ed befor.e
the Counoil requesting adjustment of ourrent taxes on the Alterep
Hotel. After disoussion, the Cha:ir oonsented to appoint a
oommittee to look into the matter and agreed to advise Mr. Joyoe
before JUly 1st as to its deoision.
Mr. Joyoe also rell:istered formal objeotinn to the proposed
ereotion of a gaaage on property adjoining the Alterep Hotel,
stating suoh a busine ss would be ob jeot ionable and a nuisanoe to
the I Hotel.
. ,
Mr. Johnston reported thatrio oontracit'had1)een :prepare&;' air yet;""";
for the manager of the pool. In regard to admission prices, he
also stated, that no price had been set for an annual family
tioket, and asked permission to inolude same in the sohedule of
prices as follows: Family ti~ket for six months $17.50, and for
one year $30.00. These prices were agreedtGl by the other members
of the Council.
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Council Chamber - June 24th, 1935.
Mr. Johnston stated that Mrs. Holloway had offered to make
draperies for the lounge room of the oasino if the City would
furnish the llliiterial, whereupon it was moved by Mr. Gwynn,
seconded by Mr. Jones and unanL,-,ously oarried, that the Council
approved this, and appropriate the sum of 07.00 for the purchase
of said drapery materials.
It was moved by Mr. Gwynn, seconded by Mr. Jones, and mnanimously
carried that the action of Mr. Johnston be approved in granting
children of the Methodist Intermediate Camp forty-five minutes
daily due of the pool for a five oent admission fee during their
convention here this week.
The Clerk was authorized to order two gallons of'hypochlorate
for foot bath solution at the pool.
The Clerk reported that deal had been closed ~ith DootorTuoker
for the purohase of Lot 20 Blook 100 and that the bet proceeds
of sale amounting to $492.99 had been allocated to a Library
Fund as previously ordered by motian of the Counoil.
'rhe Clerk also reported the payment of $2090..00 current interest
to L'Engle & Shands and the cancellation of the seventy-six
ooupons as follows: Coupon No. 17 due Ootober 1, 1934 off bonds
408, 551 to 580, 601 to 635 and 676 to 685 of the 1926 General
Issue of 900M dollars.
It was moved by Mr. Hill, seconded by Mr. Gwynn, and unanimously
carried that this aotion of the Clerk be approved. ",
Mr. Hand submitted tentative oopy of a booklet suitable for the
City's publicity requirerrents. After discussion it was finally
moved by Mr. Jones that the City order Ilrive thousand of these
folders at a prioe of $17.50j and that proof be submitted to
Council for approval before final pr:inting of same. Mr. Hill
seoonded the motion, whioh on roll calloarried unanimously.
Certain Legislature bills affeoting municipalities were dis-
oussed espeoially with reference to homestead exemption and
appointment of a delinquent tax adjustment board. In oonneotion
with the latter, it was moved by Mr. Jones that' a reso'lution be
drawn by the City Attorney naming the Counoilas a Municipal
Delinquent ll1ax Adjustment Board and that the Counoil meet in
speoial session for the purpose of adopting and ordering the
posting of said resolution in order that this board may function
A leng disoussion took place in regard to personal taxes whioh
still appear unpaid on the 1934 roll. It was moved by Mr. Hill
that the Clerk be authorized and direcilled to prooeed to ool,leot
said personal taxes in suoh manner and waysprovided..by the
Charter and ordinanoes of the City as she oonsidered best. Mr.
Jones seconded the motion, whioh carried unanimously.
It was mO'1ed by Mr. Jones that the Mayor
be authorized
'" ""-"~482
Counoil Chamber - June 24th, 1935.
and directed to Yiri te a letter to the Automobile Tourists
Association, Cincinnati, inviting this body to hold next
Season's :Clorida oonventi on at Briny Breezes Tourist Camp.
Mr. Rill seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
It was regularly moved, seoonded and carried that the words
"Delray Beach Pavilion and Pool" be P!'iinted on the municipal
casino, and that this work be given to the lowest and best
bidder. Mr. Johnston agreed to get prioes from both Mr. Smock
and MacLaren. ~'
The Council approved applioation of Mrs. W. S. Jones for free
water service, also the following applioations to work out
water bills: W. A. Larey, S. T. Carver. Ap~lioation of C. B.
Hearst was refused. No aotion .ms taken on applioations of
J. W. Mercer and W. C. Turnbull.
By motion regularly made, seoonded and oarried, Resolution
AREA WITRIN TIlE CI'IT" was adop ted.
It was regularly moved, seoonded and carried that bills numbered
732 to 751 inclusive, having been O.K.'d by the Finance Committee,
be re turned to the Counc il and ordered paid.
Counoil regularly adjourned.
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City ler.
President 0 t Council. Iqlo em?'